CNN - Mr. Trump and President Biden 2024 Debates -- No More "Will you shut up, man?"

It would not surprise me if the "muting mics," provision, is as much a safe guard for Biden, as it is there to keep Trump from interruption. . .

I mean, think about it. What if they could mute this?

Biden’s Spews Complete GIbberish! He’s Just Making Noises Now.​

Jun 14, 2024

If they can cut Joe's mic whenever he is rambling, then they can do damage control. :auiqs.jpg:

It would not surprise me if the "muting mics," provision, is as much a safe guard for Biden, as it is there to keep Trump from interruption. . .

I mean, think about it. What if they could mute this?

Biden’s Spews Complete GIbberish! He’s Just Making Noises Now.​

Jun 14, 2024

If they can cut Joe's mic whenever he is rambling, then they can do damage control. :auiqs.jpg:

Just in case you missed the first.

Nobody is "governing" the mics. The rules are set. and they apply to both the candidate and imposter.
Anyone with any sense knows which way the CNN wind blows. And Trump is still going to able to show that Biden isn't up to the task. Will there be someone on stage to reel Biden back in once he starts wandering off stage?
No one at CNN is either. Their ratings prove that.

All of FOX News -- Billion Dollars Babies

No one with any sense knows which way the CNN wind blows. And Trump is still going to able to show that Biden isn't up to the task. Will there be someone on stage to reel Biden back in once he starts wandering off stage?

Last week, a video of Biden at a D-Day anniversary event in Normandy, France, went viral after, critics said, it appeared to show that the president was attempting to sit in a chair that didn't exist. As the Associated Press later reported, however, a full clip of the moment shows that Biden looked over his shoulder for his chair and paused before taking a seat.

Once again, Magadonia and the GOP prove how terrified they are over at the Trump camp over the possibility and probability of Biden trouncing Biden again as he did in 2020. With 66.6% turnout, Biden won with 81,283,501 votes to Trump's (the incumbent President) 74,223,975 votes. That is a win of 51.3% to 46.8% in a win for Biden, over the incumbent; very unpopular, sitting President.

This disinformation has been going on nonstop for quite some time.

"As you can see at the 4 second mark, 8 of the 10 world leaders, including Biden are looking towards the man on the right packing the parachute," Krassenstein wrote on X.

"Biden began saying something to him as the others had their attention shifted in the other direction because another man began talking to the group suddenly."

"Once again, focusing on an edited-down 30-second clip doesn't tell a full story," he added. "Stop being disingenuous."

Last week, a video of Biden at a D-Day anniversary event in Normandy, France, went viral after, critics said, it appeared to show that the president was attempting to sit in a chair that didn't exist. As the Associated Press later reported, however, a full clip of the moment shows that Biden looked over his shoulder for his chair and paused before taking a seat.
2020 redux? Or not. We already have people saying the debates have been rigged -- in Biden's favor. These are of course Trump supporters who fear Trump performing poorly, or Biden coming across as anything but what has been claimed about him, by the many of the same people claiming Trump signed on to 2 rigged debates.

The debate rules, agreed to by both sides, will have “Microphones will be muted throughout the debate except for the candidate designated to speak.” In my opinion this may actually help Mr. Trump.

Less than two weeks away:

Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden plainly do not like each other. The former president calls the current president the worst in American history. The current president calls his predecessor a wannabe dictator who threatens democracy itself. Four years ago, in their first encounter, Mr. Trump trampled over his rival’s talking time — the former president has since admitted privately that he was too aggressive — with Mr. Biden scolding him, “Will you shut up, man?

There will be no opening statements. President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump will each have two minutes to answer questions — followed by one-minute rebuttals and responses to the rebuttals. Red lights visible to the candidates will flash when they have five seconds left, and turn solid red when time has expired. And each man’s microphone will be muted when it is not his turn to speak.

The candidates will get a breather during two commercial breaks, according to debate rules provided by CNN to the campaigns and reviewed by The New York Times, but they will be barred from huddling with advisers while off the air.

Neither Joe or Donald are in their prime for sure. Donald seems to have weathered the aging process considerably better than Joe which could lead to an unfair debate as Joe, @ least to me appears to be having considerable difficulty with both memory/speech coordination & also motor skills. I think it would be beneficial in the interest of fairness to design the debate around yes & no questions as I can see Joe getting confused then bogged down as he can't pull up the more in depth answers needed in short order which will just frustrate him. Honestly we need younger candidates standing for public office in the 40/45-50/55 age range like the fogies(think McCain, Pelosi, FEINSTEIN(90 yikes!) should be out in the back pasture by 70 yrs. of age.
Anyone with any sense knows which way the CNN wind blows. And Trump is still going to able to show that Biden isn't up to the task. Will there be someone on stage to reel Biden back in once he starts wandering off stage?

The rules are set up and apply equally to both.
Talk about lowering expectations -- Trump is already making excuses for losing.

“And so they don’t want to take him off,” he continued. “Maybe I’m better off losing the debate. I’ll make sure he stays. I’ll lose the debate on purpose. Maybe I’ll do something like that.”

Biden is sharp, Trump is senile. The Trump cult and our nutty conservative MSM have been trying so hard to hide that, but after the debate, they won't be able to hide it. They need excuses for Trump to run.
Hardly. From his golden stairway to his oval office, to his little house on the beach in Fla. Life has smiled on Trump much more than it is smiled on you, whoever you are.
Those don't make someone not a failed human.

I find it odd that such a staunch Christian would assess a person based on the possessions he has accumulated.

Maybe pause for a second to think about what Trump has done to your mind, your morals, and your ethics.
I don't assess his morality based on his possessions, I measure his success based on what he has accomplished in private life, and as President.
As for morality, I don't believe there is a moral bone in Washington. To the contrary, it is shocking to find out just how debased they are.
It is because I am a Christian that I want Trump back in. The WEF is no joke. The Great Reset 2030 is coming. This election will decide when. Biden has and will continue to sign their treaties. Trump told them, No. He set them back 4 years already. I want 4 more before we acquiesce to Bill Gate's serum and Fauci virus and tokens to buy food with if we are good.

2020 redux? Or not. We already have people saying the debates have been rigged -- in Biden's favor. These are of course Trump supporters who fear Trump performing poorly, or Biden coming across as anything but what has been claimed about him, by the many of the same people claiming Trump signed on to 2 rigged debates.

The debate rules, agreed to by both sides, will have “Microphones will be muted throughout the debate except for the candidate designated to speak.” In my opinion this may actually help Mr. Trump.

Less than two weeks away:

Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden plainly do not like each other. The former president calls the current president the worst in American history. The current president calls his predecessor a wannabe dictator who threatens democracy itself. Four years ago, in their first encounter, Mr. Trump trampled over his rival’s talking time — the former president has since admitted privately that he was too aggressive — with Mr. Biden scolding him, “Will you shut up, man?

There will be no opening statements. President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump will each have two minutes to answer questions — followed by one-minute rebuttals and responses to the rebuttals. Red lights visible to the candidates will flash when they have five seconds left, and turn solid red when time has expired. And each man’s microphone will be muted when it is not his turn to speak.

The candidates will get a breather during two commercial breaks, according to debate rules provided by CNN to the campaigns and reviewed by The New York Times, but they will be barred from huddling with advisers while off the air.

Even though his own mic is muted, Trump will shout loud enough to be picked up on the President’s mic. He might even lean toward President Biden to be sure that he can be heard on the President’s mic. Or he will just ramble when his mic is off in an attempt to distract the President.

There needs to be a rule in advance to deal with that likelihood, such as a rule that continued talking while off mic means time detracted from answering the next question. Or, one warning. The second time it happens, the interrupting person gets removed from the debate and the remaining one continues to answer questions.

The only real way to prevent Trump from interrupting and shouting at or over President Biden is to have the candidates inside separate booths. I don't think that just cutting the mic will work to silence Trump when it's not his turn.
Trump is also trying to duck out of debates another way.

He's said he's set up another later debate with FOX, and demanding Biden attend it.

Then, when Biden doesn't reply, he'll declare Biden is chickening out, and therefore that gives him the right to chicken out of the actual debates.

And when it happens, all the Trump cultists here will be singing about how bravely brave sir Donald bravely ran away.
Trump is also trying to duck out of debates another way.

He's said he's set up another later debate with FOX, and demanding Biden attend it.

Then, when Biden doesn't reply, he'll declare Biden is chickening out, and therefore that gives him the right to chicken out of the actual debates.

And when it happens, all the Trump cultists here will be singing about how bravely brave sir Donald bravely ran away.
Or — more accurately — all you libturd Potato Depend’s munchers will deny that Potato is a pussy.

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