Why can't Kamalla Harris run on who she really is?

You're a slow learner? Well, that would explain then why you haven't been able to figure out how to prove your accusations. I'll give you a little more time then.
It’s not that I couldn’t, it’s that I won’t, as long as you don’t satisfactorily answer why you support a slimeball.

It’s not that I couldn’t, it’s that I won’t, as long as you don’t satisfactorily answer why you support a slimeball.


You're the one who responded to this topic, with an accusation. Your 'question' has nothing to do with the topic, so stop trying to derail the thread.

So again, put up or shut up, I don't like being called a liar!
To the Democrat weirdos on this site, why can't Kamalla Harris PUBLICLY run on what she really believes?

Why can't she PUBLICLY say that she is for taxpayer funded sex-change surgeries for illegals?

Why can't she PUBLICLY say that she is in favor of Medicare for all?

Why can't she PUBLICLY say she is in favor of defunding ICE?

Why can't she say PUBLICLY that she will pledge to end the use of ICE detainers – requests by ICE to local or state law enforcement to hold an individual up to 48 hours beyond their release time so ICE can take them into custody for possible deportation?

Why can't she PUBLICLY say what she said as the DA in San Francisco that she defends a city’s sanctuary status, stating at the time, “We are a sanctuary city, a city of refuge, and we always will be.”?

Why can't she PUBLICLY say that she supports the decriminalization of all drug possession for personal use?

Why? I'll tell you why, because the leftist agenda is NOT what the majority of Americans want! Nationally, they will LOSE every time!

Kamalla's flip-flops, are another clear indication of this FACT!!!

It's now our job, to educate Americans to what Kamalla Harris REALLY is!!!

Once again, Kamalla, here's your gold medal! View attachment 1010377

Why is Harris being held to a higher standard than Trump?

Why can't Trump say he will veto a Nation Abortion Ban?

Why won't Trump agree to a peaceful transfer of power?

Why can't Trump say that his tariffs will cause the worst inflation seen since the Carter Administration.

Why can't Trump say that his deportations will collapse GDP?

Why can't Trump tell you that he'll let Putin have the Ukraine and anywhere else in Europe he wants?

Why does Trump keep flip flopping on the issues?
You're the one who responded to this topic, with an accusation. Your 'question' has nothing to do with the topic, so stop trying to derail the thread.

So again, put up or shut up, I don't like being called a liar!
You just don’t get it, do you? As long as you keep lying, I’ll keep posting about it. No one is forcing you to spread Trump propaganda. That’s on you!

Dems have to LIE to get elected. Every 4 years they suddenly transform into President Reagan...then about Jan, 20th they change back into flaming liberal weirdos.
Dems have to LIE to get elected. Every 4 years they suddenly transform into President Reagan...then about Jan, 20th they change back into flaming liberal weirdos.
Nothing’s weirder than MAGA. How does banning books protect children from school shootings? I’ve ever heard of a book causing parents to fear for their children’s lives.

You just don’t get it, do you? As long as you keep lying, I’ll keep posting about it. No one is forcing you to spread Trump propaganda. That’s on you!


And yet, I've given you opportunity after opportunity to prove that I'm lying, and you do nothing but spin your wheels. You are a joke.
You’re the one spinning their wheels! I’m having fun arguing like a MAGAmoron.


See, here's how this works:

Person 'A' presents REAL documented information.

Person 'B' accuses person 'A' of lying about the information they presented.

Person 'A' then asks for proof the information they presented is knowingly false.

It is then up to person 'B' to show proof, or to withdraw their accusations.

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