Colin Gray: 2nd Degree Murder?

Hussein Obama authorized illegal weapons to be shipped to Mexico and one of them was used in the murder of a Border Patrol Officer. Isn't Obama guilty of 2nd degree murder?
Because its illegal to buy a teenage booze. They can't legally own a gun until 18 so you can't buy it for them. Just like a car. You can buy a teen a car, but you can't put it in their name. It MUST be in the name of an adult. That means it's owned by the adult. Same for firearms. Except a teen can legally drive a car that doesn't belong to them, a child cannot legally use a gun that doesn't belong to them unless they are directly supervised by an adult. It's illegal to bring a gun onto a school campus, so he broke many laws even before stepping foot onto the school grounds.
No, you are wrong. The purchase of the gun is not illegal. But buy the gun knowing the person who will receive is nut and you buy the criminal liability that he will break the law.
Does anybody REALLY think this is right? Can you make a case? Seems to me the State is carrying out MOB JUSTICE. Do words even matter? Murder has a definition.

The father of the 14-year-old Apalachee High School shooting suspect faces two counts of second-degree murder in connection with this week’s Georgia attack that left four dead – charges that push the legal limits of parental responsibility for a child’s alleged gun crime.
Often charges are upgraded later as a case is built.
If by that you mean they are completely different under federal law, then sure.

The fact an AR15 must be modified to create an M16, or some semblance thereof, proves my claim.

See: Humans and Chimpanzees

Anyone who tells you they are the same firearm is lying to you.
Semantics. They are virtually the same with one modification. It’s like saying a stick shift in a car makes it an entirely different car from the automatic car. Same thing. Small difference even though you drive/shoot it differently.
The law.
Physical reality.

Which means they are not the same.
Again semantics. Porsche Boxter 718 comes in manual and automatic.. are they not virtually the same car? lol. I am sure you think they aren’t. Whackadoodle.
Does anybody REALLY think this is right? Can you make a case? Seems to me the State is carrying out MOB JUSTICE. Do words even matter? Murder has a definition.

The father of the 14-year-old Apalachee High School shooting suspect faces two counts of second-degree murder in connection with this week’s Georgia attack that left four dead – charges that push the legal limits of parental responsibility for a child’s alleged gun crime.
Normally I would agree with you and have thought this in some previous cases. But, in this particular case, the father did have a very, very bad serious lapse in judgement. His son is investigated for making a threat to shoot up a school, the case is eventually dismissed, and then shortly afterward the father buys an AR-15 for his 14 year old son. That just seems completely unreasonable to me. The father must have been really gullible and trusted his son far too much but, ultimately, he should have had enough brains not to buy his son an AR-15 under the circumstances.
Hey, at least he was not sending them to there is that.
He was sending illegal arms to Mexico to accomidate some crazy plan by the ATF to track them back into the U.S. After they disappeared it's likely that they were used by Mexican drug cartels to kill innocent Mexicans and we know of at least one American so far. Nobody was fired or indicted and the media quickly dropped the issue because Obama was protected. There is no statute of limitations in murder cases so Obama could still be charged but don't hold your breath.
He was sending illegal arms to Mexico to accomidate some crazy plan by the ATF to track them back into the U.S. After they disappeared it's likely that they were used by Mexican drug cartels to kill innocent Mexicans and we know of at least one American so far. Nobody was fired or indicted and the media quickly dropped the issue because Obama was protected. There is no statute of limitations in murder cases so Obama could still be charged but don't hold your breath.

Well, thanks to SCOTUS he is totally immune for those actions.

So, is sending them to Mexico worse than sending them to Iran?
He was sending illegal arms to Mexico to accomidate some crazy plan by the ATF to track them back into the U.S. After they disappeared it's likely that they were used by Mexican drug cartels to kill innocent Mexicans and we know of at least one American so far. Nobody was fired or indicted and the media quickly dropped the issue because Obama was protected. There is no statute of limitations in murder cases so Obama could still be charged but don't hold your breath.
Or they recognized that the overall plan was not to stop 2000 of the 250,000 American weapons trafficked into Mexico each year, but to use those 2000 weapons to track where they were going.

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