His Father Was in the Home

I'm not going to spend time serching for your racist posts. You are a racist, you postings have shown it. I'm tired of reading the garbage you guys post about us as blacks then asking who is racist like you don't know. Now use the you don't look for my racism becuse its not there tactc that always follows the question and the show me my racism comment.
So...you have no proof.

Your claim is dismissed as garbage.
nobodies saying a father in the home guarantees a kid will turn out to be a good responsible law abiding citizen ... we are saying a father in the home increases the chance of those outcomes .
But IM2 applies the standard test Democrats apply to every idea that makes sense to ordinary people: Is it guaranteed to be true, or to work in every single case without even imagined exceptions.

- No point buildting a border wall, when they can just tunnel under or bring a great big o ladder!

- Not every single black person who is successful benefited from tokenism/affirmative action/DEI!

- Not every white person has been discriminated against by tokenism/affirmative action/DEI!
So now you want 14 year olds murdered on the electric chair....
Murdered? Nope. Indicted. Done. Now we go through the trial, and when found guilty of murdering those four poor people...the State should execute him.

Not with anguish, like he did the poor victims. No, they will simply put the fucker to sleep.
What you do is ignore the millions of good black kids and paint blacks wth the broad brush you don't want your white asses to be painted with. So here you are being shown an example of a white kid, daddy at home, who commits a very violent act.

There's plenty of reason to use that "broad brush".

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