Progressive Activist Speaks Out Against Woke Madness - Brianna Wu

The next step/goal for trans, I'm sure, is moving straight to mutilating these poor children.
These violent mutilation fantasies you have only speak badly of you, you know. Normal people don't think like you.

Liberals rarely talk about trans people.

Conservatives are absolutely obsessed with trans people. They seem to think of little else. Just look at this board.

That's deliberate on the part of their masters. Fascists need out-groups to hate, to keep the fascist base united.
Here's a classic. You won't read it, but others here who do will see what a gullible rube you are:

You should read more of your own links.

Walensky was referring to a new CDC study of nearly 4,000 front-line workers, some vaccinated and some not, who tested themselves weekly for COVID-19 infections between December and March.
Among fully vaccinated people in the study, there were only three "break-through" COVID-19 infections detected. In stark contrast, unvaccinated participants in the study logged 161 COVID-19 cases.
In other words, two shots of Pfizer or Moderna's vaccines, followed by two full weeks for them to take effect, nearly zeroed out all detectable infections — including asymptomatic ones.
The CDC later walked back Walensky's comments in part, telling the New York Times that the evidence "isn't clear" and that the director was "speaking broadly."
"We hope that within the next five or so months we'll be able to answer the very important question about whether vaccinated people get infected asymptomatically, and if they do, do they transmit the infection to others," Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious-disease expert, said at a White House COVID-19 task-force briefing on Friday.

The CDC clarified her statements according to your own link and when put into context weren't nearly as aggregious as you tried to pretend they were. :laugh:
You should read more of your own links.

Walensky was referring to a new CDC study of nearly 4,000 front-line workers, some vaccinated and some not, who tested themselves weekly for COVID-19 infections between December and March.
Among fully vaccinated people in the study, there were only three "break-through" COVID-19 infections detected. In stark contrast, unvaccinated participants in the study logged 161 COVID-19 cases.
In other words, two shots of Pfizer or Moderna's vaccines, followed by two full weeks for them to take effect, nearly zeroed out all detectable infections — including asymptomatic ones.
The CDC later walked back Walensky's comments in part, telling the New York Times that the evidence "isn't clear" and that the director was "speaking broadly."
"We hope that within the next five or so months we'll be able to answer the very important question about whether vaccinated people get infected asymptomatically, and if they do, do they transmit the infection to others," Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious-disease expert, said at a White House COVID-19 task-force briefing on Friday.

The CDC clarified her statements according to your own link and when put into context weren't nearly as aggregious as you tried to pretend they were. :laugh:

Yes, now we know all of you were lying. That's my point.
Your own link says you were full of shit you clown. :laugh:

No, it doesn't. But the good news is the people like Fauci, Walensky, and Biden, who are collectively responsible for killing hundreds of thousands Americans with their covid lies, are going to be help responsible for it in the coming months and years.

Small time killers like you, who probably only murdered a few dozen people, are probably going to get away with it (at least in this life).
No, it doesn't. But the good news is the people like Fauci, Walensky, and Biden, who are collectively responsible for killing hundreds of thousands Americans with their covid lies, are going to be help responsible for it in the coming months and years.

Small time killers like you, who probably only murdered a few dozen people, are probably going to get away with it (at least in this life).
You idiot your own link shows that context makes her comments make a lot more sense. She was speaking broadly about the results of a study that showed being vaccinated was ten times more effective at preventing covid than being unvaccinated. :laugh:

Learn to fucking read.
You idiot your own link shows that context makes her comments make a lot more sense. She was speaking broadly about the results of a study that showed being vaccinated was ten times more effective at preventing covid than being unvaccinated. :laugh:

Learn to fucking read.

Nope. Read it again, it went over your head.

You people killed millions with your lies.
These violent mutilation fantasies you have only speak badly of you, you know. Normal people don't think like you.
You're right, most people don't understand the sick nature humans are capable of
Liberals rarely talk about trans people.
Exactly. That's the problem. There's not thought, just acceptance of nonsense
Conservatives are absolutely obsessed with trans people. They seem to think of little else. Just look at this board.
Not obsessed, just standing up for the rights of those being abused
That's deliberate on the part of their masters. Fascists need out-groups to hate, to keep the fascist base united.
If only that were true... This fantasy of yours prevents you from seeing the truth of the matter
Do keep up. Your own people admitted they just wanted it to get tape of Biden stuttering.

LOL...You people even believe the nonsense about Biden stuttering. It is hilarious. We know he has a stutter, but that doesn't have anything to do with forgetting where you are or what you did or making up fantastical stories. It is just sad what you folks believe.
but that doesn't have anything to do with forgetting where you are or what you did or making up fantastical stories.
But you make all that up. Remember, you can't gaslight anyone who isn't part of your commiesucker cult.

Tell us, has your crybaby lying worked outside of your cult? Did it work in 2022? No? Well, sucks to be you.

See you in November, losers. Unless you run, which is what we expect out of you.
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