Breaking News: New CPI inflation report lowest since 2021

Down to 2.5%, and 0.2% month over month.

Inflation eased again in August, cementing expectations that the Federal Reserve is setto cut interest rates next week for the first time since the pandemic’s early days.

Data released Wednesday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed prices climbed 2.5 percent in the 12 months ending in August. That was a noticeable improvement over the 2.9 percent notched in July, in part because of falling gas prices. Prices also climbed 0.2 percent over the previous month.
Still Republicans will continue to lie about the economy being bad, hoping Americans suffer economicly for some perceived partisan gain.
I am on the fence there. At the end of the day they had the best economy in the world and no amount of rate increases would have offset the lack of microchip production or car assemblies or house building or lumber production. I think maybe suffering through it may have been the only way. Especially with those low wage earner increases being so high. Like I said, not sure.
Imo, it was not really the failure to raise rates. And coming out of a shuttered economy, the last thing they wanted to do was raise rates. BUT the Fed failed to focus on the amount of money THEY and the GOP had injected. And, Trump wanted an even bigger stimulus than the third, and disasterous, one the progs passed when they had the House Senate and WH.

That's not to absolve dems. They found inflation, which was no mean feat, since economists haven't been able to find it despite looking.

But the fed should have cleaned up its stimulus and holding private bonds during Trump's term.
How about a reality check? We spend about 11% or our income on food vs 10% pre-covid, and guess what? It is all driven off of eating out expenses. Eating at home is stil about 6% of expenses. Food is not a burden for Americans. Poverty can be though and that is about wages and employment.

I wonder why? Because eating out is cheaper than a grocery bill at this point. I know because I'm doing it. I'm having to skimp out on some groceries because of how high they've gotten. Several years ago, I could get a month's worth of food from a grocery store for about $75-80. Now, that same amount of food costs $100-125.

You and your gloating friends need a reality check. A very big, painful, costly one.
People arereducing their purchases of steak or the amount of it. In fact, there was a report on TV that many have replaced steak with sausage. Thank You old Joe. Thank You for the inflation and unifying our nation.
I'm not giving up my steaks no matter what the morons in Government do. In fact I'm reverse searing a tomahawk as I type this. Not cheap but it's going to be awesome.
Down to 2.5%, and 0.2% month over month.

Inflation eased again in August, cementing expectations that the Federal Reserve is setto cut interest rates next week for the first time since the pandemic’s early days.

Data released Wednesday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed prices climbed 2.5 percent in the 12 months ending in August. That was a noticeable improvement over the 2.9 percent notched in July, in part because of falling gas prices. Prices also climbed 0.2 percent over the previous month.
That's good news. The fed is going to drop rates. And when they do, inflation might rise again a little bit.
Twisted terrorist democrats will continue to lie and lie and lie and tell you that your earnings are up and prices are down and you are just lying about it.

Democrat fabrication is just getting out of hand.
It has been out of hand for a long time now. We no longer have a free and independent press. The Democrat Party/deep state owns and controls the vast majority of it and it reports what the Democrats/deep state want reported and how they want it reported.
When people cut expenses by spending less on things, naturally the cost of those things will equal less of earned income than before.

People are trying to spin this as a positive. It isn't. This only shows people trying to regulate their spending.

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