Trump Drops List Of Democrats Who Have Either Encouraged Violence Against Him Or Literally Said Someone Should Shoot Him

Never left shit behind. always looked for Trump yard signs -- fertilized quite a few yards
Typical leftist -- believes your hurt feelings are more important than other people's property rights.

"At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats."

P. J. O'Rourke
Typical leftist -- believes your hurt feelings are more important than other people's property rights.

"At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats."

P. J. O'Rourke
Hurt feelings? Shit has to be disposed of.

You old Hannity troll, not the bdc bhf troll LOL
“Because I said so” isn’t very convincing. Biden says he decided to drop out. I believe him.
All evidence to the contrary. Including him telling you that only God could convince him to drop out.
We vote in November. That’s what the law says. Trump is the one that tried to take those votes away. You are fine with that. No problem.
Again, not a single vote was taken away in the 2020 election. Your party disenfranchised 14,000,000 voters
All evidence to the contrary. Including him telling you that only God could convince him to drop out.
No evidence to the contrary. Therefore no disenfranchisement.
Again, not a single vote was taken away in the 2020 election. Your party disenfranchised 14,000,000 voters
But he tried. Oh Lordy he tried. And what do you have to say about that? It’s okay because he failed?
The question isn't about if he lost or not, it is the questioning of the procedures in an election. A thorough investigation into any anomalies or suspicious activities that misdirected the results should have been welcomed.
And every audit and recount confirmed he lost. That is the questioning of an election. He questioned it. And the questions were answered.
I've said it before that the damage done has had global consequences. The continued attacks against him just reinforced for the world to the point that in Venezuela three Americans were arrested for trying to assist in a coup. In the past the entire world would side with the U.S and any despot would be rejected and null and void as a leader, the three Americans would be viewed as railroaded and promptly freed.

This isn't happening now and Western citizens should be very afraid. This is a sign that first, European governments are further left than in the last 25 years at least and won't accept the U.S lead world order (leaning more to China), second, that these other nations intelligence agencies have assessed the situation in the U.S and determined that you have your own election and political controversies which make democracy more questionable. People see and read about the pile on against Trump, even the comments left by citizens on left wing European news outlet sites are contrary to the messages they push.

Wake up. None of this is worth it to try and avoid four more years of Trump. I suspect this goes far deeper than just Ukraine upsetting the pro-war crowd because Liz Cheney and others were going after Trump long before Russia attacked Ukraine

china, venezuela, Liz Cheney

I have no idea what you’re talking about. We have that in common.
Next time some schmuck from the left starts claiming Trump needs to tone down his rhetoric, you can counter with the statements by Democrats calling either for his death or some form of elimination

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Can you believe that one of these USMB poster's gave you a fake news icon for your Op ?
Seriously Right-wing source eh? I'm content with the system as it need to disenfranchise millions of citizens in the name of 'reform' when all this is is the same game the Republicans have always played--suppress the vote...especially the poor/minority folk.
There are no 'millions' of alien credible source has come close to proving that.
SO you object to citizens showing proof of citizenship when they register? You're right in line with your cult in Congress.
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Agree or it's Russian disinformation... Man they wore that one out. 😂
everyone don't like russian spy.jpg
No evidence to the contrary. Therefore no disenfranchisement.
LOL Pelosi didn't tell him to drop out? Jeffries? The majority of Dems in the House? Obama? Schumer? The majority of Dems in the Senate? Money dudes? Good German.
But he tried. Oh Lordy he tried. And what do you have to say about that? It’s okay because he failed?
Fifth time. Not a single voter had their vote disenfranchised in the 2020 election. Your cult literally disenfranchised 14,000,000 voters. Yet your cult keeps chanting that Trump is the existential threat to democracy.

To the point where loon members in your cult have tried assassinate Trump to stop this "threat" TWICE!
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"always looked for Trump yard signs -- fertilized quite a few yards"

Oh, look...a leftist saying he didn't say what he said.

What a retard.
Yep. Not leaving crap in. Taking it out -- camping. please try and keep up with your own -- uhm, shit.
Never left shit behind. always looked for Trump yard signs -- fertilized quite a few yards
I bet you shoot rubber bands at them and pretend you're assassinating Trump, don't you, boy?
"always looked for Trump yard signs -- fertilized quite a few yards"

Oh, look...a leftist saying he didn't say what he said.

What a retard.
Yep. Not leaving crap in. Taking it out -- camping. please try and keep up with your own -- uhm, shit.

"always looked for Trump yard signs -- fertilized quite a few yards"

Oh, look...a leftist saying he didn't say what he said.

What a retard.
Yep. Not leaving crap in. Taking it out -- camping. please try and keep up with your own -- uhm, shit.
Nope. I use them to wipe while out camping
And every audit and recount confirmed he lost. That is the questioning of an election. He questioned it. And the questions were answered.


china, venezuela, Liz Cheney

I have no idea what you’re talking about. We have that in common.

This is the problem, people don't envision the future and the consequences of particular decisions that can impact a nation negatively.

I follow world affairs and try and pick through the details to identify the general sentiments. Comments from global citizens helps to understand this disposition. I can tell you that the full court press against Trump and his policies has been destructive.

So many remain fooled that the same people who have been wrong about everything for the last 30 years somehow have it all figured out now. They are just too smart that we cannot glean what they do, they are so sure that they know what is best.

For themselves perhaps...

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