I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
Talking about trump again. Oh no , the Antichrist ! He's too stupid to be the AntiChrist , he's got to be just one of his lowly minions.
First off I'm not a Democrat. I am an Independent. I see problems with both political parties and have no obligations to either one. But given the threatening , severe departure of the republican party from conservatism to extremism. I choose to align with the much more sane Democrats. BTW , the Democrats were fortunate they did not have their party convention where the delegates vote yet. So there were no legal loopholes to maneuver. You'd better hope and pray one of the crazies doesn't get your guy. Then you are in deep shit. This last one even voted for Trump. That's crazy ! Trump seems to bring all the crazies out of the woodwork. Good luck with that you're going to need all the help you can get. That's another reason I am not a Democrat or Republican. The party agenda often works against the nation as a whole.
You certainly act like a Democrat. Even Bill Maher mocks the woke culture. But you never mock it or criticize it. If I am wrong do point me to your posts criticizing them.
So by claiming that Trump is "hateful", you therefore must have some idea of who Trump is hating, and for what erroneous reason.

Would you mind telling us ?
Who doesn't he hate. He's had it out for everyone , even fellow republicans . That's everybody.And he doesn't need a reason , he's crazy.
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And you know trump lost by over 7 million votes and electoral landslide

Your only comeback is “The Big Lie” which led to a failed takeover

You support a weak ass bitch.
He did? Oh no. Then Harris should have no problem winning. Why are you so worried? The only weak ass bitch is you, failed teacher
You certainly act like a Democrat. Even Bill Maher mocks the woke culture. But you never mock it or criticize it. If I am wrong do point me to your posts criticizing them.
Tonite I have a little time and there are such rich opportunities to confront so many malecontents on here. I know it's hard work but somebody's got to try to break their delusions. Don't worry. I have to get to.bed soon , you'll be safe then.
Good night !
That was the icing on the cake that trump gave to the Taliban. He cared nothing about what happened to our allies in Afghanistan. He preferred to work with the terrorist Taliban and aid them. He undermined the US and the Afghan people.
That's what Biden did. When th Taliban was guarding the entrance to the airport, Biden gave the Taliban the names & addresses of Americans & friendly (to us) Afghans, with the idea that the Taliban would than let them into the airport to be evacuated.

Did Biden think the Taliban were a bunch of nice, friendy guys, who could be trusted ? They promptly used that list to STOP Americans & friendly Afghans from getting into the airport, and then used the lists to go door to door, hunting down Americans & friendly Afghans, and killing them.

We'll never know how many Americans & friendly Afghans died, because of Biden's thoughtlessness and recklessness.

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No, it's a lie. Biden left the equipment for the Afghan government to fight the taliban. Which was always the plan. You're such an inbred rightard, you would have stripped the Afghan government of all their defenses.
It takes a special kind of imbecile to defend Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Of course YOU would weigh in LOL. You prove yourself to be so. Damn. Stupid. Everytime Inbred .
Tonite I have a little time and there are such rich opportunities to confront so many malecontents on here. I know it's hard work but somebody's got to try to break their delusions. Don't worry. I have to get to.bed soon , you'll be safe then.
Good night !
We're not worried. You haven't made substantial point here yet.
That's what Biden did. When th Taliban was guarding the entrance to the airport, Biden gave the Taliban the names & addresses of Americans & friendly (to us) Afghans, with the idea that the Taliban would than let them into the airport to be evacuated.

Did Biden think the Taliban were a bunch of nice, friendy guys, who could be trusted ? They promptly used that list to STOP Americans & friendly Afghans from getting into the airport, and then used the lists to go door to door, hunting down Americans & friendly Afghans, and killing them.

We'll never know how many Americans died because of Biden's thoughtlessness and recklessness.
Trump set up the rotten deal and dumped it on Biden. Probably knowing it would be a disaster so people could blame Biden and not the real culprit.
It takes a special kind of imbecile to defend Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Of course YOU would weigh in LOL. You prove yourself to be so. Damn. Stupid. Everytime Inbred .

More retardation from thd forums inbred.

Moron, I didn't defend Biden's withdrawal. He blew it. Instead, I educated you that the equipment was given to the Afghan government to defend themselves against the Taliban.
Trump set up the rotten deal and dumped it on Biden. Probably knowing it would be a disaster so people could blame Biden and not the real culprit.
Biden changed it, & botched it. There wasn't supposed to be a pullout of all US troops while Americans & friendly Afghans were still in the country. One of the dumbest things any US president has ever done.

Another example of Biden's inability to be POTUS.
Who doesn't he hate. He's had it out for everyone , even fellow republicans . That's everybody.And he doesn't need a reason , he's crazy.

So you have no answer for the question. Not one name or group.
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