ABC moderators slammed for their pathetic bias.

I don't care who they are voting for. They called Trump out on his lies. It's about time.
All Trump had to do was show some self composure and stay on message and he could have salvaged the debate.

But it was beyond him.
Why didn't they call out Knee Pads on her lies?

Plenty of people care, you just have to ignore it because for your worldview to work the moderators have to be fair and impartial.

Can you say with a straight face they were fair and impartial?

Oh, you can, because you can lie to yourself just as easily as you lie to anyone else.
No one cares who they are voting for. You shouldn't either. It's irrelevant. They kept the debate on track. And called Trump out on his lies.
Jeez, you just WILL NOT give any criticism to your savior, will you? He looked like a raging, incompetent old man last night but all you see
is perceived bias. :)
No one cares who they are voting for. You shouldn't either. It's irrelevant. They kept the debate on track. And called Trump out on his lies.
Jeez, you just WILL NOT give any criticism to your savior, will you? He looked like a raging, incompetent old man last night but all you see
is perceived bias. :)
So the next debate should be moderated by Sean Hannity and Mark Levin, right?
Just as in football, only the losers whine about the Refs after a game is over.

Good that you all can admit Trump lost the debate.
With Progs the game is rigged. Trump got his points across. At least what he could with the kangaroo debate commentators.
They definitely laid down landmines for Trump based on his usual dialogue at Trump rallies. For Trump to navigate these carefully conceived traps, he needed to channel his inner 2016 debate performance and be unpredictable. Trump instead plowed full speed ahead into the traps.

The most notable one to me was the debate moderators asking about Trump commenting on Kamala's race. Trump pretty much dodged the question, but it could've been countered in a favorable way. He should've said something like, "Yes I did comment on Kamala switching ethnicities to gain political favor. She just had a Southern accent a week ago. I don't care about her race, I just think that people should embrace and be proud of all their backgrounds. Most of all, I want people to be proud to be Americans and that's why I'll make America great again."
The moderators set it up for her and she hit it out of the park.

How many people are intelligent enough to look past the fact she did a splendid job to realize the set up?
For the last time, he did say that. Doesn't matter what came after it. We expect better words from presidents. :)

He first said he WASNT talking about neo-nazis and WP type, then he talked about directly the people in the Statue debate.

Even snopes calls it out, and politifact as well.

But you idiots can't let go of anything once you decide to make it "reality"
He first said he WASNT talking about neo-nazis and WP type, then he talked about directly the people in the Statue debate.

Even snopes calls it out, and politifact as well.

But you idiots can't let go of anything once you decide to make it "reality"
It..doesn't...matter.!! Grouped the neo's in with all the rest of the right wing dummies. doesn't matter what he said after. The first sentence...should have never left his lips. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Let it go. You've lost this argument.
He first said he WASNT talking about neo-nazis and WP type, then he talked about directly the people in the Statue debate.

Even snopes calls it out, and politifact as well.

But you idiots can't let go of anything once you decide to make it "reality"
Tardo only believes what his handlers feed him. Reality and facts are foreign concepts to him.
It..doesn't...matter.!! Grouped the neo's in with all the rest of the right wing dummies. doesn't matter what he said after. The first sentence...should have never left his lips. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Let it go. You've lost this argument.

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