What Offense Did the Ukrainian People Commit That Caused Them to Be Bombed into Oblivion by The Russian Military at the Command of Putin?

In thinking about why Israel is destroying Gaza and killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, it caused me, in comparison, to wonder why Putin began bombing Ukraine. I honestly could not remember why this all began.

I'm sure we all agree that retaliating for having been attacked and having your citizens abducted and killed is more than reason enough to go after the perpetrators, even if we do not necessarily agree with how they are going about carrying this out. But what I'm struck with at the moment is how Putin was NOT defending Russia, or retaliating for an attack against the country and its people. This wholesale slaughter of innocent people seems to be based on ideology?

Because Ukraine is corrupted by the USA. Lots of shit $ between them, lots of power, just ask Biden, Obama and Trump, for instance. It's obvious.

Because the Demonicrats champion the military complex. Big money in that. All while guys like Putin can't take Democracks seriously, because Democracks are cracked.

Because the USA corrupted Ukraine to seek joining NATO, which can never happen. Sorry, but the west doesn't get to run everything, Russia has to protect their interests; if NATO moved in next door, it poses a great threat to Russia.

Because of land, resources and power, that's how the world works.

Because Americans are stupid as fuck if they don't rehire Trump. A vote for Kamala is a vote for chaos, tax, high inflation and war. Trump can end that war.
3. “Deaths and injuries to hundreds of thousands of prime work-age Russian men during serious demographic challenges for Russian society.”
Yes, war leads to casualties, on both sides, but the losses are much heavier on the Ukrainian side.

So your justificaiton of hundreds of thousands of young Russian men's lives destroyed by this war of choice is... deaths of Ukrainians?

How fucked in the head do you need to be to say shit like that?
So your justificaiton of hundreds of thousands of young Russian men's lives destroyed by this war of choice is... deaths of Ukrainians?

How fucked in the head do you need to be to say shit like that?

Poke the bear, lose your hand.
Who do you think actually buys your bullshit?

Finland and especially Sweeden had no plans to join NATO untill Russian full scale invasion.
Thanks to assholes like you we're now closer to a nuclear war. NATO saber-rattling on Russia's doorstep = WW3. If Russia were doing it to us here, in Mexico or Canada, we would be at war with Mexico or Canada. We wouldn't allow Russia to deploy its military on our border and they're not allowing Anton the imperialist asshole to deploy on their border in Ukraine. It's simple but you're a piece of shit so you refuse to acknowledge that obvious fact. Poke the bear long enough and eventually, you'll lose your hand.
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Inflation is down across EU, and the OPPOSITE is happening in Russia, despite mind-blowing 19% interest rate that keeps getting raised every month.

The annual inflation rate in Russia stood at 9.1% in August 2024, the steepest since February 2023, unchanged from July, but slightly above forecasts of 9%. Prices continued to quicken for services (11.7% vs 11.4% in July) and remained elevated for food products (9.7%, the same as in July). Meanwhile, prices slowed for non-food products (6.1% vs 6.7%). On a monthly basis, consumer prices rose by 0.2% in August, decelerating from a 1.1% increase in the prior month and matching market estimates. source: Federal State Statistics Service

Inflation is high for everyone. That's not going to stop Russia from biting your hand off if you keep poking it with NATO. Perhaps you'll understand when the ICBMs start flying.
Preying on the weak and defenseless? Sounds more evil than good, to me.

*because Putin is a maniac making offensive nuclear threats and waging a war of vanity
The definition of American exceptionalism. Probably anti-Russian racism.^

So the United States invading Iraq is praying on the weak? The USA a country of over 300 million people invades Iraq, a country of 30 million people which by 2003 loss most of its strong military equipment.

How pathetic are you? We wipe the floor with the Iraqi military in two weeks. They had no chance whatsoever defending themselves.

Point is there’s greater things at play like geopolitics…. Not some stupid anti-Russian soundbite like you rail off on. Russia would into Ukraine because their leaders in a portion of their population thought it was in their best interest same thing with America going into Iraq in 2003. Russia had more justification because Ukraine was right on their border and about to possibly become a NATO country whereas Iraq was thousands of miles away.

btw I don’t agree with Russian invading Ukraine. But I’m tired of garbage and hypocrisy from people like you.

BTW how about Russia not lending any support to Iraq in 2003. You’re one of those frothing at the mouth hypocrites who complains about white supremacy in America from Republicans, but says nothing about open Nazis serving in the Ukrainian military. I think your viewpoints are a disgrace to America.
Those were the smart ones, because the ones that DIDN'T, like Georgia and Ukraine who were fooling around with "brothers" next door paid for their collosal mistake in blood and territory loss
Antoshka, it was NATO who refused to give the Membership Action Plan for Ukraine and Georgia in 2008, when they still had pro-Western governments.
Antoshka, it was NATO who refused to give the Membership Action Plan for Ukraine and Georgia in 2008, when they still had pro-Western governments.
Why don't you tell that to Putin Vision addict here who keeps talking about how NATO is trying it's darnest to expand.
Why don't you tell that to Putin Vision addict here who keeps talking about how NATO is trying it's darnest to expand.
I don't support this point of view. NATO was never intended to join Ukraine and Georgia. Its goal was to create a buffer zone between it and Russia with hostile governments along the Russian border.

And I mentally applaud the Georgians who were wise enough to vote out your insane puppet Saakashvili and didn't alow to turn their country into another war zone.

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