Fence sitters

I think that you’re drastically overestimating the American people if you think they’d ever be able to grasp it
There's nothing to "grasp". You rank the candidates in order of preference. RCV is no different than the run off elections that many states already employ. It just avoids having to back to the polls for multiple rounds of voting.
It really isn't. It's a vote FOR Harris. And you have to own that.
I mean, yes, but…. I’m in Michigan. The polls are razor tight. Even if I’m not fond of Harris at all, a vote for her IS a vote that helps to hopefully ensure Trump doesn’t win the state

It’s going to be one or the other, after all
There's nothing to "grasp". You rank the candidates in order of preference. RCV is no different than the run off elections that many states already employ. It just avoids having to back to the polls for multiple rounds of voting.
Im not sure how this would benefit a third party. Ultimately, the elections still going to go to one of the two main parties in this
I mean, yes, but…. I’m in Michigan. The polls are razor tight. Even if I’m not fond of Harris at all, a vote for her IS a vote that helps to hopefully ensure Trump doesn’t win the state

It’s going to be one or the other, after all
Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe enough voters will wake up and say no to this scam. Either way, I'm not falling for the blackmail: "Vote for our asshole because other asshole is EVEN worse!!!" - uh, no.
Im not sure how this would benefit a third party. Ultimately, the elections still going to go to one of the two main parties in this
Yeah. A lot of people think ranked choice voting is a plot to get third parties elected. Most studies show that's usually not what happens, and it's not the goal.

The goal is to elect good leaders, leaders who have real consensus support.
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Yeah. A lot of people think ranked choice voting is a plot to get third parties elected. Most studies show that's usually not what happens, and it's not the goal.

The goal is to elect good leaders who have real consensus support.
I meant to say “I’m not sure”. Went back and edited it
Is anyone truthfully going into this debate not already with their mind made up?

Anyone that hasn't made up their mind yet needs to vote not on the candidate or their party.

They need to look at the country and their lives. When Trump was president for 4 years, and look at the past 4 years. They need to just decide at which time was their personal life and the country itself was better.

Look at what we have now in America the past 4 years, kamala is responsible as she was in office then. The past 4 years is what will continue to happen. So fence sitters should think about the past 4 years and if they want more of it.

Much higher prices. That has drastically increased the past few years. Even if they drop the cost of most things 10% it's still more expensive than when Trump was the president.

Millions and millions of illegals bankrupting cities, causing crime, using up resources, taking away manpower to deal with them, uneasiness they cause in people and so on.

Crime going way up all over the country

Several different wars on were sticking our nose into.

Hundreds of billions of dollars spent on other countries wars and other countries citizens they sent here yet we struggle with our economy.

Telling new home buyers will give them all tens of thousands of dollars each, telling students we will pay their debts, but they don't say that comes out of our tax money. Meanwhile they ignore all the people who worked hard to pay their own debts off.

And all of our other problems.

So fence sitters should vote for the country, not a person or a party.
Just clarifying

I guess I don’t get what the benefit of ranked voting would be…
Lots of benefits.

First, it does away with any nonsense about vote-splitting or lesser-of-two-evils. You can vote your conscience. If you think the Green candidate is the best, you can rank them first, and make a visible statement of support, yet still ensure that - if Trump and Harris are the last two standing, your vote will go to Harris over Trump. With RCV you really can vote "against" a candidate. If you rank a candidate dead last, you're literally voting for any candidate but them.

The key is that RCV prevents a candidate from winning without the the support of a majority of voters. Plurality voting makes it possible for a candidate to win even when a majority of voters oppose them. This can't happen with RCV.

As I said, it works like the runoff elections that several states already use. In those states, if no candidate gets a majority, because some voters were voting for a third or fourth candidate, the last place candidates are dropped from the ballot and we vote again, until someone actually does get the majority. RCV just automates that process so you cast your runoff votes at the same time as your first round votes.

RCV also promotes civility and less divisive campaigning. Because second place votes matter. A caustic candidate will be more likely to be ranked dead last. But a candidate who can get second place votes, instead of being ranked last is more likely to win. Candidates have an actual incentive to avoid coming off as divisive douchebags.
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its sad that you are so racist you just cant grasp what im saying...go look up the word racist....you will see a picture of you there as an example....
Again…you don’t know what racism is.
You think this is racism….

It’s really just a scary fact that hurts your feelings.
If I say ALL predominantly dark communities, cities and states are disgusting shitholes you call it racism…when you know it’s a fact.
I simply like facts and I like sharing them with scared pussies.
Again…you don’t know what racism is.
You think this is racism….
View attachment 1009859

It’s really just a scary fact that hurts your feelings.
If I say ALL predominantly dark communities, cities and states are disgusting shitholes you call it racism…when you know it’s a fact.
I simply like facts and I like sharing them with scared pussies.
geezus you are far gone....you have no idea what im saying about you do you?...

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