Dresden in 1945

Dresden was a war crime!

Oh. You're German?

I mean, in 2024 we don't as a rule carpet bomb entire cities, and that's a good thing. But then, we also don't burn babies alive, or use them as target practice, or march dying people for hundreds of miles, or do scientific experiments on twin children that results in horrid torture, or tell people they're going to get a shower and then end up screaming, dying, trying to crawl their way through cement and then you burn their ashes in crematoriums

I mean

That was Germany
bomber harris was a war criminal

We don't put people on trains, telling them they're just being moved, and then make them strip down and run around to see how "fit" they are. Are they fit to work and die, or just die immediately?

We don't tell them to pack up all their belongings, they'll get them when they arrive, and then go through them stealing and pillaging to contribute to the "war effort".

Tell us again about Dresden
Everty war crime is a tragedy of war - except that every war is also a tragedy onn its own.

You - the Allies - murdered in masses innocent people in Dresden. And that was by no means the only war crime committed by the Allies. Who murders is responsible - not the murdered people are responsible. So, perverted asshole, let it be to try to do a victim perpetrator inversion!

This is modern Germany.

80 years and they're crying into their sauerkraut.

Shameful. Disgusting
Hey Zebra hey zaangalewa

What ARE you thinking when you come to a messageboard built specifically on American issues and hope to drum up a lot of sympathy for Dresden?

Do you realize how many people here have direct relative who fought and died for the utter mess you made? Or were slaughtered in the Holocaust?



Dresden was a war crime!

You want more?

We weren't the nation that sent killing squads into foreign nations and killed the women, men and children of the town by stripping them down, shooting them, and dumping them in trenches--sometimes still alive. So mentally sick that the soldiers were drunk all the time and STILL going crazy. So did sick and crazy Germany say, hey, maybe we shouldn't just randomly shoot a bunch of innocent people? OF COURSE NOT. No, let's devise a system whereby we kill people and they die horribly, but our Nazi soldiers don't have to witness it directly.

So your people invented the gas chambers

What's the matter, nothing to say?
What I want to say to everyone here is that it is no joke to say that the Ukrainians are fighting for their survival and the survival of Europe.

What I want to say to everyone here is that it is no joke to say that the Ukrainians are fighting for their survival and the survival of Europe.

We should have NEVER helped put Germany back together. As a consequence of their disgusting war crimes, we should have had the European nations annex it and dissolve the nation entire.


80 years on and they want to blame it all on Americans
Oh. You're German?

I mean, in 2024 we don't as a rule carpet bomb entire cities, and that's a good thing. But then, we also don't burn babies alive, or use them as target practice, or march dying people for hundreds of miles, or do scientific experiments on twin children that results in horrid torture, or tell people they're going to get a shower and then end up screaming, dying, trying to crawl their way through cement and then you burn their ashes in crematoriums

I mean

That was Germany

Also this is Germany ... and this:

what is "very true"?----Dresden was a tragedy of war. The idea---I believe---was to knock out German rail transport-----it was a military objective against an aggressive enemy. Blame ADOLF. you can even blame Japan. A true anecdote. WAY back when I was (sob) "young"---to wit 1967, a neighbor accosted by father to EXULT over the war in the middle east---ie between the UAR and Israel. He was a german immigrant who never stopped complaining about the RAF and what it had DONE TO HIM. In 1967 he suddenly decided that his revenge lie in the inevitable total destruction of Israel (?????) He was another
tragedy of World War II
Always blame your enemy for war crimes you commit. Very convenient.
Zebra logged off. I do hope he w ill come back and give us an answer for why Dresden was a war crime in comparison to the depravity of the Holocaust ...

Because there is no comparison. Crimes justify not crimes. The anti-Semite general Patton for example did not bomb down the railway to Auschwitz - but the Brits bombed down Dresden. Do you know how many Jews had been under the refugees there?
Because there is no comparison. Crimes justify not crimes. The anti-Semite general Patton for example did not bomb down the railway to Auschwitz - but the Brits bombed down Dresden.

Of course there is a comparison; there is ALWAYS a comparison.

It is worse to kill 10 people than 5, for example.

It is worse to kill children than soldiers.

do you know what happened in Dresden today in 1945?

what do you think about it …. if you know about it?
Small potatoes compared to the fireworks those B-29's were working over Tokyo with. The Japanese lost more folks in those Tokyo fire bombing raids than they lost in both atomic bombing incidents. War, don't leave sanity without it! Now a days Japan has peace keepers patrolling their streets & yeah, they really do now how to use the crosswalks!

Some folks call the Spotted Fallow deer the "Peter Pan Deer" like I'm sure U can C Y with just a glance @ the face below;

Even the does have Peter Pan written all over their faces(0:37). Small to medium sized deer known for their sheer beauty, gentle to docile nature & ESPECIALLY their panhandling capabilities.

The 21st century is utter rot. And one of the worst trends is Germany attempting to blame America--mostly Trump (!)--for its sins.

Interesting in this context is it that Donald Trump was the first president of the USA who became a high traitor - and you like to vote for him a second time. This remembers somehow to the history of Hitler who first tried to do a coup in Bavaria in the 1920ies and overtook Germany in the early 1930ies. Hitler was not taken serios. Most people laughed about Hitler. Some years later no one laughed about Hitler any longer.
... It is worse to kill children than soldiers.


I know of a woman who was buried in Dresden as a child and was rescued. Her life and the life of many others who met her was terrible. For decades. She and her husband had been a catastrophe born in catastrophes bearing catastrophes. One of this catastrophes - their son - had nearly killed my beloved wife. As far as I know he is in prison now.
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Small potatoes compared to the fireworks those B-29's were working over Tokyo with. The Japanese lost more folks in those Tokyo fire bombing raids than they lost in both atomic bombing incidents. War, don't leave sanity without it! Now a days Japan has peace keepers patrolling their streets & yeah, they really do now how to use the crosswalks!

Some folks call the Spotted Fallow deer the "Peter Pan Deer" like I'm sure U can C Y with just a glance @ the face below;

Even the does have Peter Pan written all over their faces(0:37). Small to medium sized deer known for their sheer beauty, gentle to docile nature & ESPECIALLY their panhandling capabilities.

There were plenty of war crimes committed by the US in it’s systematic destruction of Japanese civilians during WWII.

The world’s leading terrorist is the US.
Interesting in this context is it that Donald Trump was the first president of the USA who became a high traitor - and you like to vote for him a second time. This remembers somehow to the history of Hitler who first tried to do a coup in Bavaria in the 1920ies and overtook Germany in the early 1930ies. Hitler was not taken serios. Most people laughed about Hitler. Some years later no one laughed about Hitler any long


You said this in post #251 under my avatar name what I never said:

Do not try to quote me wrong and to say your nonsense under my avatar-name!!! Very short: "Islamofascism" is a phrase which helps no one only a little who tries to think about real problems. Nazis are Nazis. Islamists are Islamists. The common element between both streams of history is only the USA. You created indirectly both ideologies when you decided to take part in world war 1 and took care that the multi-national empires died (old Germany, Austria-Hungaria, Osman empire ...) and the new nationalisms from the racist colonial empires wan (England, France, Russia, Arabia ...).
Your BS is very familiar to me-----I learned all about it from both muslims and hindus from south-east Asia with whom I, INCIDENTALLY, worked as a young adult (like from age 18 thru graduate school and beyond.) For those who have not been exposed to the sophistry----ALL OF THE SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PROBLEMS OF THE WHOLE WORLD---are the
result of "WESTERN COLONIALISM" Before the horror of "WESTERN COLONIALISM" the earth was a COLLECTION of veritable Gardens
of Eden. The various deadly NATIONALIST programs that plague the world today ARE ALL A REACTION TO WESTERN COLONIALISM !!
of course the reality logically INCLUDES all of the world's racial issues and all the wars of the
17th century and beyond.
Your BS is very familiar to me-----I learned all about it from both muslims and hindus from south-east Asia with whom I, INCIDENTALLY, worked as a young adult (like from age 18 thru graduate school and beyond.) For those who have not been exposed to the sophistry----ALL OF THE SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PROBLEMS OF THE WHOLE WORLD---are the
result of "WESTERN COLONIALISM" Before the horror of "WESTERN COLONIALISM" the earth was a COLLECTION of veritable Gardens
of Eden. The various deadly NATIONALIST programs that plague the world today ARE ALL A REACTION TO WESTERN COLONIALISM !!
of course the reality logically INCLUDES all of the world's racial issues and all the wars of the
17th century and beyond.

Do you use drugs?

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