The Democrats aren't going to let Trump be President

They will try to kill Trump even after he is elected. The New World Order is 6 years away from their takeover, and Trump really is the only obstacle standing in their way.
Trump ~ 2024 Because he is not a NWO representative. Vote for America.

New World Order? 😂 Are you kidding? There have been many, many New World Orders... Napoleon, Alexander, The Third Reich etc..

The 1980s conspiracy nuts are calling you.
God chose Israel. We fall under the heading of, all nations:

Zechariah 12:13 On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.
Did your jesus chose Israel over America too.
uhhh . its your side trying to imprison its leading political opponents and tried to kick him off ballots in their so called defense of democracy .. and its your side inciting violence against said opponent .. self awareness is a foreign concept to the weak Marxist baby killing faggots on the left .
So, law and order mean nothing to you.

And we already know self-awareness is not a maga trait.
uhhh . its your side trying to imprison its leading political opponents and tried to kick him off ballots in their so called defense of democracy .. and its your side inciting violence against said opponent .. self awareness is a foreign concept to the weak Marxist baby killing faggots on the left.
You silly goofs are fun to watch for a while. No one is a Marxist, and no one has killed a baby, which according to the Lord Jehovah, begins life and personhood at birth.
New World Order? 😂 Are you kidding? There have been many, many New World Orders... Napoleon, Alexander, The Third Reich etc..

The 1980s conspiracy nuts are calling you.
I know who isn't calling you. Mensa. There never has been, to date, a World Order. World means world, not empires. He made it clear. All the nations on earth...
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A second assassination has failed. But Democrats will keep trying until Trump is dead.

Where's your evidence it has anything to do with Democrats? And surely Democrats would do a better job than this last "attempt".

What's worrying is that a guy with a get gets within 500 meters of Trump is bigger news than a bunch of kids getting killed.

Welcome to Amerika.
God chose Israel. We fall under the heading of, all nations:

Zechariah 12:13 On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.
Read that verse in context.

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