How genius Trump outsmarted the democrats with his debate acceptance

It is up to Biden to decide what his legacy will be
Yes, and I think he will finally come to terms with the situation and resign.
One thing Democrats will unite on is that Trump must be beaten
It's a huge point you've made, as opposed to the predictions of chaos.

And to add to that, there is no way that America can allow Trump to be the president again. Winning the war is essential.
I can easily envision the situation being elevated to the status of a military coup being considered.

A graceful announcement that he is withdrawing for health reasons will not disrupt the party
I wouldn't bet against your theory. It's wise beyond the American pay grade on this board.

It's just that there's a lot to be considered in the alternative notions that it could destroy all chances.
Natural causes? There is a very real chance democrats will have biden killed and blame it on a trump supporter. You can be sure the media will support that story and get dems tons of sympathy votes.
I wouldn't rule that out for either of them.

I think a military coup could become the most likely solution. I respect the theory on Biden resigning but there's the possibility that that would be the Dems jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

And the fact that America won't accept Trump, then leads only to the question of a military coup/Junta.

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