If Biden Drops Out Who Should Take His Place and Why?

If Biden Drops Out Who Should Take His Place and Why?

  • Kamala Harris?

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • Gavin Newsom?

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Gretchen Witmer?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Some Miscellaneous White Guy?

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
Okay, but I know IM2 is a black bitch and he would be throwing a major hissy-fit if Kamala is kicked off the ticket.
IM2 depends on the DNC to win every election cycle in order to free him from the chains of whitey.

But once the GOP wins, it is back in chains every single damn time as he needs people to free him again like Joe.

Okay, but I know IM2 is a black bitch and he would be throwing a major hissy-fit if Kamala is kicked off the ticket.
The Dem party has moved on from blacks to illegals, just follow the money. It's been carte blanch for illegals, free everything. Free airline tickets, free housing, food, healthcare, money, ID's using money that should have gone to poor black communities.
Progs had ample opportunities to change their direction. They did not. I just heard a TV sport personality saying he sees everything busy when he goes out. A Prog of course. It is not those who got it. It is those that are growing in numbers that do not have it. There are a growing number of people who are having their vehicles repossessed, forced out of apartments and living more and more austere. Also, there are people who keep going out ordering food from restaurants and/or fast-food places who shouldn't. Liquor in bars and clubs is not cheap. Purchasing liquor products and then having get togethers or just drinking at home is more prudent. African Americans and others used to and still have speak easys. Although that goes against city codes.
Democrats best bet would be to apologize to Joe Manchin and have him run. A Manchin/Sinema ticket would give Trump a run for his money.
If Biden Drops Out Who Should Take His Place and Why?

a little more than a misc. white guy, jon bel edwards was a successful governor of a very red state with fairly centrist policies.

certainly not an ideal candidate, but he has navigated the excesses if both parties.
a little more than a misc. white guy, jon bel edwards was a successful governor of a very red state with fairly centrist policies.

certainly not an ideal candidate, but he has navigated the excesses if both parties.
That sounds like the Dem's old strategy, run as centrists lying to the American people then swing hard left after the elections.
So, you would rather lose with kamala versus, Joe?

New polls just came out. Trump is up 6% in Florida versus Biden. 10% versus Harris. This appears to hold true in every State. Kamala will get killed by Trump. If you Dims don't understand that you're even dumber than I thought.

I agree wit your statement. This is the only way the DNC can unlock the campaign funds already in the Biden -Harris coffers.
Biden could donate the money to the DNC, who could use it for general operations...which would support of the new candidate.
Not that whore Kamala. She can't string two sentences together. She says stupid things and then thinks its cool and repeats her retarded "sayings" No Thanks!

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