One way to be attacked is to say you are a Republican .. lessons by a former democrat

Yup, cost them over 3/4's of a million dollars recently in fact!
I dealt with a lawyer firm that represented newspapers. A lot more of them get sued than you realize. I was told this by one senior lawyer who represented papers. It was his excuse to refer my case to a different lawyer in a suit i won.
I dealt with a lawyer firm that represented newspapers. A lot more of them get sued than you realize. I was told this by one senior lawyer who represented papers. It was his excuse to refer my case to a different lawyer in a suit i won.
Only Faux Paus Nuz has had to pay over 3/4 of a billion dollars!!!!!
Only Faux Paus Nuz has had to pay over 3/4 of a billion dollars!!!!!
I do not know for a fact that happened. FOX agreed to settle. It was not the same as being found guilty. I am not saying they were not guilty though.
I do not know for a fact that happened. FOX agreed to settle. It was not the same as being found guilty. I am not saying they were not guilty though.
They didn't pay over $750,000,000 because they were innocent of the charges.
GOP rich tend toward lying swine lately. Dem rich want to raise the taxes on the rich again and invest in America again...
And hire high-priced tax attorneys to reduce their tax bill as much as possible, the hypocrites. IOW, actions speak louder than words, and their actions CLEARLY put the lie to what you say.
Tax the rich again and invest in America again.. .You are on the hate and misinformation loop....No evidence for any of the GOP fraud conspiracy nuttery.... election vaccine or Biden....etc etc and etc
The democrat wealthy won't let that happen.
They are for it duhh
No, they're not. They're lying to you and you're gleefully believing it. Do you actually believe they take millions of dollars in regular income every year and would gratefully accept massive tax rate increases that would see them losing half or more? Nope, not even close. The Warren Buffets of the country don't give a flying rat's patoot what happens to the ordinary income tax rate because very little of their income is classified that way. Most of it comes from Capital Gains, which is taxed at a lower rate and does not normally get touched when tax rates go up and down. Watch what they do and say if a politician seriously proposes jacking the capital gains rate to 50% or higher. That would hit the big boys' wallets big time, and they're not going to allow that. Of course, it would kill the investment world as well, which is another reason they feel safe wailing that they want to pay higher taxes while paying lower rates.

Finally, you're ignoring the reality that, while they CLAIM that they want to pay higher taxes, they're simultaneously hiring armies of tax attorneys for the express purpose of paying as little as possible. You know, telling you they want one thing while doing the complete opposite. We call that hypocrisy, and it's ugly. It's really sad that you believe them.
I was born into a completely locked down Democrat family. My sister still is a loyal Democrat. I have family still devoted to the Democrats. I delivered newspapers at different times for 1 local news, 2 national news. Since I carried the news to my customers, I also read the news. I wanted to know more and more. Still a loyal Democrat. I get shocked if a Democrat poster says he liked Eisenshower. I was used to my family hating him as president yet appreciating his war efforts. But the man was hated. So when Democrats say they like him, I am pretty skeptical. I hated Nixon. Why? I was expected to. I could first vote since then the law was you must be 21 and here I was. I voted for John Kennedy. Did I love him? Be serious. I was ultra loyal to all Democrats. if the Democrats shit in the street on a front porch, I loved him. I was expected to.

The press was much more honest than now. FOX may not suit Democrats but they work hard to tell the truth. Do they love Trump? They do not love him. I don't love him. I do not even like his actions when he talks. To me he is a loudmouth bragging jerk.

So why is he good for the USA?
Because he is the right man. Simple as that.

I wish everybody would attend church. Not to be a member of my church, but just to try to be nice. I think those going to any church show more respect in general. Democrats are not raised to be respectful if you are not a Democrat. They are raised to hate. It comes from their days waging war against Lincoln. They kept it up with the KKK and Wilson and FDR. We all know of their racism. I was not a Democrat for race reasons. I do not think today all Democrats are that because of race. I think the democrats promote it in order to get votes. I do not believe their jim crow days are over. They today love making laws. I did not know that when I was one. But factually their main thing is making laws. Tax laws, war laws, how you can say or at least used to say woman. When I was one, a woman was a woman. now the Democrats denigrate them into birthing machines.

How you break up with the Democrats?

Study for a while. Thomas Paine explained the colonists reasons. Those were good reasons. England at the time were Today's Democrats. And you know America freed itself from England? Sure you know. So do as the colonists did and free yourself from the law making Democrats. You will be hated. But not by good people.
Another way to be attacked is to say you're an Independent.

Another way to be attacked is to say you're a Democrat.

That's just the way things are now, because we're splitting into hyper-partisan tribes and refusing to communicate like intelligent, constructive, decent, sincere adults. This is a self-inflicted wound of historic proportions. The free world is watching in horror and deep concern, our adversaries are loving every minute of it.

I think any honest person would admit that.
Another way to be attacked is to say you're an Independent.

Another way to be attacked is to say you're a Democrat.

That's just the way things are now, because we're splitting into hyper-partisan tribes and refusing to communicate like intelligent, constructive, decent, sincere adults. This is a self-inflicted wound of historic proportions. The free world is watching in horror and deep concern, our adversaries are loving every minute of it.

I think any honest person would admit that.
It was really bad when GW Bush was president and rather than learn facts, Democrats pushed lies out about GW Bush. It now has Democrats shoveling the Biden bullshit at us. Not working at all.
And give away $787,000,000 because they are just nice like that?
Oh don't forget Smartmatic is up next!!!!
Robert Willens, a tax professor at the Columbia University School of Business, estimates that after the tax write-off, Fox will incur about three-fourths of the settlement amount, about $590 million.

“The key is that if the payments are being made to private parties and not at the behest of the government then you can pretty much conclude without any fear of contradiction that the payment will be deductible,” he said.

A study by the Government Accountability Office in 2005 found that of 34 settlements totaling over $1 billion, 20 companies reported deducting some portion or all of their settlement payments. Big banks such as Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase reportedly also deducted portions of their settlements of charges tied the financial crisis of 2008.

Also, if Fox is insured, insurance is likely to cover some of the settlement. Chad Milton, a partner at Media Risk Consultants, said a large media company such as Fox could have anywhere between $100 million to $500 million in coverage, including media liability insurance and other types of insurance.
It was really bad when GW Bush was president and rather than learn facts, Democrats pushed lies out about GW Bush. It now has Democrats shoveling the Biden bullshit at us. Not working at all.
Plenty of lies have been told about Obama and Biden as well.

The two ends of the spectrum can be very similar in their behaviors, and yet neither end can see it.
Plenty of lies have been told about Obama and Biden as well.

The two ends of the spectrum can be very similar in their behaviors, and yet neither end can see it.
The whopper that pissed off Democrats the most about Obama was he was born in Kenya.
Spread by the Hillary team.

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