“I Hate Taylor Swift!” Trump just tweeted.

I'm confused. Many on the left have said they hate Trump so are you OK with talk like this or not OK with talk like this? Please show us the threads you made attacking the left for saying they hate Trump. If you don't have any then I guess it means you are OK with someone who says they hate Taylor Swift.
"Many" on the left...........

Are those on the left people saying that, are they personally running to be leaders of the country, or ordinary citizens like you or I.

Has Biden or Harris SPECIFICALLY said "I hate Trump"? Or even said that of anyone supporting Trump?

You and I can say it but we are not trying to get votes or even earn the confidence of others to vote for us.

What benefit will Trump get by saying "I hate Taylor Swift"? Will it get him new votes?

It is plain stupid what he did. Do you want a stupid person as a leader?
All the issues in the world and this is considered a big issue? I don’t care if anyone likes anyone, what are we a country or some stupid clumsy moronic soap opera?

Mostly not. But clearly you do, seeing what you say on here about other people.

You’re like a whore lecturing nuns on purity LOL

And I don’t think you could address the vague term of “hate” in a fair way.. I think you’re far too triggered and emotional
Fine, I am a whore lecturing nuns of purity, but am I running for President? am I looking for votes to win the election? Just look at your response from you when I say I hate Trump. Is that what you want the people voting in November to feel when they are submitting their votes for the next president? "Trump is a whore lecturing nuns on purity"?
"Many" on the left...........

Are those on the left people saying that, are they personally running to be leaders of the country, or ordinary citizens like you or I.

Has Biden or Harris SPECIFICALLY said "I hate Trump"? Or even said that of anyone supporting Trump?

You and I can say it but we are not trying to get votes or even earn the confidence of others to vote for us.

What benefit will Trump get by saying "I hate Taylor Swift"? Will it get him new votes?

It is plain stupid what he did. Do you want a stupid person as a leader?
Harris or Trump gets us a stupid person, I have heard their ideas and their speaking abilities and neither is impressive, which word salad do you want? What is scary is the Democratic leadership hand picked Harris, I suspect the Republican leadership would love to lose Trump.
All the issues in the world and this is considered a big issue? I don’t care if anyone likes anyone, what are we a country or some stupid clumsy moronic soap opera?
This is about a LEADER promoting hate. You don't care if he is a creating a "stupid clumsy moronic soap opera"? You think that is what a LEADER is supposed to be doing?

One stupid question for you to answer. Do you want a leader that keys on hating Taylor Swift, up and above the economy, to be your president? a leader that keys more on the size of crowds than on immigration?
Americans have horrible choices when it comes to voting, period

Is getting up in front of the country in a red-light speech saying Trump will end the Republic if elected any better? In fact, it is worse in my opinion because the whole world is watching you give that speech.

Im not advocated for the (D)'s.

At least Biden and company condemned the attempted assassination of Trump, even if they were lying through their collective teeth. That is expected to try and condemn your loon base. But what really troubled me was the attempted assassination of Kavanaugh. Not one word about condemning his attempted assassination. In the history of American politics, I have never seen the like. It is the job of the opposition party to condemn any attempted assassination attempts of your opposing party, period.

This should be an expectation, otherwise, you are just endorsing them.

Again, not promoting the (D)'s.
Given two attempts on Trump's life that's ridiculous
answer the question!!!! Is trump getting any benefit to saying he hates Trump?

By the way and talking about attempts on his life. You don't think that saying he hates Taylor Swift will not cause some of Taylor Swift CULT members to consider attempting to take Trump's life, meaning more attempts (not less). You think that is intelligent for Trump to stimulate?
answer the question!!!! Is trump getting any benefit to saying he hates Trump?

By the way and talking about attempts on his life. You don't think that saying he hates Taylor Swift will not cause some of Taylor Swift CULT members to consider attempting to take Trump's life, meaning more attempts (not less). You think that is intelligent for Trump to stimulate?

Stop flapping your arms and trying to dictate to me.

How's that?
Harris or Trump gets us a stupid person, I have heard their ideas and their speaking abilities and neither is impressive, which word salad do you want? What is scary is the Democratic leadership hand picked Harris, I suspect the Republican leadership would love to lose Trump.
You are deflecting from the OP. Why do you deflect to Harris or Biden when this is something that Trump did that will not cause more votes for him, but will stimulate less votes for him.

Since you do not want the Harris in office, doesn't that mean that he has to win in November. If he doesn't win, you will be getting a "stupid" Harris in office. So you think alienating voters against you is intelligent?
Stop flapping your arms and trying to dictate to me.

How's that?
YOU came to the OP and commented on it. If you do not want me to be "flapping my arms and trying to dictate to you", then put up your own OP. This is my OP and that means that "when in Rome, do what the Romans do", meaning answer the question asked of you regarding the OP and YOUR statement made in the OP, regarding the OP.
That is a call to his cult members to go after her. Bigly!!!
trump will not be happy until he gets someone killed. He has now placed a target on the back of Haitian immigrants and now Taylor Swift. He is desperately flailing as he tries to stay out of jail.
"Many" on the left...........

Are those on the left people saying that, are they personally running to be leaders of the country, or ordinary citizens like you or I.

Has Biden or Harris SPECIFICALLY said "I hate Trump"? Or even said that of anyone supporting Trump?

You and I can say it but we are not trying to get votes or even earn the confidence of others to vote for us.

What benefit will Trump get by saying "I hate Taylor Swift"? Will it get him new votes?

It is plain stupid what he did. Do you want a stupid person as a leader?
It's rather funny when people on the left claim that they don't hate Trump and then go full on with their hatred of Trump.
No, that's what real libertarians do, get rid of insane trash like you.

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816
AGAIN...trump is stoking violence against anyone who does not bow to him
YOU came to the OP and commented on it. If you do not want me to be "flapping my arms and trying to dictate to you", then put up your own OP. This is my OP and that means that "when in Rome, do what the Romans do", meaning answer the question asked of you regarding the OP and YOUR statement made in the OP, regarding the OP.

I said stop flapping and demanding.

You'll eventually learn
"Many" on the left...........

Are those on the left people saying that, are they personally running to be leaders of the country, or ordinary citizens like you or I.

Has Biden or Harris SPECIFICALLY said "I hate Trump"? Or even said that of anyone supporting Trump?

You and I can say it but we are not trying to get votes or even earn the confidence of others to vote for us.

What benefit will Trump get by saying "I hate Taylor Swift"? Will it get him new votes?

It is plain stupid what he did. Do you want a stupid person as a leader?
/——/ He wasn’t saying it to get votes.

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