ABC moderators slammed for their pathetic bias.

The moderators were clearly on her side. They repeatedly interrupted Trump, and yet allowed her to repeat debunked stories without correcting her at all.
Such as? I remember Trump constantly talking over the moderators (what was the reason for the mic mute argument again? :)), constant lying, conspiracy theories, and unable to compose himself or stay on message.
It's a moderators job to keep things on track. That's difficult where Trump is concerned.
What a pathetic dodge.

Trump is for censorship. A lot like a fascist would be.

Dems are for censorship and have far more of a chance of applying it than any Republican.

You look at what is happening to X in Brazil and cheer probably.
Just as in football, only the losers whine about the Refs after a game is over.

Good that you all can admit Trump lost the debate.
Trump didnt lose

Last night I called it a draw and I still see it that way

Harris was not awful

She pushed the abortion issue really hard

And angry

Trump kept hitting her on the migrant alien invasion

But as a lib I expect that didnt move your needle

So I think it was a tie
Such as? I remember Trump constantly talking over the moderators (what was the reason for the mic mute argument again? :)), constant lying, conspiracy theories, and unable to compose himself or stay on message.
It's a moderators job to keep things on track. That's difficult where Trump is concerned.
Many of her lies have been listed here, Stupid. You just refuse to accept reality.
Dems are for censorship and have far more of a chance of applying it than any Republican.
Trump wants to pull ABCs license unless they do as he wants. Clearly that’s a threat.

Since he has an excellent chance to become president, he’s got an excellent chance at making it happen.
No one cares who they are voting for. You shouldn't either. It's irrelevant. They kept the debate on track. And called Trump out on his lies.
Jeez, you just WILL NOT give any criticism to your savior, will you? He looked like a raging, incompetent old man last night but all you see
is perceived bias. :)
That is what cults do.
Such as? I remember Trump constantly talking over the moderators (what was the reason for the mic mute argument again? :)), constant lying, conspiracy theories, and unable to compose himself or stay on message.
It's a moderators job to keep things on track. That's difficult where Trump is concerned.

Such as, the debunked story of Trump's 'bloodbath' and 'there are good people on both sides' comments. They have been repeatedly debunked, and when Harris repeated the lies, they didn't step in to correct her.

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