What Is Project 2025? The Conservative Plan That Taraji P. Henson Called Out At The BET Awards, Explained

Is this what civil rights legislation was about? As the pyramid rises, and we get closer to the top the movers and shakers has got to be better. We have disturbed that today. In the mission to destroy Trump, the accountability of many Progressive failures is not talked about. Harris is not very good. Most of her staff who are Prog defending adherents of the realm left because she does not want to learn anything and has a vicious personality. Like Trump is accused of. And this is being kind.
You claim she isn't very good, but in the next breath you defend a POS like Trump.
Lol, you have voting rights now and any right that I do. But you don't want to go back to strong black families that raise successful children? So you gonna support the same people the tore the black family apart and goes after a self made successful black man? And states it is racism to want to get blacks off welfare through education and self awareness? That's your position?
Why has Republicans voted against making the VRA permanent? I know plenty of strong black families that have raised successful children, both of my kids hold college degrees. No, I don't support republicans, what self-made successful black man is that? You argument makes no sense, what black person wouldn't want to see other black folks to be successful?
Why has Republicans voted against making the VRA permanent? I know plenty of strong black families that have raised successful children, both of my kids hold college degrees. No, I don't support republicans, what self-made successful black man is that? You argument makes no sense, what black person wouldn't want to see other black folks to be successful?
Ben Carson for one, he got out of the government dole.
Uncle Ben, you mean the world-renowned neurosurgeon who was in a token role as the head of HUD. Why wasn't he appointed over HHS?
Don't know, do you? His mother was on welfare, so maybe Trump wanted someone who was there and knew ideas how to make it better.
Don't know, do you? His mother was on welfare, so maybe Trump wanted someone who was there and knew ideas how to make it better.

You ignorant racist POS, so the qualification to be the Secretary of HUD is if you were on welfare. Smfh.

The dude didn't have a clue about HUD.

This hearing showed us just that.

You ignorant racist POS, so the qualification to be the Secretary of HUD is if you were on welfare. Smfh.

The dude didn't have a clue about HUD.

This hearing showed us just that.

Lol, so I'm a racist. Look you stupid fuck, I want everyone to be treated equal. But obviously you going to be crying racism for you failures.
Lol, so I'm a racist. Look you stupid fuck, I want everyone to be treated equal. But obviously you going to be crying racism for you failures.
No, you don't, any fool that agrees with Project 2025 wants the Good Ole Days back. Many blacks are successful despite the racism and discrimination we face.
No, you don't, any fool that agrees with Project 2025 wants the Good Ole Days back. Many blacks are successful despite the racism and discrimination we face.
I haven't read it, but the federal government can no longer get rid of abortion. So I know right off the bat you loons are lying, as usual.
It was the main thing happening for black folks.
Was it? Was that the actual main thing? But let's say it was, does that mean that 100% of everything that was "America" circa 1950 was bad? Even for black folks? I'm willing to bet it wasn't. 100% of "America" from any time frame wasn't ideal, but there are certainly aspects of any time that were likely better than now. Shouldn't we as a nation want to have the great things that were from our past now so long as they are compatible with our present? People don't relish the idea of the (insert time frame from the past here) because they want the comparatively lower standard of living, smaller house, physically harder job, or being able to wield some "power" over another person based on race. They harken back to that time partly because you could raise a family on a single person working, there was a greater sense of community, we weren't nearly as divided a country politically or at least it was caustic as it currently is, etc. and partially it's nostalgia. What it's not a bunch of people wanting to bring back jim crow and segregation. To be fair the only people seemingly looking to enact segregation are black people and other minorities.
You ignorant racist POS, so the qualification to be the Secretary of HUD is if you were on welfare. Smfh.

The dude didn't have a clue about HUD.

This hearing showed us just that.

What was Hilary Clinton's qualification to Sec of State? Compared to people like Albright, Powell, Rice, Jay, Jefferson etc.

What was Marcia Fudge's qualification to be HUD secretary. Look at her resume compared to the current women in the post.

The point being there are all kinds of people who serve as Secretary of this or that who arent the expert in that area. They are political appointments.
Was it? Was that the actual main thing? But let's say it was, does that mean that 100% of everything that was "America" circa 1950 was bad? Even for black folks? I'm willing to bet it wasn't. 100% of "America" from any time frame wasn't ideal, but there are certainly aspects of any time that were likely better than now.

Um, no, the problem is that we've romanticized the 1950's, or particularly, Hollywood did. Everyone forgets that we had THREE recessions during the 1950s, a war in Korea that went on way too long.

The good part was that the American Middle Class was riding high because of the artificial global economic situation that the rest of the world was still rebuilding from WWII.

Shouldn't we as a nation want to have the great things that were from our past now so long as they are compatible with our present? People don't relish the idea of the (insert time frame from the past here) because they want the comparatively lower standard of living, smaller house, physically harder job, or being able to wield some "power" over another person based on race.

Well, not if we don't understand that the "great things" were often built on other people's misfortunes. The 1950's were awesome for white, straight, men. Everyone else, it kind of sucked. Women were hustled back into the kitchen, but they were well and screwed if their husbands abandoned the family.

They harken back to that time partly because you could raise a family on a single person working, there was a greater sense of community, we weren't nearly as divided a country politically or at least it was caustic as it currently is, etc. and partially it's nostalgia.

Wow, are you saying that our caustic politics are bad? And you support Trump, who is responsible for 90% of it, but at least you realize that it's bad.

Again, the reason why you could raise a family on a single person working was because we had UNIONS. Who has spent the last 40 years dismantling unions?

What it's not a bunch of people wanting to bring back jim crow and segregation. To be fair the only people seemingly looking to enact segregation are black people and other minorities.

Really? Seems to me that it's white people who want to build walls to keep people out while they live in their gated communities.


Go away you're boring.

Why do I get the feeling you never actually read that book. If you had, you would know that Atwood's main point was that Second Wave Feminism was going to doom itself by allying with the Christian right on issues like pornography. She got it about half right. Women's rights were pushed back, but Porn is more common than ever.

“The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up!”​

Henson appeared in a recorded segment with Harris. The vice president warned against Republicans launching a “full-on attack on our fundamental freedoms,” such as voting rights, reproductive freedoms and LGBTQ+ rights. “The majority of us believe in freedom and equality,” Harris said, “but these extremists, as they say, they are not like us.”

“Did you know that it is now a crime to be homeless? Pay attention,” Henson said during a speech she delivered during the live portion of the show, referring to a recent Supreme Court ruling allowing cities to ticket or arrest homeless people for sleeping in public. Henson then referenced a Republican-backed plan for the next presidential administration. “The Project 2025 plan is not a game. Look it up!” she urged the audience, leaving many people wondering what exactly Project 2025 is and why we should be worried about it.

Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is an extensive proposal of policies put forth by the Heritage Foundation, a top conservative think tank with input from dozens of conservative groups. Project 2025, which the Heritage Foundation has put forward in the form of a 920-page document published online, is a plan for a right-wing agenda to be put in place during a second Trump term. Critics argue that the plan would create an authoritarian presidency, taking power away from the other branches of government and empowering Trump to enforce an ultraconservative agenda throughout the country. Many conservatives, meanwhile, have embraced the plan.

Folks better wake up, the right is working to take us back to the 1950s.

Why do you think McConnell used Trump to stack the courts in this country.

Probably not the right country for you.

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