“I Hate Taylor Swift!” Trump just tweeted.

Her fan base is not 14 year olds. To them she is an old over the hill lady.

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/—-/ Hate to burst your bubble, but “Although her supporters are more likely to be Democrats (according to a recent YouGov poll), she is popular enough that she has support across the political spectrum. About a third of voters who didn’t support either Mr. Trump or Ms. Harris said they liked her. It’s possible some of those voters — a sliver, to be sure — may be swayed by the endorsement.” - NY TIMES
Well, you were foaming at the mouth with every worst description of anyone on planet earth… so yeah.

I’d have certainly phrased it differently, but she’s doing far worse to her child fans. If she can preach her ideology, it can be criticized and not have people like you get triggered.

Meanwhile, you have to be sensitive as a snowflake to be having this much of a conniption over his tweet.
Look, this man is running to be OUR leader, meani.ng that if he wins, both of us will be affected in some way. Your statement about "foaming in the mouth" is overdone but the reality of the matter is that I DEFINITELY do not want a person that can affect me and my family being a leader that stimulates hate. Hate is something that will affect us BOTH, because the hate stimulated by Trump would be as much against Trump and his supporters (you for example) as much as against the people that are against Trump (me for example).

Disagreement is fine but Hate is not.

Do YOU support and want hate to be a part of your life?

As such, yes I foam at hate.
Look, this man is running to be OUR leader, meani.ng that if he wins, both of us will be affected in some way. Your statement about "foaming in the mouth" is overdone but the reality of the matter is that I DEFINITELY do not want a person that can affect me and my family being a leader that stimulates hate. Hate is something that will affect us BOTH, because the hate stimulated by Trump would be as much against Trump and his supporters (you for example) as much as against the people that are against Trump (me for example).

Disagreement is fine but Hate is not.

Do YOU support and want hate to be a part of your life?

As such, yes I foam at hate.
/——/ Harris hates Republicans, Christians, gun owners and pro lifers.
I’m going to give her the same leeway I’m giving Trump. If she said this why link a quote tweet from someone else. Go to her profile and get the original. And a better option, are you telling me she and her handlers are so bad at social media she wouldn’t respond to him directly?

You retards are being played for fools and celebrating your useful idiocy.
It's a parody. I doubt she'd stoop to his level.
Look, this man is running to be OUR leader, meani.ng that if he wins, both of us will be affected in some way. Your statement about "foaming in the mouth" is overdone but the reality of the matter is that I DEFINITELY do not want a person that can affect me and my family being a leader that stimulates hate. Hate is something that will affect us BOTH, because the hate stimulated by Trump would be as much against Trump and his supporters (you for example) as much as against the people that are against Trump (me for example).

Disagreement is fine but Hate is not.

Do YOU support and want hate to be a part of your life?

As such, yes I foam at hate.
He’s already been president for 4 years. Things were just fine. No amount of doomsday hyperbole changes that.

Meanwhile, if my Plummer is gruff, but can fix the pipes… I don’t care. And we honestly need some gruffness in this sensitive world
He’s already been president for 4 years. Things were just fine. No amount of doomsday hyperbole changes that.

Meanwhile, if my Plummer is gruff, but can fix the pipes… I don’t care. And we honestly need some gruffness in this sensitive world
What a deflection...............you did not answer the question "do you want hate to be a part of your life?"
/——/ Harris hates Republicans, Christians, gun owners and pro lifers.
This OP is not about what you personally feel but about vocally stimulating hate by stating it.

Vocally stating it generates hate action. We are all entitled to what we feel but we are not entitled to generate others to hate someone they do not know.
I am scratching my head. I cannot believe anyone that has any morals, ethics, principles or humanity can support Trump stating he hates Taylor Swift. How anyone wants someone that could be our leader to be a person that generates hate among us is beyond my ability to understand.

Does that mean that we now support immorality, no ethics, no principles and inhumanity. Has our nation stooped down that low?
This statement from Trump shows exactly what he brings to the presidency of the United States. First of all, it is a totally stupid thing to do, given that Taylor Swift has 284 million followers that "Love Her" and saying that he hates her, alienates all those potential voters.

Secondly, it shows that not only he hates people but supports hate. The worst part is that the hate is against anyone that simply disagrees with him. Taylor Swift did not say that she hates Trump, all she did was endorse Harris. Aren't we all entitled to our opinion? Should our opinion be the cause of hate being stimulated?

Trump is stupid and a hate filled and hate stimulating person. Is that a person you feel should be running our country?
I'm confused. Many on the left have said they hate Trump so are you OK with talk like this or not OK with talk like this? Please show us the threads you made attacking the left for saying they hate Trump. If you don't have any then I guess it means you are OK with someone who says they hate Taylor Swift.
This statement from Trump shows exactly what he brings to the presidency of the United States. First of all, it is a totally stupid thing to do, given that Taylor Swift has 284 million followers that "Love Her" and saying that he hates her, alienates all those potential voters.

Secondly, it shows that not only he hates people but supports hate. The worst part is that the hate is against anyone that simply disagrees with him. Taylor Swift did not say that she hates Trump, all she did was endorse Harris. Aren't we all entitled to our opinion? Should our opinion be the cause of hate being stimulated?

Trump is stupid and a hate filled and hate stimulating person. Is that a person you feel should be running our country?
He can hate whoever he wants. God know, a lot of people hate him. If you teenyboppers are upset, no one gives a rat's ass.
That doesn't mean her "fans" will vote for who she endorses. Some will, but not all.
True, but many will, especially after Trump says he Hates her. That will stimulate them to vote.

It is pure stupidity for Trump to have said it. It accomplishes NOTHING positive for him.
He can hate whoever he wants. God know, a lot of people hate him. If you teenyboppers are upset, no one gives a rat's ass.
One SIMPLE question. If there ANY benefit to him and the Republican party for him to have said that?

It is pure stupidity. It is this tenfold

What a deflection...............you did not answer the question "do you want hate to be a part of your life?"

Mostly not. But clearly you do, seeing what you say on here about other people.

You’re like a whore lecturing nuns on purity LOL

And I don’t think you could address the vague term of “hate” in a fair way.. I think you’re far too triggered and emotional
This OP is not about what you personally feel but about vocally stimulating hate by stating it.

Vocally stating it generates hate action. We are all entitled to what we feel but we are not entitled to generate others to hate someone they do not know.
/—-/ democRATs spent the last 8 years demonizing Trump and his supporters.

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