ABC moderators slammed for their pathetic bias.

It..doesn't...matter.!! Grouped the neo's in with all the rest of the right wing dummies. doesn't matter what he said after. The first sentence...should have never left his lips. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Let it go. You've lost this argument.

No, he specifically said he WASNT talking about the WP types, only about the people on the Statue debate.

No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'

I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?
Nah, it's bias was obvious, so most people not SJW morons will see through it.

Your side wants to silence the other, not ours.
Trump thinks ABC should be shut down because of the debate so I guess you can no longer say that.

The VP and ABC should be ashamed of themselves, picking on the 78 year old manbaby like that!
I watched the debate, they never stopped Trump from saying anything.

They fact-checked a few times, but they let him spew his nonsense.

I'm sure you have a video or two from the debate proving what you're saying is true, don't you?

Sure, Kumalot claiming trump had the worst unemployment since the great depression, yet B Hussein Obama had 3 points worse. Repeated the lie about the "bloodbath" if Trump is elected. Kumalot repeated the "very fine people" hoax that even SNOPES has said was a lie. NONE OF THESE were fact checked by the liberal ABC moderators.

I could go on and on.
Trump thinks ABC should be shut down because of the debate so I guess you can no longer say that.

And the left demands children get drugged and mutilated without parental consent.

It's not the first time Democrats CHEATED rigging the debate with Dem shill moderators. That POS Dem moderator in the Romney/Obama debate did the exact same thing. Jumped into the debate, claimed Romney was incorrect, fact checked him in the moment. Romney lost all momentum from there on. Within an hour of the debate the POS Dem shill moderator was proven WRONG!

Look, Democrats CHEAT it's who they are. Honestly we should strip them of their citizenship and send them into exile far away.
Only confirms the lamestream press has never been an ally of Conservatives. They're just more blatant about it nowadays.
Incidentally, what has more bullshit, a Steer farm in Wyoming or Kumquat's mouth?
The sore-loser excuses of the Trump cult losers are music to the ears of every patriot.

Trump cultists are telling us they know what a disaster last night was for them.
He said it. Doesn't matter what he said afterward. Presidents should be intelligent enough to choose their words carefully.

And Snopes shows he was not talking about white supremacists.

Biden was holding hands with a known KKK member. Is Biden a supporter of the KKK? After all, your party created it, so that would make sense.

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