This Is Bigger Than Biden: It's the Entire Democrat Party

Agreed! The entire operation is rotten to the core.

I blame the Dem leadership. Buncha f'in psychopaths.

Get rid of them, and the Dems can come back.

Don't, and the Dems are fucked for as long as they're around.
Ironically, that is how Democrats feel about the GOP, get rid of Trump and his MAGA cultists and the GOP can come back.
I've gotta be honest, I felt sorry for Biden. At some point someone has to step up and get him out of this.
I don't disagree. I see the evil the people who put him there last night and to run again. Basement dwelling wasn't gonna be good enough this time. And everyone to a man said that demofks don't want harris!!!! They are in a world of hurt. Exposed as well.
I bet that’s not the first time Harris was back doored
/----/ Photo of Harris getting back doored.
I don't disagree. I see the evil the people who put him there last night and to run again. Basement dwelling wasn't gonna be good enough this time. And everyone to a man said that demofks don't want harris!!!! They are in a world of hurt. Exposed as well.

I have a suspicion Cankles might become involved. God help us
This is not so much about Biden. It's more about the Democrat Party panic about what so many of us called months and months ago.

This leaves only three options:

1. They think Americans are so stupid their "messaging" would fix this problem OR

2. The are so deep into their echo chamber they believed that the videos WERE "doctored" OR

3. Both of the above

They can get rid of Biden, but the country is still left with an operation who thinks we're stupid.

We need to punish the entire operation.

"Messaging" is a code word for lies. Whenever Democrats think they need better messaging what they are really saying is that they need to lie better.

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