Zone1 Mary's sinlessness

Who are the innocent you claim?
who do not dwell ...


in forgeries and fallacies.

Sticks and stones… try your stupid hatred on someone else. Doesn’t work with me.

proves that to be you, c-bear - crucifiers, throughout history and their phony desert religions.
Catholics don’t believe so. It’s all made up faulty and circular logic and reasoning. But tell that to them.
Kecharitomene. This Greek word describes an ongoing, permanent state of grace as the result of a past action. Mary's state of the fullness of grace is the result of a past action of God who preserved her from all sin. (Note Mary called God her savior.)

I have a theory why some cannot accept Mary as never sinning. Jealousy. (In a whiny voice: "If God preserved Mary from sin, why couldn't He preserve me from sin...I'm just as good....")

Think about it. We have an angel, a messenger straight from God, who addressed Mary as Kecharitomene, as being in a permanent state of grace based on a past action Mary attributed to God. Does it even make sense to suggest, Well, Paul said all have sinned, and Paul, a man, clearly has the right of it over an angel and a woman.

Now those who feel that great need to insist Mary sinned, go for it, soothe yourself. But stop short of saying Catholic belief is made up of faulty and circular logic. Catholic belief is based on both scripture and apostolic/early church tradition.


There is also another Greek word for being filled with grace, and that is pleres charitos which was used to describe Stephen at a specific time--i.e., at the time of his martyrdom.
Nope. We do what the Lord commanded and you don’t. The Latter-day Saints is there to distinguish between now and when Jesus established the Church while on the earth. That’s it. Not anything about pride. Still haven’t explained who Catholic is and why don’t do what Jesus commanded.
Catholic means "Universal" - from Greek - "On The Whole - According To The Whole"

The earliest evidence of the use of that term is the Letter to the Smyrnaeans that Ignatius of Antioch wrote in about 107 to Christians in Smyrna. Exhorting Christians to remain closely united with their bishop, he wrote: "Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude [of the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church."

Ignatius means by the Catholic Church 'the aggregate of all the Christian congregations' (Swete, Apostles Creed, p. 76). So too the letter of the Church of Smyrna is addressed to all the congregations of the Holy Catholic Church in every place. And this primitive sense of 'universal' the word has never lost, although in the latter part of the second century it began to receive the secondary sense of 'orthodox' as opposed to 'heretical'.
Kecharitomene. This Greek word describes an ongoing, permanent state of grace as the result of a past action. Mary's state of the fullness of grace is the result of a past action of God who preserved her from all sin. (Note Mary called God her savior.)

I have a theory why some cannot accept Mary as never sinning. Jealousy. (In a whiny voice: "If God preserved Mary from sin, why couldn't He preserve me from sin...I'm just as good....")

Think about it. We have an angel, a messenger straight from God, who addressed Mary as Kecharitomene, as being in a permanent state of grace based on a past action Mary attributed to God. Does it even make sense to suggest, Well, Paul said all have sinned, and Paul, a man, clearly has the right of it over an angel and a woman.

Now those who feel that great need to insist Mary sinned, go for it, soothe yourself. But stop short of saying Catholic belief is made up of faulty and circular logic. Catholic belief is based on both scripture and apostolic/early church tradition.


There is also another Greek word for being filled with grace, and that is pleres charitos which was used to describe Stephen at a specific time--i.e., at the time of his martyrdom.
What past action? There is none. There is a state that someone can obtain "Your calling and election made sure." But, even that comes wiith a stronger warning that if a person who has had their calling and election made sure sins against the Holy Ghost, your calling is with Lucifer for all time and all eternity in Perdition. So, how does one receive their Sanctification with the calling and election made sure? Everyone else has to live by faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior. One who has their calling and election made sure has seen a vision and know for an empirical fact that Jesus is the Christ. They no longer live by faith. Up until Mary received her calling and election made sure, she sinned after she was about 8 years of age when a person can actually sin.
Catholic means "Universal" - from Greek - "On The Whole - According To The Whole"

The earliest evidence of the use of that term is the Letter to the Smyrnaeans that Ignatius of Antioch wrote in about 107 to Christians in Smyrna. Exhorting Christians to remain closely united with their bishop, he wrote: "Wherever the bishop shall appear, there let the multitude [of the people] also be; even as, wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church."

Ignatius means by the Catholic Church 'the aggregate of all the Christian congregations' (Swete, Apostles Creed, p. 76). So too the letter of the Church of Smyrna is addressed to all the congregations of the Holy Catholic Church in every place. And this primitive sense of 'universal' the word has never lost, although in the latter part of the second century it began to receive the secondary sense of 'orthodox' as opposed to 'heretical'.
Yes, 16 years teaching at a Catholic high school I learned all about this. But, even the priests and religion teachers could never explain why the church did not name themselves in the name of Jesus Christ when Jesus himself said do all in his name.
Yes, 16 years teaching at a Catholic high school I learned all about this. But, even the priests and religion teachers could never explain why the church did not name themselves in the name of Jesus Christ when Jesus himself said do all in his name.

Out of the entire New Testament - thousands and thousands of words and phrases - post the total amount of times Jesus said "To only do all things in his name"
Out of the entire New Testament - thousands and thousands of words and phrases - post the total amount of times Jesus said "To only do all things in his name"
To a true believer and follower servant of the Lord, how many times should he have to command something as important as naming His Church? :dunno:
Nothing is more phony than your religion...

the heavenly religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - given to a&e as the goal to accomplish for judgement and admission to the everlasting ...

- its obvious which one c-bear the crucifier has chosen.

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