I'm Still Trying to Figure Out Why it is Legal to Abort Babies After Birth

Here's the deal, in a rambling speech supporting Planned Parenthood and abortion, the democrat governor of Virginia, who was also a M.D. who had an interest in abortions, made a stunning confession. His ego apparently got the best of him and he related about the care given to newborn infants with birth disabilities prior to their being euthanized. The liberal media made some preposterous excuses like the sudden urge a mother had to have an abortion while she was giving birth but the facts seem to lead in the direction that Dr. Northam may have been so experienced with the procedure that infanticide was second nature to him. Chances are that we will probably never know.
Or to deny them proper care and neglect them to the point that they'll die on their own. Isn't that murder/child abuse? (Not like it isn't considered murder in the womb excluding exceptions.) This Part never made sense to me.

That's just another Trump lie.

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