Dresden in 1945

the Gip has DECIDED his own multitude of "facts" . The universe of "facts" elaborated in the deranged mind is typical of PSYCHOSIS to
wit ---the psychotic delusion. Gip KNOWS the minds of those he terms "DUMB AMERICANS"
The KNOWING that which goes on in the minds of others is pathognomonic of PSYCHOSIS
Dumb Americans are dumb, like you.
do you know what happened in Dresden today in 1945?

what do you think about it …. if you know about it?
stalin :
I don't know why you called me into this thread?

Brit what?

The British international controlled banking and monarchy are the enemy of humanity? They were at that start of the American revolution, and they still are.

Is that what you mean?

YouTube Doesn’t Want You to Watch The WWI Conspiracy​

The WWI Conspiracy​

The consequences of war propaganda. We see fools like this guy on this site everyday.
very true!
what is "very true"?----Dresden was a tragedy of war. The idea---I believe---was to knock out German rail transport-----it was a military objective against an aggressive enemy. Blame ADOLF. you can even blame Japan. A true anecdote. WAY back when I was (sob) "young"---to wit 1967, a neighbor accosted by father to EXULT over the war in the middle east---ie between the UAR and Israel. He was a german immigrant who never stopped complaining about the RAF and what it had DONE TO HIM. In 1967 he suddenly decided that his revenge lie in the inevitable total destruction of Israel (?????) He was another
tragedy of World War II
what is "very true"?----Dresden was a tragedy of war. The idea---I believe---was to knock out German rail transport-----it was a military objective against an aggressive enemy. Blame ADOLF. you can even blame Japan. A true anecdote. WAY back when I was (sob) "young"---to wit 1967, a neighbor accosted by father to EXULT over the war in the middle east---ie between the UAR and Israel. He was a german immigrant who never stopped complaining about the RAF and what it had DONE TO HIM. In 1967 he suddenly decided that his revenge lie in the inevitable total destruction of Israel (?????) He was another
tragedy of World War II
Yes, a strike against the logistics. Knowing the city was full of inhabitants, refugees and wounded, this was still a terror raid. We know this because they are so hellbent on reducing the number of victims of this raids.
Yes, a strike against the logistics. Knowing the city was full of inhabitants, refugees and wounded, this was still a terror raid. We know this because they are so hellbent on reducing the number of victims of this raids.
I have a problem with the English language---it's the only language I know----what I do not know is ----the meaning of "We know this because they are so hellbent on reducing the number of victims of this raid" ??? huh? who is "WE" and who is "they" and it's too late---the victims of what you call "the raid" IS ALREADY DEAD
I have a problem with the English language---it's the only language I know----what I do not know is ----the meaning of "We know this because they are so hellbent on reducing the number of victims of this raid" ??? huh? who is "WE" and who is "they" and it's too late---the victims of what you call "the raid" IS ALREADY DEAD
It is never too late for history. I don´t know who exactly is they. Some Germans, maybe, or some people who don´t want to shed a bad light on the allied warfare during WWII. We, that is just the people who are interested in history.

We see the German police discovered 202.040 dead bodies. "Historians" apprently don´t care.


It is never too late for history. I don´t know who exactly is they. Some Germans, maybe, or some people who don´t want to shed a bad light on the allied warfare during WWII. We, that is just the people who are interested in history.

We see the German police discovered 202.040 dead bodies. "Historians" apprently don´t care.


it was WAR-----I did not read the reports of the GERMAN POLICE----but I have been aware of the tragic bombing of DRESDEN for more than 60 years. (before that I was a kid) Your ACCUSATION that it was forgotten out of
NOT CARING is BULL SHIT. I have read lots all my life (precocious reader) ----but never once read a DENIAL OF THE BOMBING OF DRESDEN. I have read tens of thousands of pages of HOLOCAUST DENIAL. I have, lately, read the BULLSHIT denials of October 7 by people like you
it was WAR-----I did not read the reports of the GERMAN POLICE----but I have been aware of the tragic bombing of DRESDEN for more than 60 years. (before that I was a kid) Your ACCUSATION that it was forgotten out of
NOT CARING is BULL SHIT. I have read lots all my life (precocious reader) ----but never once read a DENIAL OF THE BOMBING OF DRESDEN.
I am not talking about denial but about falsification.

I have read tens of thousands of pages of HOLOCAUST DENIAL.
There are a lot of deniers around, that is for sure. But what is the difference? Victims are being denied in both cases.

I have, lately, read the BULLSHIT denials of October 7 by people like you
I have supported the Syrian government in its struggle against terrorism and will do again, 20 hours a day, 24h a day. In this context, Israel has turned out to be supportive of the gangs like Turkey, UK, US and also my country to a smaller extent. They all got their rubdown in my posts. Never can you read a post of mine that is directed against the existence of these countries, though.
While all the little shits who also applauded Syria and condemned the Islamist terrorists now appear to applaud Islamist terrorist and condemn Israel, my stance didn´t move a nanometer as I am still condemning the Islamist terrorist and will provide the same support for Israel´s efforts, if needed.

Read here my Oct 7 denials:

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