The Democrats aren't going to let Trump be President

Democrats ultimately don't want you to vote, and the first step is to make sure your vote doesn't count.

Periodic purging voter rolls is required by law to clean up the rolls from citizens who have died or moved away. It's not a conspiracy to get Republicans.
They will try to kill Trump even after he is elected. The New World Order is 6 years away from their takeover, and Trump really is the only obstacle standing in their way.
Trump ~ 2024 Because he is not a NWO representative. Vote for America.
Yep! God chose Putin, Xi, Kim Jung Un and Trump to be the Saviors of the world from the New World Order!


It IS possible that some random joe schmo mentally ill Democrats want him dead, because they've been brainwashed by the powers-that-shouldn't-be to believe Trump is "the next Hitler."

BUT, I don't buy for one moment that the PTSB have been trying to kill Trump and keep failing at it, I think that's ridiculous. :rolleyes:

Make no mistake, if the PTSB really wanted Trump dead, he would be dead already, a long time ago. And they would do it in a more foolproof efficient way, they wouldn't hire some deranged idiot who's a terrible shot.

That said, I think it's likely that the whole thing is a psyop, not for the purpose of killing Trump, necessarily, but to create chaos and civil unrest. To me that is clear and obvious. In fact, I don't necessarily agree with this but some people think it's for the purpose of ultimately stoking a civil war. Why? To lead to The Great Reset. In order to bring in a new system, they have to first destroy the current system.
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