What Is Project 2025? The Conservative Plan That Taraji P. Henson Called Out At The BET Awards, Explained

If Donald Trump becomes president,then with the stroke of his pen:
  • The Department of Justice will no longer be independent—and there will be no one left to stop Trump from charging his political opponents with crimes.
So, you think he'll do like Biden?
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) efforts to curb the spread of disinformation, including Russian propaganda, will be shut down.
So, we'll have free speech again?
  • The Insurrection Act will be used to shut down protests and to deploy red-state National Guard units against blue states—even over the objections of those states' governors.
So, we won't have all the burning, looting, and killing that we had in 2020?
  • Abortion will be banned nationwide using two approaches. First, through a radical right-wing interpretation of the Comstock Act, a long-dormant law from 1873; as one of Trump's lawyers says, "We don't need [Congress to pass] a federal ban when we have Comstock on the books." And second, by reversing the FDA approval of medication abortion, which is safer than aspirin.
  • They aim to ban IVF, even though 86% of Americans support it.
So, the massacre of children will slow down?
  • They propose exempting Christian churches, and only Christian churches, from any health requirements, including during a pandemic, and imposing the Christian Sabbath on all of us by paying more to workers—but only on Sundays—while workers will continue to fall behind on the other six days of the week. Meanwhile, tax cuts for the rich would be permanently extended, costing more than $4 trillion.
It was only Christian churches that were targetted during the scamdemic, so that makes a lot of sense.
  • They would delete the terms "sexual orientation" and "gender identity"; "diversity, equity, and inclusion"; and "gender," "gender equality," and "gender equity" from all government policy.
So, we would take a step toward normacy, again?
  • And, they would direct the Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) to rewrite all policies to adhere to a "biblically-based definition of marriage and family," including recognizing only heterosexual marriage and rejecting any transgender care or protections.
So, we would take a step toward normacy, again?
Furthermore: it will:

· End birthright citizenship.

· Send homeless people to government camps.

· Put all drug dealers to death.

· Pardon and apologize all January 6 rioters.

· Start police “stop and frisk” without reason.

· Eliminate US Department of Energy.

· Imprison all LGBGQ+ people; no exceptions

· Replace all Federal Employees with Trump loyalists.

· Declare any educational LGBTQ+ literature as porn.

· Declare ALL pornography illegal and punishable.

· Both personal and business internet censored.

· Abortions no longer allowed with legal penalties.

· Destroy/Modify the US Constitution to MAGA.

· Change USA Democracy to Christian Theocracy.

· Declare TRUMP president-for-life/dictator.

· With FULL SUPPORT from the US Supreme Court.
Not to worry, folks.

Steve Bannon did an interview and laid out Trump's plans for his enemies once he takes office. He's only going after senior people, people of consequence.

The TDS folk on here have nothing to fear, unlike peaceful protesters do under Biden.

“The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up!”​

Henson appeared in a recorded segment with Harris. The vice president warned against Republicans launching a “full-on attack on our fundamental freedoms,” such as voting rights, reproductive freedoms and LGBTQ+ rights. “The majority of us believe in freedom and equality,” Harris said, “but these extremists, as they say, they are not like us.”

“Did you know that it is now a crime to be homeless? Pay attention,” Henson said during a speech she delivered during the live portion of the show, referring to a recent Supreme Court ruling allowing cities to ticket or arrest homeless people for sleeping in public. Henson then referenced a Republican-backed plan for the next presidential administration. “The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up!” she urged the audience, leaving many people wondering what exactly Project 2025 is and why we should be worried about it.

Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is an extensive proposal of policies put forth by the Heritage Foundation, a top conservative think tank with input from dozens of conservative groups. Project 2025, which the Heritage Foundation has put forward in the form of a 920-page document published online, is a plan for a right-wing agenda to be put in place during a second Trump term. Critics argue that the plan would create an authoritarian presidency, taking power away from the other branches of government and empowering Trump to enforce an ultraconservative agenda throughout the country. Many conservatives, meanwhile, have embraced the plan.

Folks better wake up, the right is working to take us back to the 1950s.

Why do you think McConnell used Trump to stack the courts in this country.

No fundamental reproductive rights.

Sorry to have to break it to you.

Camel Harris wouldn't know about constitutional law if her pathetic life depended on it.

“The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up!”​

Henson appeared in a recorded segment with Harris. The vice president warned against Republicans launching a “full-on attack on our fundamental freedoms,” such as voting rights, reproductive freedoms and LGBTQ+ rights. “The majority of us believe in freedom and equality,” Harris said, “but these extremists, as they say, they are not like us.”

“Did you know that it is now a crime to be homeless? Pay attention,” Henson said during a speech she delivered during the live portion of the show, referring to a recent Supreme Court ruling allowing cities to ticket or arrest homeless people for sleeping in public. Henson then referenced a Republican-backed plan for the next presidential administration. “The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up!” she urged the audience, leaving many people wondering what exactly Project 2025 is and why we should be worried about it.

Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is an extensive proposal of policies put forth by the Heritage Foundation, a top conservative think tank with input from dozens of conservative groups. Project 2025, which the Heritage Foundation has put forward in the form of a 920-page document published online, is a plan for a right-wing agenda to be put in place during a second Trump term. Critics argue that the plan would create an authoritarian presidency, taking power away from the other branches of government and empowering Trump to enforce an ultraconservative agenda throughout the country. Many conservatives, meanwhile, have embraced the plan.

Folks better wake up, the right is working to take us back to the 1950s.

Why do you think McConnell used Trump to stack the courts in this country.
Damn, thats fucked up. It looks like Trump is going to win too, and then its game over. What are you going to do?

“The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up!”​

Henson appeared in a recorded segment with Harris. The vice president warned against Republicans launching a “full-on attack on our fundamental freedoms,” such as voting rights, reproductive freedoms and LGBTQ+ rights. “The majority of us believe in freedom and equality,” Harris said, “but these extremists, as they say, they are not like us.”

“Did you know that it is now a crime to be homeless? Pay attention,” Henson said during a speech she delivered during the live portion of the show, referring to a recent Supreme Court ruling allowing cities to ticket or arrest homeless people for sleeping in public. Henson then referenced a Republican-backed plan for the next presidential administration. “The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up!” she urged the audience, leaving many people wondering what exactly Project 2025 is and why we should be worried about it.

Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is an extensive proposal of policies put forth by the Heritage Foundation, a top conservative think tank with input from dozens of conservative groups. Project 2025, which the Heritage Foundation has put forward in the form of a 920-page document published online, is a plan for a right-wing agenda to be put in place during a second Trump term. Critics argue that the plan would create an authoritarian presidency, taking power away from the other branches of government and empowering Trump to enforce an ultraconservative agenda throughout the country. Many conservatives, meanwhile, have embraced the plan.

Folks better wake up, the right is working to take us back to the 1950s.

Why do you think McConnell used Trump to stack the courts in this country.
You better stop it
Or else he's gonna rob a best buy and burn down his own neighborhood

I'm jealous

Milei 2028
The 1950's was a time where people were prospering because of heavy spending by the government.

The slogan, “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) refers to a return to days right-wing whites believed America grew and prospered based on hard work and merit. The leader of this movement was a man born in 1946. This is important because most people who say we need to return to those days were children watching their parents avail themselves of the massive government assistance primarily given to whites. They grew up in racially segregated suburbs in homes their parents paid for with the help of guaranteed loans backed by the government.

Their parents, primarily fathers, were able to take advantage of all the government benefits from the G.I. bill. They watched the government enact a massive infrastructure project that has created permanent jobs in all fifty states called the interstate highway system. As children during that era, they were oblivious to the enormous government assistance whites received. As they grew up during this era and the so-called American work ethic was preached about, they saw only the progress and grew up to believe it was due to rugged individualism and earned by merit.

These are the people telling us today that government cannot help us. These are the children who were out playing in the yard while mom and dad were filing out government forms to get the things the government was handing out.
As long as you keep the Fiat Currency under control. Growth can be good. However, it will still have its limits every year. And humans are inpatient. Especially those who crave power.
Back to the 59's sounds pretty good.

Literacy rate among black kids was much higher for one thing.

Men pretendin g to be women weren't allowed access to little girls in locker rooms.
Black folks pretty much had no rights, couldn't vote. Could be beaten, raped, lynched, but those were great times.
Why won't we?

Trump is leading by a wide margin. Also, I don't know if you're keeping up with current events, but your side just took one of the worst ass kicking in the history of presidential politics.

Trump will be the president, and he will fully and successfully impliment every aspect of Project 2025.

We will have 50's level crime rates, 50's level unemployment, 50's level respect around the world, and 50's level stability of our currency.
50s level racism and discrimination.
No fundamental reproductive rights.

Sorry to have to break it to you.

Camel Harris wouldn't know about constitutional law if her pathetic life depended on it.
Pretty sure she is more up on it than you are, but you are the white man, you know everything.

“The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up!”​

Henson appeared in a recorded segment with Harris. The vice president warned against Republicans launching a “full-on attack on our fundamental freedoms,” such as voting rights, reproductive freedoms and LGBTQ+ rights. “The majority of us believe in freedom and equality,” Harris said, “but these extremists, as they say, they are not like us.”

“Did you know that it is now a crime to be homeless? Pay attention,” Henson said during a speech she delivered during the live portion of the show, referring to a recent Supreme Court ruling allowing cities to ticket or arrest homeless people for sleeping in public. Henson then referenced a Republican-backed plan for the next presidential administration. “The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up!” she urged the audience, leaving many people wondering what exactly Project 2025 is and why we should be worried about it.

Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is an extensive proposal of policies put forth by the Heritage Foundation, a top conservative think tank with input from dozens of conservative groups. Project 2025, which the Heritage Foundation has put forward in the form of a 920-page document published online, is a plan for a right-wing agenda to be put in place during a second Trump term. Critics argue that the plan would create an authoritarian presidency, taking power away from the other branches of government and empowering Trump to enforce an ultraconservative agenda throughout the country. Many conservatives, meanwhile, have embraced the plan.

Folks better wake up, the right is working to take us back to the 1950s.

Why do you think McConnell used Trump to stack the courts in this country.
It was rather peaceful before the Marxists threw a snake in the monkey cage and blamed it on the zookeeper, wasn't it?

Too bad Senator McCarthy didn't get to see those Marxists go to the electric chair, each and every one.

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