“I Hate Taylor Swift!” Trump just tweeted.

I have no idea why you’re trying to define what wins and loses an election and holding Republicans to your Democrat beliefs.

How did that work in 2016? What you think is a bad move might resonate with people. You’re pretending to be some political analyst here trying to assist the GOP? LOL… you hate them, and you don’t understand them at all. You label them evil because they disagree with you.

You’re making post after post, and it’s just silly
Why can't you answer the question?

Here, let me make it easy for you.

In 2020, Biden got 81,232,000 thousand votes and Trump got 74,153,000 votes. In the electoral college, Biden got 306 and Trump got 232. The votes needed in the electoral college to win are 270 votes.

Taylor Swift has approximately 150 million fans of "voting age" and here are the cities that have the most fans (by number 1 to 4 with 1 having the most fans)

1) Minneapolis, Minnesota
2) Los Angeles, California
3) Arlington, Texas
4) Nashville, Tennessee
There are 7 states that are key to the electoral vote and one of them is Minnesota.

Texas and Tennessee are considered red states with Tennessee being the home State of Taylor Swift and having the 4th most fans. Tennessee voted 60% in favor of Trump in 2020 but per capita, 57 out of 100 people in Tennessee are fans of Taylor Swift. In Texas, the number is even higher as 63 out of 100 people are fans of Taylor Swift

With all of these facts in play and considering that there are 52 states in the U.S. and if you divide the states evenly for Taylor Swift fans, it means that at least, there are 3 million voting fans in each State. Given that Minnesota, Texas and Tennessee have 3 of the highest number of fans, it means at least 9 million fans but since there are more in these 3 states, it would be easy to guess that at least 25 to 30 million fans live in those 3 states. If 57% of the people living in those states are fans and Trump alienates them because of his stated hate of Taylor Swift, it would be safe to say that there could be as many as 12 million that would vote against Trump in those states simply because of TS. With Trump losing in 2020 by 7 million votes and now Harris gets an additional 12 million and them being in key states, is there a chance that by Trump saying that he hates TS, that it could swing the election against him?

Whether it does or it does not, it is just plain stupid that Trump alienated all these people against him because of his stated hate for her. If I was a Republican, I would be cussing Trump because of this stupidity.
/—-/ To make America Great Again for my children and grandchildren. I’m at the last stretch of my life and am well set up in upper middle. There’s not too much democRATs can do to harm me unless they succeed in gun confiscation and seizure of my assets.
Does that mean you don't care who wins in November?
She doesn't have a clue because she is so far totally incompetent and without a single original idea and will not express now what her clear intentions are. She does have a clue about the authority she thinks government should have and that authority is almost entirely totalitarian. Her expressed policies in the past--many she has now flipflopped on--have all been subjugating the will of the people to what government demands, and her father is a confirmed Marxist economist according to fact checkers.
Vote for the Felon (34) then.
/—-/ Of course I care, you bonehead. I want Trump to win. Ya know, Make America Great Again.
Well then, how come you are not criticizing him for making a stupid mistake that may cause the Republicans to lose in November?

By the way, see post #69 for a better explanation of what he has caused.
Trump agenda of revenge and hate, of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory isn’t sound, responsible governance.
As there is zero instance of Trump weaponizing government or otherwise going after political opposition in his first term and absolutely nothing he has said that suggests he would do that in a second term, I will assume you are spewing irresponsible an hateful propaganda and wish you a nice day.
trump is an incompetent who organized and encouraged an insurrection against our nation. He is a cancer on democracy.
Another Trump Hater with stage 4 TDS weighs in. A "cancer" on Democracy? The Democratic Party has corrupted our Media, the Intelligence Agencies, handcuffed our border Patrol and ICE, attacked the Supreme Court with personal threats, and normalized assassinations.
If I was a Republican wanting to get back in power in November and the nominee that I voted for did something to harm the chances of my party getting the votes, I would be the FIRST one saying "You are doing something stupid that is hurting OUR chances of winning. Stop it".

Instead of doing that, you and the other 'Republicans" here on this board are saying "the left is doing it also! Taylor Swift is hateful! Trump is great!

You want to win the election, or just voice your feelings and lose the election.

You tell me!
Amazing the similarities between you and "The Banker". As soon as he disappeared, you appeared. If I didn't know better I would say that you were both one in the same.
Why can't you answer the question?

Here, let me make it easy for you.

In 2020, Biden got 81,232,000 thousand votes and Trump got 74,153,000 votes. In the electoral college, Biden got 306 and Trump got 232. The votes needed in the electoral college to win are 270 votes.

Taylor Swift has approximately 150 million fans of "voting age" and here are the cities that have the most fans (by number 1 to 4 with 1 having the most fans)

1) Minneapolis, Minnesota
2) Los Angeles, California
3) Arlington, Texas
4) Nashville, Tennessee
There are 7 states that are key to the electoral vote and one of them is Minnesota.

Texas and Tennessee are considered red states with Tennessee being the home State of Taylor Swift and having the 4th most fans. Tennessee voted 60% in favor of Trump in 2020 but per capita, 57 out of 100 people in Tennessee are fans of Taylor Swift. In Texas, the number is even higher as 63 out of 100 people are fans of Taylor Swift

With all of these facts in play and considering that there are 52 states in the U.S. and if you divide the states evenly for Taylor Swift fans, it means that at least, there are 3 million voting fans in each State. Given that Minnesota, Texas and Tennessee have 3 of the highest number of fans, it means at least 9 million fans but since there are more in these 3 states, it would be easy to guess that at least 25 to 30 million fans live in those 3 states. If 57% of the people living in those states are fans and Trump alienates them because of his stated hate of Taylor Swift, it would be safe to say that there could be as many as 12 million that would vote against Trump in those states simply because of TS. With Trump losing in 2020 by 7 million votes and now Harris gets an additional 12 million and them being in key states, is there a chance that by Trump saying that he hates TS, that it could swing the election against him?

Whether it does or it does not, it is just plain stupid that Trump alienated all these people against him because of his stated hate for her. If I was a Republican, I would be cussing Trump because of this stupidity.
I think most adults can separate who they like in music vs what policies they vote for.

You’re acting like widespread GOP and independent voters will suddenly just sprint to vote Kamala because Taylor Swift said so…

Perhaps you might be that naive and shallow, but I think they care more about prices at the store, immigration, protecting children in schools, etc.

Meanwhile, I don’t think celeb endorsements much change peoples votes. They might reaffirm those who already made up their mind… perhaps they can turn some 18-24 yr olds who don’t have much wisdom in life.
I think most adults can separate who they like in music vs what policies they vote for.

You’re acting like widespread GOP and independent voters will suddenly just sprint to vote Kamala because Taylor Swift said so…

Perhaps you might be that naive and shallow, but I think they care more about prices at the store, immigration, protecting children in schools, etc.

Meanwhile, I don’t think celeb endorsements much change peoples votes. They might reaffirm those who already made up their mind… perhaps they can turn some 18-24 yr olds who don’t have much wisdom in life.
I think most adults can separate who they like in music vs what policies they vote for.

You’re acting like widespread GOP and independent voters will suddenly just sprint to vote Kamala because Taylor Swift said so…

Perhaps you might be that naive and shallow, but I think they care more about prices at the store, immigration, protecting children in schools, etc.

Meanwhile, I don’t think celeb endorsements much change peoples votes. They might reaffirm those who already made up their mind… perhaps they can turn some 18-24 yr olds who don’t have much wisdom in life.
Once again, you evade answering the question.

Do you think that Trump saying he Hates TS is an intelligent thing to have done?
Once again, you evade answering the question.

Do you think that Trump saying he Hates TS is an intelligent thing to have done?
If I were a political advisor, I wouldn’t have addressed her.

If you’re looking for a black or white answer, I don’t think it was a good move, but I also don’t think it matters very much. Trump has made political blunders before that mattered, this one really doesn’t. It might energize his base against woke Hollywood/entertainment even more than pulling voters to Harris
If I were a political advisor, I wouldn’t have addressed her.

If you’re looking for a black or white answer, I don’t think it was a good move, but I also don’t think it matters very much. Trump has made political blunders before that mattered, this one really doesn’t. It might energize his base against woke Hollywood/entertainment even more than pulling voters to Harris
Whatever you think, the reality is that Taylor Swift is loved by more Americans than probably any other artist ever. She has over 150 million fans who are of voting age. In 2020, Biden got 81 million and Trump got 74 million votes. I would not be surprised if TS ran for president, that she would not get a higher number.

Oh and by the way, one of the reasons why Trump won in 2016 is because he was popular as the Apprentice judge. In other words, he was a CELEBRITY! Taylor Swift is a bigger celebrity than Trump even was. The numbers don't lie.
Whatever you think, the reality is that Taylor Swift is loved by more Americans than probably any other artist ever. She has over 150 million fans who are of voting age. In 2020, Biden got 81 million and Trump got 74 million votes. I would not be surprised if TS ran for president, that she would not get a higher number.
I think you’re a little too into Taylor Swift. Are you a super fan or something?

You could have voted for her as the nominee if there was an actual voting process for the democrat candidate. But there wasn’t. You’re supporting an installed candidate, the DNC is telling you who you have to support, and is relying on your party faith/devotion.

It’s pathetic
Oh and by the way, one of the reasons why Trump won in 2016 is because he was popular as the Apprentice judge. In other words, he was a CELEBRITY! Taylor Swift is a bigger celebrity than Trump even was. The numbers don't lie.
Trump won in 2016 because:

1. Americans who like America supported him after Obama’s woke, identity politics, often anti-USA rhetoric became mainstream
2. He was a businessman, not a lifelong politician
3. He was exposing the inner swamp, such as the Clintons

Trump was a celebrity his whole life. It wasn’t the apprentice that did it. It’s part of the package deal.
Detachment from reality noted

You people are so bizarre. Very childlike, excitable, and easily fooled.

MAGAts have very limited brain activity when it comes to critical thinking.

I think you’re a little too into Taylor Swift. Are you a super fan or something?

You could have voted for her as the nominee if there was an actual voting process for the democrat candidate. But there wasn’t. You’re supporting an installed candidate, the DNC is telling you who you have to support, and is relying on your party faith/devotion.

It’s pathetic

Trump won in 2016 because:

1. Americans who like America supported him after Obama’s woke, identity politics, often anti-USA rhetoric became mainstream
2. He was a businessman, not a lifelong politician
3. He was exposing the inner swamp, such as the Clintons

Trump was a celebrity his whole life. It wasn’t the apprentice that did it. It’s part of the package deal.
You can delude yourself all you want. It is normal for Trumpers to do that. They live in a world of their own. Typical cult mentality.

By the way, "no", I am not a fan of Taylor Swift. I am 79 years old and I am a fan of people like Johnny Mathis, George Benson and as far as current artists, I am a fan of Adele.

Having said that, in this day and age and considering people like you( that buy what Trump is selling), the reality is that artists, athletes and other well-known media people (like Trump) help sell an idea or a product big time.

For example, do you have any idea of how much Michael Jordan helped Nike to become a well known and successful brand? Let me just say that Michael Jordan Brand of Nike shoe has earned Nike $19 billion is just 5 years.

In addition, do you know how much the candidates for presidency spend on advertising their own images? well, lets just say that at least 1/2 Billion dollars are spend in advertising. Most people do NOT think or evaluate things as they are (you are a perfect example of that). Most people buy what they are sold without thinking of whether it is best for them or not.

As such, getting an endorsement from TS will give Kamala a bump up and Trump saying he hates TS will give him a bump down.

That is just fact, even though you try to wash it away. This is reality and there are hundreds (if not thousands) of examples I can give you, where people were sold a "bill of goods" and they bought it without thinking twice.
She doesn't have a clue because she is so far totally incompetent and without a single original idea and will not express now what her clear intentions are. She does have a clue about the authority she thinks government should have and that authority is almost entirely totalitarian. Her expressed policies in the past--many she has now flipflopped on for probably temporary political expediency--have all been subjugating the will of the people to what government demands, and her father is a confirmed Marxist economist according to fact checkers.
Another boatload of inane subjective codswallop . You offer absolutely nothing concrete to indicate that she is inclined to be an authoritarian, leave alone a Marxist You cannot point to a single thing that she has said or proposed that supports your bizarre claim that she is a confirmed Marxist. You claim to teach Marxism but your drivel says that you have scant understanding of what Marxism actually is . If you do teach Marxism, I suspect it’s in Sunday School and limited to “Marxism bad…they are Atheists “ And her father left the family when she was about 7 years old . Hardly an age when political values are developed. And, she has had minimal involvement with him since
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