Politico: School Choice Has Allowed Parents to Choose Good Schools in Florida, and Now the Bad Government Schools Are Closing, and That's... Bad

Appeal to authority. When it comes to policy that is a logical fallacy.

If we were talking the mechanics of teaching you might have a point, I am discussing the results of teaching, and that is the purview of every American.
Appeal to authority?

I guess your plumber fixes your car and you see heart surgeon for flat feet!

What are the results of teaching you are referring to? Kids in our schools here in KY and TN are doing just great. Louisville, Memphis, and Knoxville have issues in the minority communities, but that is not a school issues as much as a socioeconomic issue. Poor students make for poor students.
Appeal to authority?

I guess your plumber fixes your car and you see heart surgeon for flat feet!

What are the results of teaching you are referring to? Kids in our schools here in KY and TN are doing just great. Louisville, Memphis, and Knoxville have issues in the minority communities, but that is not a school issues as much as a socioeconomic issue. Poor students make for poor students.

I don't talk to my mechanic on where I want to drive.

He fixes my car. I use my car. Teachers teach, the Citizens ask for accountability on what is taught and the results.

More "if it isn't happening to MEEEEEE it isn't happening."
I don't talk to my mechanic on where I want to drive.

He fixes my car. I use my car. Teachers teach, the Citizens ask for accountability on what is taught and the results.

More "if it isn't happening to MEEEEEE it isn't happening."

Lazy thinkers and the generally weak minded look to blame schools for changes in society many decades in the making. So much easier to blame some "other" like "the teachers" than to take a hard look at the corruption of traditional values, families, and faith that the left has been working for since at least the 60s. Even easier for those with big mouths and no actual experience working in "the schools!" The problem extends a hell of a lot further than the edge of campus. Some of us are swimming against the tide while knuckleheads look for a boogeyman.
Lazy thinkers and the generally weak minded look to blame schools for changes in society many decades in the making. So much easier to blame some "other" like "the teachers" than to take a hard look at the corruption of traditional values, families, and faith that the left has been working for since at least the 60s. Even easier for those with big mouths and no actual experience working in "the schools!" The problem extends a hell of a lot further than the edge of campus. Some of us are swimming against the tide while knuckleheads look for a boogeyman.

Blame can be spread all around, but you can't blame parents who notice the schools suck wanting to have another option. Want them to stick around for your Product/Service? Make it work better.

We pay teachers to teach. Society pays me to improve wastewater treatment plants. I have accountability. Teachers? Not so much, especially in strong union blue areas.
What ignorance?

Your ignorance in searching for stories on Google then drawing universal conclusions. If you asked actual teachers about their experiences half as much as you feverishly search for sensationalist exceptions, you'd be much less ignorant.
Your ignorance in searching for stories on Google then drawing universal conclusions. If you asked actual teachers about their experiences half as much as you feverishly search for sensationalist exceptions, you'd be much less ignorant.

I know what I see where I live, which is NYC.

Nothing wrong with giving parents a choice. If your career relies on a captive audience, I suggest finding another one.
I know what I see where I live, which is NYC.

You can't possibly think the small part of NYC that you see is representative of the nation at large. Nonetheless, when was the last time you were in a public NYC classroom.
You can't possibly think the small part of NYC that you see is representative of the nation at large. Nonetheless, when was the last time you were in a public NYC classroom.

NYC, Chicago, SF, Boston, DC. that ain't small.

I was a Catholic school kid, but seeing the stories and hearing it from my acquaintances is enough.
Wow! You do get it! Loons on TikTok! Not real people with any sense of reality.

They are the ones teaching our kids and dictating to dems policy choices.

You are asking people to ignore the words of the people spouting this.

I thought you were dense, now I think you are a fucking retard.
They are the ones teaching our kids and dictating to dems policy choices.

You are asking people to ignore the words of the people spouting this.

I thought you were dense, now I think you are a fucking retard.
So how many videos have you seen? Compare that to the number of schools and teachers in this country. The squeakiest wheel gets the grease!

It's like the trans craze! People started coming out and now it is like everyone is trans, when they are probably less than a tenth of one percent of the population. It's all much ado about very little.

You do realize that teachers teach the approved curriculum. It is not their choice.

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