Trump Drops List Of Democrats Who Have Either Encouraged Violence Against Him Or Literally Said Someone Should Shoot Him


Yep. Not leaving crap in. Taking it out -- camping. please try and keep up with your own -- uhm, shit.

Yep. Not leaving crap in. Taking it out -- camping. please try and keep up with your own -- uhm, shit.
And you fucked up the quote function. What a retard.
So which is it, Dainty? Did you lie about shitting in people's yards, or are you lying now?
Never left shit behind. always looked for Trump yard signs -- fertilized quite a few yards

carried crap out of camp

made deposits

caused quite a few instances of non combat ptsd for MAGA civilians

This is the problem, people don't envision the future and the consequences of particular decisions that can impact a nation negatively.

I follow world affairs and try and pick through the details to identify the general sentiments. Comments from global citizens helps to understand this disposition. I can tell you that the full court press against Trump and his policies has been destructive.

So many remain fooled that the same people who have been wrong about everything for the last 30 years somehow have it all figured out now. They are just too smart that we cannot glean what they do, they are so sure that they know what is best.

For themselves perhaps...
Again; zero idea what you’re talking about.

The blob’s policies were destructive. $8T in debt and a trade war that we lost, bigly.
This is the problem, people don't envision the future and the consequences of particular decisions that can impact a nation negatively.

I follow world affairs and try and pick through the details to identify the general sentiments. Comments from global citizens helps to understand this disposition. I can tell you that the full court press against Trump and his policies has been destructive.

So many remain fooled that the same people who have been wrong about everything for the last 30 years somehow have it all figured out now. They are just too smart that we cannot glean what they do, they are so sure that they know what is best.

For themselves perhaps...
Biden was in public service for over 50 years. And he promised as President he'd fix what was wrong. Couldn't be assed to fixed it before, though.

Harris promises to fix the things Biden broke. She didn't do shit about it as VP. Made it all worse, actually.

But she gives a speech about JOY and the Useful Idiots are convinced she's the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.
So which is it, Dainty? Did you lie about shitting in people's yards, or are you lying now?
LOL, look at his posting history as crustydrawers and as dainty. He isn't off this board long enough to go camping. He's been shitting in (fertilizing) his Trump supporter neighbors yards.
What is your reason for opposing the investigation of voter fraud? Do you feel there is something to hide?
I didn’t oppose it. There were investigations and we discovered MAGA is full of lunatics and frauds. Their allegations were entirely fabricated.

Not that you ever bothered to look into it yourself.
Next time some schmuck from the left starts claiming Trump needs to tone down his rhetoric, you can counter with the statements by Democrats calling either for his death or some form of elimination

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They have a lot of balls telling the truth about Trump, don't they?
I didn’t oppose it. There were investigations and we discovered MAGA is full of lunatics and frauds. Their allegations were entirely fabricated.

Not that you ever bothered to look into it yourself.
You all were supposed to have been investigating the results of the election, and not instead weaponizing against MAGA voter's instead.
All the red states need to get together and use their states cops to form a special Trump Security squad, cuz there will be a third and Trump can't keep being lucky.
This is the violence Trump is causing.

"People Are Afraid": Haitians in U.S. Face Hate, Threats as Trump and Vance Spread Racist Lies

You all were supposed to have been investigating the results of the election, and not instead weaponizing against MAGA voter's instead.
Again, it was investigated and we discovered how incredibly stupid MAGAs are. Their claims were batshit crazy or just incredibly lazy.

Hell, these guys couldn’t even figure out what counties were in what states.


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