ABC moderators slammed for their pathetic bias.

OP, can you cite, in your own words, just one or two examples of the moderators being biased?
Every single time they stopped Trump when they claimed he didn't answer the question and they NEVER did that to Kumalot. That's a START.
I watched the debate, they never stopped Trump from saying anything.

They fact-checked a few times, but they let him spew his nonsense.

I'm sure you have a video or two from the debate proving what you're saying is true, don't you?
Not surprising. ABC has been Anti-Trump since 2015. They all are. The entire Media is TDS. I have shut them off 100% since the stolen election. Enough already!

It was pretty bias for the Dirty Don. They let him talk over them many time and gave him 5 minutes more than the VP. But then again since Donnie Dangerously is his own worst enemy when he opens his gaping maw, maybe they did the VP a favor.
She gave politician answers. Which is what I expect in a debate. She lied once. Four or five more were answers that needed context.
On the other hand, Trump couldn't stop lying for the entire debate. And couldn't stay on message. Or keep his composure.
He should have been called out for his miserable performance in June because it was a lot of the same crap, but Biden's performance overshadowed it.

That's so much spinning I'm surprised you aren't puking your brains out.
That's so much spinning I'm surprised you aren't puking your brains out.
So, you got no answers. Just the party line. Your man got embarrassed last night. And if he had half an impulse control in him, he could have salvaged the debate.
But when it came time to make the policy points that would have given him a good argument against Harris, he was too busy raging and telling abject lies.
No self control. No grasp of policy.
So, you got no answers. Just the party line. Your man got embarrassed last night. And if he had half an impulse control in him, he could have salvaged the debate.
But when it came time to make the policy points that would have given him a good argument against Harris, he was too busy raging and telling abject lies.
No self control. No grasp of policy.

you had your responses canned before the debate even happened.

He was too busy fighting off the biased moderators.

Are either of them voting for Trump in November?
She gave politician answers. Which is what I expect in a debate. She lied once. Four or five more were answers that needed context.
On the other hand, Trump couldn't stop lying for the entire debate. And couldn't stay on message. Or keep his composure.
He should have been called out for his miserable performance in June because it was a lot of the same crap, but Biden's performance overshadowed it.
Once? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Liberal hacks shouldn't be moderators. These two are two of the biggest hacks out there.

What was Trump thinking by agreeing to go on an ABC debate?

We already knew what was going to happen

Kamala would never go on a Fox debate.

Sheer insanity.

Any Republican ever talking to ABC news again should be written off as not serious about winning an election.
you had your responses canned before the debate even happened.

He was too busy fighting off the biased moderators.

Are either of them voting for Trump in November?
Again, always with the excuses when it comes to Trump. He truly can do no wrong in your eyes. The moderators called him on his lies. Had he stuck to a script and shown just a little self control, he could have salvaged the debate.
What was Trump thinking by agreeing to go on an ABC debate?

We already knew what was going to happen

Kamala would never go on a Fox debate.

Sheer insanity.

Any Republican ever talking to ABC news again should be written off as not serious about winning an election.
Yeah, we all suspected Trump was going to melt down. Because he can't control himself.
And the Republican sycophants are lining up to blame everyone else but the guy at the top of the ticket. :)
Again, always with the excuses when it comes to Trump. He truly can do no wrong in your eyes. The moderators called him on his lies. Had he stuck to a script and shown just a little self control, he could have salvaged the debate.

The moderators were Dem hacks, like you.

He broke even, which considering the moderators did Harris' work for her, is pretty good.
Again, always with the excuses when it comes to Trump. He truly can do no wrong in your eyes. The moderators called him on his lies. Had he stuck to a script and shown just a little self control, he could have salvaged the debate.
First, it's not a moderators job to call the candidate a liar, Simp.

Second, if you are going to to that do it for both. She lied constantly, but they only had "thank you" to say.
First, it's not a moderators job to call the candidate a liar, Simp.

Second, if you are going to to that do it for both. She lied constantly, but they only "thank you" to say.
Okay, let's start there, what were one or two lies that VP Kamala Harris said last night during the debate?

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