UKLFI - The face of Zionism

That's just your interpretation, I never actually wrote anything like what you're imagining I did.
This is not a poetry or Biblical exegesis thread, just FYI.
One thing history seems to show, is that Israelites cannot govern themselves very well. The history recorded in the OT shows failure after failure, punishment after punishment and defeat after defeat, so what gave them the idea they'd fare any better in 1948?

It's you who is not clear and consistent.
That's just your interpretation, I never actually wrote anything like what you're imagining I did, if I had you could just copy and paste my words for all to see, but you can't...
So, you don't stand by what you post. Quelle surprise?

Still, that's not going to work with Harris either.

She has to stand by what she's posted and tweeted.

Even though she is also trying to wriggle out of responsibility for her posts and tweets.
If you think that then quote the text I posted, quote what I actually wrote and tell you if I stand by it.

I'm not going to play with your word games. I'm just going to respond to your posts with my words.

And if you post a link.

I will infer that you stand to it... even if you try and wriggle out of it.

Like you're doing now. Sad, that.
So seizing more of the West Bank, ethnically cleaning the native population, makes room for all the displaced Jews from the north...
No, I don't think they're yet resigned to the fact that they've become powerless. And further, those that oppose the Zionists could be amenable to finding an answer in negotiations. But that's getting a bit ahead of the discussion.

I think that Israel can still depend on settling with the land that they have been granted by Balfour, but no more!
The rest of the world, except America, is turning their backs to their ambitions.

In actual fact, they've created a challenge to themselves of increased popularity in holocaust denial, especially in the eyes of the Arab world. That's a sad prospect to which Zionism must come to terms!

Even in America, antisemitism and holocaust denial is growing conspicuously.[/B]
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No, I don't think they're yet resigned to the fact that they've become powerless. And further, those that oppose the Zionists could be amenable to finding an answer in negotiations. But that's getting a bit ahead of the discussion.

I think that Israel can still depend on settling with the land that they have been granted by Balfour, but no more! [\b]
The rest of the world, except America, is turning their backs to their ambitions.

In actual fact, they've created a challenge to themselves of increased popularity in holocaust denial, especially in the eyes of the Arab world. That's a sad prospect to which Zionism must come to terms!

Even in America, antisemitism and holocaust denial is growing conspicuously.
Holocaust denial is also being embraced by the Zionists too, all they care about is one specific holocaust, none of the others matter, not even the Nakba (which the state itself denies ever happened).
I'm not going to play with your word games. I'm just going to respond to your posts with my words.
So don't make up false claims about me saying things I never said, you had your chance, I'm done with your facile posts. Time for ignore.
Holocaust denial is also being embraced by the Zionists too, all they care about is one specific holocaust, none of the others matter, not even the Nakba (which the state itself denies happened).
I hear your point but I can't sympathize with any suggestions that the holocaust isn't separate and exclusive of other genocides.

Other than that, I can accept the point made that they are an evil that needs to be eliminated.

I hope that the elimination of the evil can be in reform to a more normal and acceptable philosophy, as opposed to violent persuasion.
So don't make up false claims about me saying things I never said, you had your chance, I'm done with your facile posts. Time for ignore.
If you post a link that infers something and then play with that inference, sparky.

Then yes, I'll show it out every time.

Time for ignore.


That's fine. I will still respond when I want and if you want to put your fingers in your ears and gag yourself in discussion?

Well, that's on you.
Nice bolding.
The 'iron Dome' is no longer effective due to modern technology.
You can sleep on that Ropey.

Perhaps some new technology will be developed that can defend against hypersonic missiles? But the problem that all nations must face is that defense and offense will be matched by the same new technology.

Which side will lead? Factual experience has so far shown that Russia and China have led. It can be questioned on whether they will continue to lead?
The UK Lawyers for Israel lobby group, spends its time complaining and attacking those who are openly opposed to Israel's barbarity, racism, apartheid and genocide.

Read their "News" section where they proudly list their activities and victims, a sort of trophy room for Zionists.

One example is the rector at St. Andrews University, she was "discharged" after UKLFI formally complained that she had "made some St. Andrews students feel for their safety".

There are hundreds of lobby groups like this, all over the world, in some way the network is reminiscent of Free Masonry, where contacts and acquaintances interact in the shadows working closely together to share information and take actions that ultimately aid the rogue state of Israel in its insidious goals.
Scratch a democrat supporter, watch a fascist bleed.
The 'iron Dome' is no longer effective due to modern technology.

It's doing just fine. You seem quite concerned about it, enough to repeatedly try and dismiss it.

You can sleep on that Ropey.

You are talking in fantastical terms, while I don't sleep in fantasy. :thup:

Perhaps some new technology will be developed that can defend against hypersonic missiles? But the problem that all nations must face is that defense and offense will be matched by the same new technology.

Which side will lead? Factual experience has so far shown that Russia and China have led. It can be questioned on whether they will continue to lead?

New technology is always in the forefront. NK and Iran are worried that their missile defense systems won't work as planned.
It's doing just fine. And you sure seem worried about it. Enough to project a discounting of it.

You are talking in fantasy and I don't sleep in fantasy. :thup:

New technology is always in the forefront. NK and Iran are worried that their missile defense systems won't work as planned.

Have a nice day!

And night!
UKLFI is fantastic. There has been so much twisting of the law in order to demonize Israel, it's important to push back.
UKLFI is fantastic. There has been so much twisting of the law in order to demonize Israel, it's important to push back.
The implication being that the 0.0001% of lawyers in the world who are Zionists are the only ones who understand the law, see? there's that "I'm special because I'm special" delusion kicking in again.

I'm telling you, it'll lead to the destruction of Israel just like God did back in the day, you gotta have a messed up political ideology for God himself to destroy the nation of Israel and Judah, you guys even pissed him off!

I'd tread very carefully if I were a Zionist, you never know when you might upset him next...(pride, arrogance, haughtiness - go and look them up).
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The implication being that the 0.0001% of lawyers in the world who are Zionists are the only ones who understand the law, see? there's that "I'm special because I'm special" delusion kicking in again.

Ha. No. The implication being that there mustn't be one law for Jews and a different law for everyone else. Not asking for special, indeed asking just the opposite - that the law applies equally to all.

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