Fence sitters

I’m not up to date with the modern libertarian party, but I’m guessing mostly from the GOP
I'm talking about me. If I say I'm voting Libertarian, you tell me I'm "splitting the vote" -- which vote?

Your argument makes no sense.
Dude - you're an assclown. An over-the-top parody of a fascist Trump supporter. I'm still not convinced you're for real.
I’m good with that… convince yourself of whatever you have to to avoid engaging in rational dissent. That’s what I’d do if I knew some dude owned my illogical/irrational ass to.
who knew that jerk would back out?.....and again if i dont vote for either one of the big 2, how am i hurting one side but not the other?..
Because it can be viewed as a wasted vote that could have went to a candidate that actually has a chance to win

Not saying its 100% fair
your so fucking racist you have no idea what im talking about do you?...
I don’t think you Libs actually know what racism is…You’ve long used it as a defense mechanism and you’ve lost touch.
I don’t hate anyone for their skin color. I hate white liberals far more than I hate any other class of human being. Where does your woke white guilt ass go with that?
Because it can be viewed as a wasted vote that could have went to a candidate that actually has a chance to win

Not saying its 100% fair
you guys dont seem to get this through your heads ....i will not vote for people who i happen to think should not be president...the lessor of 2 evil bullshit dont fly with me....it has produced this centuries congress and WH...a bunch of inept,incompetent people......hey but its your right to keep it going...
A vote for a bad candidate is the epitome of a wasted vote. I won't do it.
Until a viable third party candidate comes along, I’m gonna vote for the candidate who comes closest to my beliefs and who actually has a chance to win.

And, in this particular election, I’m not ashamed to admit I’d vote solely for the purpose of voting against Trump.

And frankly, I can’t think of any third parties
currently around I’d be interested in even if they did have a chance. Socialist? Libertarian? Green? Are there even any others?

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