How genius Trump outsmarted the democrats with his debate acceptance

Now if the kindhearted, good man would just stop popping up naked while his little daughter is trying to shower.
Yeah, he's a peach alright...
But Trump said that America started the war against Russia.

Maybe you should accept that anything less than him fkng his daughter can be seen as politically acceptable?

After all Ram, you're not going to ever be able to deal with Trump's version of the truth.
Trump got his wish and exposed Biden to the world

Left Democrats no choice but to push Biden to pull out for health reasons and replace him with a younger charismatic candidate without the baggage
The dems have no one like that
But Trump said that America started the war against Russia.

Maybe you should accept that anything less than him fkng his daughter can be seen as politically acceptable?

After all Ram, you're not going to ever be able to deal with Trump's version of the truth.
How ignorant.
We were better off with Trump than we are with Biden.
After all H, you have Trudeau. How would you know what truth is?
A Brokered Convention hands the WH to Snoreleone. Which means the death of American Democracy. He wants a fascist state. Stop with fucking Henny Penny and The Sky Is Falling.

As of Thursday……..Biden is Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Replace him while you still can
Indeed - Which means the DNC will tell biden to resign or you will be assassinated. With all their illegal persecution of trump, they can't let trump regain the WH and do to them what they did to him.
They control the super delegates and control a lot of funding for Quid Pro. They could make it very, very difficult for Quid Pro to win.
Newsom, Josh Shapiro, Wes Moore, Gretchen Whitmer
The Biden supporters are presenting the situation as being very bad. Changing horses midstream for them isn't possible as a winning strategy.
Is that true or is it just being parroted for Biden's sake?
As of Thursday……..Biden is Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Replace him while you still can
The question becomes, will they be smart enough to realize they have to? Let's face reality, however, replacing Quid Pro at the head of the ticket now would make it very hard for a second-stringer to gain enough face recognition to have a realistic chance against the TRUMP! juggernaut.
As of Thursday……..Biden is Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Replace him while you still can
That risks breaking up the party. He may have to die of natural causes.
And not accepting Kamala furhter threatens a breakup.
It's truly a very bad situation.

If Trump is not safe enough as president is a military coup something to consider?
That risks breaking up the party. He may have to die of natural causes.
And not accepting Kamala furhter threatens a breakup.
It's truly a very bad situation.

If Trump is not safe enough as president is a military coup something to consider?

It is up to Biden to decide what his legacy will be
One thing Democrats will unite on is that Trump must be beaten

A graceful announcement that he is withdrawing for health reasons will not disrupt the party
The question becomes, will they be smart enough to realize they have to? Let's face reality, however, replacing Quid Pro at the head of the ticket now would make it very hard for a second-stringer to gain enough face recognition to have a realistic chance against the TRUMP! juggernaut.
They dont have to

As long as dems have the mail-in ballot and electronic scanners they can win any election

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