“I Hate Taylor Swift!” Trump just tweeted.

It's rather funny when people on the left claim that they don't hate Trump and then go full on with their hatred of Trump.
If I was a Republican wanting to get back in power in November and the nominee that I voted for did something to harm the chances of my party getting the votes, I would be the FIRST one saying "You are doing something stupid that is hurting OUR chances of winning. Stop it".

Instead of doing that, you and the other 'Republicans" here on this board are saying "the left is doing it also! Taylor Swift is hateful! Trump is great!

You want to win the election, or just voice your feelings and lose the election.

You tell me!
/——/ He wasn’t saying it to get votes.
Wow, you finally said something that makes sense. One question, as a Republican that you are, do you want to win the November election and get into power to make MAGA, or simply voice your feelings..............and not win and fade away? You tell me.
They are always looking for someone to bow to them or their dear leader.
He could still win, but more and more it looks like his mental state continues to deteriorate. His allies can't get him to stay on topic and Harris just trolled him like an old man in front of 70 million tv sets. And now he actually has to stoop to debate a "pop star." How presidential.

I know some Trump supporters and we agree on the govt being too big, BLM needed to be gelded, Chevron needed to go (but don't kid yourselves, we're gonna need over 50 new federal judges to hear the lititation that Chevron prevented). Trump killed the Bush wing and the neocons are just lurking waiting to get back what Trump took.

Mini me seems more attached to reality .... and this guy really does think women have a duty to pump out white babies.
Fine, I am a whore lecturing nuns of purity, but am I running for President? am I looking for votes to win the election? Just look at your response from you when I say I hate Trump. Is that what you want the people voting in November to feel when they are submitting their votes for the next president? "Trump is a whore lecturing nuns on purity"?
Well you’d have to define your terms, and what their context is… which has befuddled anti-Trump folk throughout his run in politics.

Do any Trump voters truly think Trump
Is advocating for some seething Hatred of Taylor Swift based on a quick tweet? No. We get it was just a sarcastic off handed comment… and I think most antiTrump people understand this as common communication norms in modern society, but suspend it when trying to pin down Trump.

Leftists become purposefully stupid to use his words to the extreme hyperbolic end. It’s completely void of wisdom as far as norms in society. You guys freak out like it’s the end of the world when nobody on the right side of the aisle thought about it in regards to Trump beyond 5 seconds..
Wow, you finally said something that makes sense. One question, as a Republican that you are, do you want to win the November election and get into power to make MAGA, or simply voice your feelings..............and not win and fade away? You tell me.
I have no idea why you’re trying to define what wins and loses an election and holding Republicans to your Democrat beliefs.

How did that work in 2016? What you think is a bad move might resonate with people. You’re pretending to be some political analyst here trying to assist the GOP? LOL… you hate them, and you don’t understand them at all. You label them evil because they disagree with you.

You’re making post after post, and it’s just silly
You said that she is a "confirmed Marxist: But now you don't have a clue?? Which is it.?
She doesn't have a clue because she is so far totally incompetent and without a single original idea and will not express now what her clear intentions are. She does have a clue about the authority she thinks government should have and that authority is almost entirely totalitarian. Her expressed policies in the past--many she has now flipflopped on for probably temporary political expediency--have all been subjugating the will of the people to what government demands, and her father is a confirmed Marxist economist according to fact checkers.
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She doesn't have a clue because she is so far totally incompetent and without a single original idea and will not express now what her clear intentions are. She does have a clue about the authority she thinks government should have and that authority is almost entirely totalitarian. Her expressed policies in the past--many she has now flipflopped on--have all been subjugating the will of the people to what government demands, and her father is a confirmed Marxist economist according to fact checkers.
Unfortunately for the right wing, her opponent

Knows nothing about governance or policy

Has no desire to govern or to learn anything

Is running for personal gain only
Wow, you finally said something that makes sense. One question, as a Republican that you are, do you want to win the November election and get into power to make MAGA, or simply voice your feelings..............and not win and fade away? You tell me.
/—-/ To make America Great Again for my children and grandchildren. I’m at the last stretch of my life and am well set up in upper middle. There’s not too much democRATs can do to harm me unless they succeed in gun confiscation and seizure of my assets.
She doesn't have a clue because she is so far totally incompetent and without a single original idea and will not express now what her clear intentions are. She does have a clue about the authority she thinks government should have and that authority is almost entirely totalitarian. Her expressed policies in the past--many she has now flipflopped on--have all been subjugating the will of the people to what government demands, and her father is a confirmed Marxist economist according to fact checkers.
And she's in Trump's head an RFK worm. LOL

Hate the Chiefs and don't care for the young lady's music but ...... bless her little heart.
I know many people that don't like Taylor Swift.
Well, she certainly lives in a gaited community, so it makes sense she’s voting Democrat.

However, I bet she’d not like it if a bunch of Haitians were dropped in her neighborhood.
I have no idea why you’re trying to define what wins and loses an election and holding Republicans to your Democrat beliefs.

How did that work in 2016? What you think is a bad move might resonate with people. You’re pretending to be some political analyst here trying to assist the GOP? LOL… you hate them, and you don’t understand them at all. You label them evil because they disagree with you.

You’re making post after post, and it’s just silly
/—-/ luckyone can’t articulate a convincing argument win people over to his side. He has Pee Wee Herman’s debate skills:
Well, mark your calendars. Some guy named Ed blocked Taylor Swift on FB.

This is the end of her career. I'll never forget where I was.
She doesn't have a clue because she is so far totally incompetent and without a single original idea and will not express now what her clear intentions are. She does have a clue about the authority she thinks government should have and that authority is almost entirely totalitarian. Her expressed policies in the past--many she has now flipflopped on--have all been subjugating the will of the people to what government demands, and her father is a confirmed Marxist economist according to fact checkers.
Trump agenda of revenge and hate, of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory isn’t sound, responsible governance.
Well you’d have to define your terms, and what their context is… which has befuddled anti-Trump folk throughout his run in politics.

Do any Trump voters truly think Trump
Is advocating for some seething Hatred of Taylor Swift based on a quick tweet? No. We get it was just a sarcastic off handed comment… and I think most antiTrump people understand this as common communication norms in modern society, but suspend it when trying to pin down Trump.

Leftists become purposefully stupid to use his words to the extreme hyperbolic end. It’s completely void of wisdom as far as norms in society. You guys freak out like it’s the end of the world when nobody on the right side of the aisle thought about it in regards to Trump beyond 5 seconds..
It was his comment, typically, of his mixing nonsense with his feelings in politics.

A majority of voters will endorse Harris and the Dems in the coming elections.

Hating them is a stupid karen behavior.

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