Tyreek Hill admits he contributed to the problem during his arrest.

so an attitude justifies police abuse,,

can you show me that law??

cause I can show you in the constitution that its illegal to take away a persons rights because of what they say,,

how are you not a typical leftist prick??

I've got to say one thing. You and I can agree to disagree. It's duly noted
Really? I'm a constitutional conservative. I'll take back that olive branch now. And you can go fck yourself. End of any discussion
not from what youve said here on this topic youre not,,

a constitutional conservative would have said he had the right to say "dont knock on my window lik that" and the cops violated his rights by dragging him to the ground after he obeyed every lawful order given to him within seconds of them being given,,
not from what youve said here on this topic youre not,,

a constitutional conservative would have said he had the right to say "dont knock on my window lik that" and the cops violated his rights by dragging him to the ground after he obeyed every lawful order given to him within seconds of them being given,,

I said what I said.

Your best bet is to stop. You've looked ridiculous.

Now move on. End of discussion
and what you said proves youre a leftwing authoritarian that doesnt support the constitution and our rights it protects,,

Gfy ya fckn idiot. Seriously. You're all keyed up about some prima donna not cooperating and he's admitted he should have done better, it's in the news

Sad hill to stand on
Gfy ya fckn idiot. Seriously. You're all keyed up about some prima donna not cooperating and he's admitted he should have done better, it's in the news

Sad hill to stand on
I dont care what he says more so when you consider how many high powered people telling him what to say,,

what matters is what happened,,

at no time did he become combative or hostile or threatening words and complied with every lawful order with in seconds of them being given,,

using your logic and his the police can just beat you up or shoot you within seconds if you go to slow for them,,

the whole event barely lasted 55 seconds,,

what more do you want??
I dont care what he says more so when you consider how many high powered people telling him what to say,,

what matters is what happened,,

at no time did he become combative or hostile or threatening words and complied with every lawful order with in seconds of them being given,,

using your logic and his the police can just beat you up or shoot you within seconds if you go to slow for them,,

the whole event barely lasted 55 seconds,,

what more do you want??

I'm done with you. I'm entirely done with you. How's that? You can't even define what you're blabbering about let alone calling me a leftist.

You're one stupid SOB
I'm done with you. I'm entirely done with you. How's that? You can't even define what you're blabbering about let alone calling me a leftist.

You're one stupid SOB
I defined it perfectly,,

he obeyed every command he was given within seconds of them being given,,
he never threatened them or posed a threat to them or became hostile in any way,,

so tell me what did he do in that 55 seconds to justify being dragged out of his car while he was trying to get out had a knee put in his back and handcuffed??
I defined it perfectly,,

he obeyed every command he was given within seconds of them being given,,
he never threatened them or posed a threat to them or became hostile in any way,,

so tell me what did he do in that 55 seconds to justify being dragged out of his car while he was trying to get out had a knee put in his back and handcuffed??

Fck off

see leftist always want people to shut up and conservatives want leftist to keep talking,,

you have a perfect opportunity right now using the video to show me what he did in that 55 seconds to justify the violence the cops used against him,,,

he obeyed every command within seconds of being asked and never said a hostile word,,


see leftist always want people to shut up and conservatives want leftist to keep talking,,

you have a perfect opportunity right now using the video to show me what he did in that 55 seconds to justify the violence the cops used against him,,,

he obeyed every command within seconds of being asked and never said a hostile word,,

Good for him to at least take some responsibility.

We have got to stop your kind of stupidity. The police had no reason to do what they did. They had a greater responsibiity than Hill did. There was no reson for all that after he gave them the license and registration.

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