I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Well at least this pathetic meltdown has something more than the hot air you've been posting up to now.

So let's see you substantiate your claims. One at a time. Let's start with > "he hates people of color" Upon what do you base that claim ?
Bear in mind that in Trump's presidency, we had the lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, in US history.
Trump created 8,700 Opportunity Zones with investment incentives for companies to invest in distressed communities.
He got $ 250 Million/year to black colleges.
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You've destroyed any legitimacy in what you are saying. Not worthy of reading. Better luck with some fool who is as screwed up as you are
he hates people of color"
There is racist hate from the white privileged male victim version of himself sufficient to deny Trump any political office solely from his intended criminal act that he oversaw to deny due process and to deny political victory of every person of color who voted for Biden in Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada.

He claims persons of color violated federal election laws that were outcome determinative against himself. Making himself a victim of election fraud.

He told the big lie that people of color In big cities like Detroit and Atlanta committed election fraud and the evidence was not available to him,

On that big lie Don Trump then attempted to have Mike Pence not count the states where people of color voted in large numbers against him

It’s hate that Trump does well specifically against people of color. Including legal immigrants from Haiti by spreading a NAZI to 70 million watching on TV i. the lie that those particular legal immigrants are eating their neighbor’s cats and dogs.
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Now you're not defending Biden's disastrous Afghan withdrawal? Your hero actually fucked up real bad? What a lying inbred you are LOL


Slobbers the forum inbred who would have taken everything and left the Afghan government defenseless.
Oh, so now he disagrees with this. So that means we're back to him having "some idea of who Trump is hating,"

OK. Fine. So who is that, Stann ? Who does Trump hate ? (you think)


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