...for me, I cannot, nor will not.....put J6 behind. It is key.

"They faced phony charges, just like Trump did in NY."
Clue for the cluefull: Read the reportage by the Associated Press linked in the OP.

It will inform you, Lenny.

Trust me.
As the OP of this thread....and....a watcher of tonight's debate, well, I noted that Kamala Harris DID score over Trump on his J6 performance.
I'm sorry but the January 6 peaceful protesters are retards
How'd they forget to bring their rifles ?

A real insurrection needs rifles
Anything else is just a protest
It’s basically all they have.
We’d have moved on by now but you nominated the guy responsible for the chaos after the last election, pretending as if he never even tried to steal the election.

So don’t expect us to drop it until you drop him.
We’d have moved on by now but you nominated the guy responsible for the chaos after the last election, pretending as if he never even tried to steal the election.

So don’t expect us to drop it until you drop him.
This BULLSHIT NARRATIVE that Trump "tried to steal the election" is fabricated folly. Nothing even close to that happened.
In FACT, the election WAS stolen by the cheating demented LEFT.
All you are pushing is PROJECTION.
J/6 was a planned DEFLECTION away from that FACT.
Go F-curve yourself.
This BULLSHIT NARRATIVE that Trump "tried to steal the election" is fabricated folly. Nothing even close to that happened.
In FACT, the election WAS stolen by the cheating demented LEFT.
All you are pushing is PROJECTION.
J/6 was a planned DEFLECTION away from that FACT.
Go F-curve yourself.
I am surprised and disappointed that J6 has not been more intensely focused on by first, the Biden campaign; and then the Harris campaign. They have given Don Trump a pass.

Donald Trump initiated J6, summoned the mob, angered and provoked the mob, and then directed them to illegally march down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol where they could attack our elected Representatives and stop the peaceful transfer of power. That was the plan of Don Trump and his enablers and sycophants.

I believe all of that.
THAT...is what happened. And consequences must be levied.
Levied against more than the nincompoop losers who beat the hell out of uniformed cops.

So, I was delighted to see today's treatment by the Associated Press on just what is taking place in all those trials of the violent MAGA losers.

I haven't read all of the AP's reportage today....but will.
In the meantime, what I have read confirms what I saw on the telly with my own eyes on J6.

For those who are interested here in the link below is the AP's in-depth reportage of what is and has been revealed via video and witness testimony. It is graphic. It is determinative. It is condemning.
And critically, it has been near unfailingly persuasive to juries and judges who have been exposed to it.

There are no "political prisoners" here. There are no 'falsely accused'. No 'wrongly convicted'.

Harris must not let America forget who instigated and authored that violent seditious event. Must not let America forget that the Commander in Chief du jour, sat on his fat butt doing nothing but watching for over 3hours and watched hard-working employees of the government he claimed he led.....have the crap beat out of them by his supporters.

Kamala Harris must tattoo January 6th onto that fat butt so no one forgets and everybody will want those consequences.

No disrespect intended.


"Inside Washington’s federal courthouse, there’s no denying the reality of Jan. 6, 2021. Day after day, judges and jurors silently absorb the chilling sights and sounds from television screens of rioters beating police, shattering windows and hunting for lawmakers as democracy lay under siege.
But as he seeks to reclaim the White House, Donald Trump continues to portray the defendants as patriots worthy of admiration, an assertion that has been undercut by the adjudicated truth in hundreds of criminal cases where judges and juries have reached the opposite conclusion about what history will remember as one of America’s darkest days.
The cases have systematically put on record — through testimony, documents and video — the crimes committed, weapons wielded, and lives altered by physical and emotional damage. Trump is espousing a starkly different story, portraying the rioters as hostages and political prisoners whom he says he might pardon if he wins in November."

0 of 30 secondsVolume 90%


You haven't disrespected me or anyone else here so don't worry about it.

You found someone else's version of the truth that you wanted and you're going a long with it. You don't care about learning more, listening to others viewpoints or looking at all of the verifiable evidence.

You ignore Trump's messages urging people to respect the police and be non violent.

You ignore Nancy pelosis video of her saying it was her fault because she was in charge of security and didn't act.

You ignore the fact no police officers died due to jan 6 protestors because Democrats and the media lied about it

You ignore all the video of police and security officials that were opening doors for them and allowing them to come inside freely.

You ignore a lot of things all for the sake of hating a man that social media and the biased news companies have told you hate. You just repeat the same things they repeat with no signs of independent thought.

The only person you disrespected was yourself by being a contrarian and not actually knowing anything about what you're speaking. I don't hate you, I feel sorry for you honestly by being bamboozled by media and becoming part of their machine to regurgitate and not think for yourself.
  • You found someone else's version of the truth that you wanted and you're going a long with it. You don't care about learning more, listening to others viewpoints or looking at all of the verifiable evidence.
  • You ignore Trump's messages urging people to respect the police and be non violent.
  • You ignore Nancy pelosis video of her saying it was her fault because she was in charge of security and didn't act.
  • You ignore the fact no police officers died due to jan 6 protestors because Democrats and the media lied about it
  • You ignore all the video of police and security officials that were opening doors for them and allowing them to come inside freely.

My avatar respectfully demurs.
You ignore Trump's messages urging people to respect the police and be non violent.
It wasn’t enough to stop the mob that he called to Washington and sent to the Capitol.
You ignore Nancy pelosis video of her saying it was her fault because she was in charge of security and didn't act.
She wasn’t in charge of security and had no idea that the mob would be so violent.
You ignore the fact no police officers died due to jan 6 protestors because Democrats and the media lied about it
Police officers were beaten relentlessly by the crowd. The mob didn’t kill any cops. Congrats.
You ignore all the video of police and security officials that were opening doors for them and allowing them to come inside freely.
This did not happen. The rioters broke into the capitol by smashing out windows and the rioters opened the doors from the inside to allow other rioters in. Officers did not open doors to let anyone in.
You ignore a lot of things all for the sake of hating a man that social media and the biased news companies have told you hate. You just repeat the same things they repeat with no signs of independent thought.
You ignore the fact that the MAGA mob became violent with officers basically as soon as they arrived at the capitol. Nothing you’ve said change or exonerates any of them.
I am surprised and disappointed that J6 has not been more intensely focused on by first, the Biden campaign; and then the Harris campaign. They have given Don Trump a pass.

Donald Trump initiated J6, summoned the mob, angered and provoked the mob, and then directed them to illegally march down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol where they could attack our elected Representatives and stop the peaceful transfer of power. That was the plan of Don Trump and his enablers and sycophants.

I believe all of that.
THAT...is what happened. And consequences must be levied.
Levied against more than the nincompoop losers who beat the hell out of uniformed cops.

So, I was delighted to see today's treatment by the Associated Press on just what is taking place in all those trials of the violent MAGA losers.

I haven't read all of the AP's reportage today....but will.
In the meantime, what I have read confirms what I saw on the telly with my own eyes on J6.

For those who are interested here in the link below is the AP's in-depth reportage of what is and has been revealed via video and witness testimony. It is graphic. It is determinative. It is condemning.
And critically, it has been near unfailingly persuasive to juries and judges who have been exposed to it.

There are no "political prisoners" here. There are no 'falsely accused'. No 'wrongly convicted'.

Harris must not let America forget who instigated and authored that violent seditious event. Must not let America forget that the Commander in Chief du jour, sat on his fat butt doing nothing but watching for over 3hours and watched hard-working employees of the government he claimed he led.....have the crap beat out of them by his supporters.

Kamala Harris must tattoo January 6th onto that fat butt so no one forgets and everybody will want those consequences.

No disrespect intended.


"Inside Washington’s federal courthouse, there’s no denying the reality of Jan. 6, 2021. Day after day, judges and jurors silently absorb the chilling sights and sounds from television screens of rioters beating police, shattering windows and hunting for lawmakers as democracy lay under siege.
But as he seeks to reclaim the White House, Donald Trump continues to portray the defendants as patriots worthy of admiration, an assertion that has been undercut by the adjudicated truth in hundreds of criminal cases where judges and juries have reached the opposite conclusion about what history will remember as one of America’s darkest days.
The cases have systematically put on record — through testimony, documents and video — the crimes committed, weapons wielded, and lives altered by physical and emotional damage. Trump is espousing a starkly different story, portraying the rioters as hostages and political prisoners whom he says he might pardon if he wins in November."

0 of 30 secondsVolume 90%

Who else stopped reading at "Donald Trump initiated J6".
"Who else stopped reading at "Donald Trump initiated J6".

Ah, poster Idiocracy, I understand your reluctance to read beyond that stated belief; however, I would recommend (so would my avatar).....well, we'd recommend you DO read the Associated Press's reportage that is linked in the OP.

If you would, please let the forum know what you think after you've read it all.

Thanks in advance.
Fake News
42 minutes ago

[SIZE=5]American Eagle[/SIZE]

So, poster American Eagle, what was fake about the Associated Press's reportage on the trials and convictions of the J6 assaulters?

Do you think Trump assaulters did NOT rough-up uniformed police with iron bars? with MACE? with ball bats? with their boots and steel knuckled gloves? Didja watch any of the many videos taken that day?

If you have read the Associated Press's coverage, well, what was fake about it?

Thanks in advance.

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