Beware the Marxist world of Kamalla Harris: "There’s a big difference between equality and equity."

Which ones specifically? Do you have any examples?

"...capitalism creates a system of inherent inequality."

As you are a devoted follower of the Subjectivism/Objectivism cult, I figured you would understand that this is a subjective opinion and therefore, based on feelings.
What problem?

You tell me, you're the one bleating about capitalism being unequal.
One decided on democratically.
That's pretty vague. It really doesn't say what type of equality you're looking for, only that it should be democratically chosen.
1- Start your own business.
2- Everyone has had to work since the dawn of time. A caveman that wouldn’t hunt or learn to grow food would die. Same thing today.
3- Private sector unions are fine. No government employee needs or deserves a union. Eliminate them.
4- Government needs shrunk to about 1/4 its current size. They’re the ones taking the bribes.
5- Stop fucking doing that. Bail outs are socialism.
6- Progress is always being made. Adjust.
7- Only an idiot thinks socialism will make things equal. All it does is lets the government take everything. Look at Venezuela. I can’t believe in your own lifetime you watched a nation fall so fast and so rock bottom because of socialism and you still think it’s a good idea. That’s moronic.

Your points miss the mark entirely and show a lack of understanding of the issues at hand. Let's address them directly:

  1. Start Your Own Business: The suggestion to "start your own business" is not a universal solution. Not everyone has the capital, resources, or opportunities to do so. Moreover, the vast majority of businesses fail, and even successful small business owners often end up working longer hours for less pay. The idea that everyone can simply start their own business ignores the systemic issues that make it difficult for workers to accumulate the necessary capital and resources.
  2. Work and Survival: Comparing modern wage labor to cavemen hunting for food is a false equivalence. Cavemen were not exploited by a parasitic class that profited from their labor. In capitalism, workers sell their labor power to capitalists who then extract surplus value from this labor to enrich themselves. This isn't about working to survive; it's about being exploited by others for their personal gain or profit.
  3. Private Sector Unions and Government Employees: Your claim that government employees do not need or deserve unions is misguided. Unions are essential for all workers, public or private, to negotiate fair wages, benefits, and working conditions. Stripping workers of their right to unionize weakens their bargaining power and increases exploitation. The reason capitalists prefer negotiating with individual workers is that it gives them more power. Unionized workers have more leverage and can secure higher pay and better benefits, which is why capitalists resist unions so vehemently. That fact is that unionized labor today makes more money and has more benefits than unionized workers.
  4. Government Size and Corruption: Reducing the government to a fraction of its size does not address the root issues of corruption and influence by capitalists. It can exacerbate these problems by reducing oversight and regulation, allowing capitalists even more freedom to exploit workers and resources. The problem is not the size of the government but the influence of capitalists who bribe and control politicians, turning democracy into a plutocratic oligarchy.
  5. Bailouts and Socialism: You acknowledge that bailouts are a form of socialism, yet you fail to see the inherent contradiction in capitalism relying on public funds to survive. These bailouts are necessary because capitalism is inherently unstable, with cycles of boom and bust that require public intervention to prevent total collapse. This privatization of profits and socialization of losses highlights the fundamental flaws in the capitalist system.
  6. Progress and Adjustment: Progress is indeed being made, but the benefits of technological advancements are not being equitably shared. Automation and AI are displacing workers and making traditional wage labor obsolete. Without a shift to socialism, where the benefits of increased productivity are shared by all, we will see even greater inequality and social unrest. Capitalism is ill-equipped to handle this transition because it relies on the continuous exploitation of human labor.
  7. Socialism and Equality: Your reference to Venezuela is a tired and disingenuous argument. The failures in Venezuela are mostly due to American economic sanctions, not socialism itself. Successful examples of socialist policies can be seen in many countries with strong social safety nets, high standards of living, and greater equality. Socialism seeks to abolish the private ownership of means of production that enables exploitation, ensuring that the benefits of production are shared more generously and abundantly.
In summary, your responses ignore the key points I made about the inherent injustice of capitalism and the need for a marketless system of production, especially in the context of advanced automation and artificial intelligence. Socialism is the inevitable natural successor of capitalism, just as capitalism replaced feudalism. This transition is necessary for creating a fairer, more just, and sustainable society.
How could I disagree with what you’ve lived through? I have no idea what you’ve lived through. What I disagree with is when YOU start thinking you know more about what white peoples think than what they know. This whole idea of unconscious bias, micro aggressions, and all this other nonsense that apparently only black people can see, and have this privilege of being able to arbitrarily assign to white folk, based on this magical power of insight that you claim to have, where you know what other people are thinking. This is compounded by the fact that you think every time a white person disagrees or argues with you on a point, it’s a racist microaggression.

Try not putting all white people in a basket. I am taking about whites on the rght. And the fact is all that you have called nonsense is real. And after living years facing it, blacks can see it when it happens. Whites on the right try denying these things even as they practice it. This forum is full of such things and instead of you fighting THAT, you are here arguing wth me. You are part of the problem. Whites like you have disagreed with me even as I have presented peer reviewed evidence., legal decisons, and studies from professional organizations that proves what I say is rght. And you've done it with no evidence as if all you have to do is be white and say it's not so.

I went to school, got degrees and was a paid professional researching and applying what I learned in the field of sociology, whch is:

the scientific and systematic study of human society that focuses on society, human social behavior, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and aspects of culture associated with everyday life.
Apparently you have not done that, and are mystified as to why I can say the things I do.
The problem is, everything is racism to you. You seem to have determine that you have this insight into other people’s minds, and therefore you conclude, in your own, that people’s arguments have no merit, because you don’t like what they are saying.
No, the problem is that you cannot see the things that you say are racist. I don't have this problem with every white person here. Just whites who are on the right. The whites who support Trump. For some reason you guys seem to think you can talk crazy about blacks and nothng should ever be said about it. You also seem to believe that you can peddle this impression of America that has not existed for blacks and we are just supposed to agree with that impression. Then when you are confronted by someone back who refuses to do so and are frank or unapologetic about it, then we get what you are doing, which is called white fragility by this human being:


She goes further to describe the behavior.

“Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it. We are the least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences. At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.

Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience. This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as ‘people just need to see each other as individuals’ or ‘see each other as humans’ or ‘take personal responsibility.’

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue.”

- Dr. Robin DiAngelo

This assessment comes after more than 20 years of leading racial sensitvity training for corporations.

You haved disagreed with me about white racism while you have read whites making racist comments in this forum. You have continued trying to argue with me about things such as our choice in political parties when your party has shown that it not only has no interest in addressing issues we face, but they violently oppose anything we ask in order to have the opportunity to solve the problems this government has created for us.. Then you have had the nerve to tell me how we are being tricked as if we do not have the ability to think for ourselves and you cannot see the racism in your thought processes.
Your points miss the mark entirely and show a lack of understanding of the issues at hand. Let's address them directly:

  1. Start Your Own Business: The suggestion to "start your own business" is not a universal solution. Not everyone has the capital, resources, or opportunities to do so. Moreover, the vast majority of businesses fail, and even successful small business owners often end up working longer hours for less pay. The idea that everyone can simply start their own business ignores the systemic issues that make it difficult for workers to accumulate the necessary capital and resources.
  2. Work and Survival: Comparing modern wage labor to cavemen hunting for food is a false equivalence. Cavemen were not exploited by a parasitic class that profited from their labor. In capitalism, workers sell their labor power to capitalists who then extract surplus value from this labor to enrich themselves. This isn't about working to survive; it's about being exploited by others for their personal gain or profit.
  3. Private Sector Unions and Government Employees: Your claim that government employees do not need or deserve unions is misguided. Unions are essential for all workers, public or private, to negotiate fair wages, benefits, and working conditions. Stripping workers of their right to unionize weakens their bargaining power and increases exploitation. The reason capitalists prefer negotiating with individual workers is that it gives them more power. Unionized workers have more leverage and can secure higher pay and better benefits, which is why capitalists resist unions so vehemently. That fact is that unionized labor today makes more money and has more benefits than unionized workers.
  4. Government Size and Corruption: Reducing the government to a fraction of its size does not address the root issues of corruption and influence by capitalists. It can exacerbate these problems by reducing oversight and regulation, allowing capitalists even more freedom to exploit workers and resources. The problem is not the size of the government but the influence of capitalists who bribe and control politicians, turning democracy into a plutocratic oligarchy.
  5. Bailouts and Socialism: You acknowledge that bailouts are a form of socialism, yet you fail to see the inherent contradiction in capitalism relying on public funds to survive. These bailouts are necessary because capitalism is inherently unstable, with cycles of boom and bust that require public intervention to prevent total collapse. This privatization of profits and socialization of losses highlights the fundamental flaws in the capitalist system.
  6. Progress and Adjustment: Progress is indeed being made, but the benefits of technological advancements are not being equitably shared. Automation and AI are displacing workers and making traditional wage labor obsolete. Without a shift to socialism, where the benefits of increased productivity are shared by all, we will see even greater inequality and social unrest. Capitalism is ill-equipped to handle this transition because it relies on the continuous exploitation of human labor.
  7. Socialism and Equality: Your reference to Venezuela is a tired and disingenuous argument. The failures in Venezuela are mostly due to American economic sanctions, not socialism itself. Successful examples of socialist policies can be seen in many countries with strong social safety nets, high standards of living, and greater equality. Socialism seeks to abolish the private ownership of means of production that enables exploitation, ensuring that the benefits of production are shared more generously and abundantly.
In summary, your responses ignore the key points I made about the inherent injustice of capitalism and the need for a marketless system of production, especially in the context of advanced automation and artificial intelligence. Socialism is the inevitable natural successor of capitalism, just as capitalism replaced feudalism. This transition is necessary for creating a fairer, more just, and sustainable society.
Venezuela never had a chance you moron. It’s exactly what socialism is. The fact you think outside pressure did them in all the while talking about self sufficient socialism proves you’re a moron. Socialism is failure from the start. It’s never built anything, it can never build anything, it’s failure from start to finish. If it was ever going to work it should have done so in Venezuela by now. They shouldn’t need any outside countries money. The sanctions should have no effect. This should be a socialist paradise today proving how they don’t need capitalism.
Try not putting all white people in a basket. I am taking about whites on the rght. And the fact is all that you have called nonsense is real. And after living years facing it, blacks can see it when it happens. Whites on the right try denying these things even as they practice it. This forum is full of such things and instead of you fighting THAT, you are here arguing wth me. You are part of the problem. Whites like you have disagreed with me even as I have presented peer reviewed evidence., legal decisons, and studies from professional organizations that proves what I say is rght. And you've done it with no evidence as if all you have to do is be white and say it's not so.

I went to school, got degrees and was a paid professional researching and applying what I learned in the field of sociology, whch is:

the scientific and systematic study of human society that focuses on society, human social behavior, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and aspects of culture associated with everyday life.
Apparently you have not done that, and are mystified as to why I can say the things I do.

No, the problem is that you cannot see the things that you say are racist. I don't have this problem with every white person here. Just whites who are on the right. The whites who support Trump. For some reason you guys seem to think you can talk crazy about blacks and nothng should ever be said about it. You also seem to believe that you can peddle this impression of America that has not existed for blacks and we are just supposed to agree with that impression. Then when you are confronted by someone back who refuses to do so and are frank or unapologetic about it, then we get what you are doing, which is called white fragility by this human being:

View attachment 987235

She goes further to describe the behavior.

“Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it. We are the least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences. At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.

Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience. This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as ‘people just need to see each other as individuals’ or ‘see each other as humans’ or ‘take personal responsibility.’

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue.”

- Dr. Robin DiAngelo

This assessment comes after more than 20 years of leading racial sensitvity training for corporations.

You haved disagreed with me about white racism while you have read whites making racist comments in this forum. You have continued trying to argue with me about things such as our choice in political parties when your party has shown that it not only has no interest in addressing issues we face, but they violently oppose anything we ask in order to have the opportunity to solve the problems this government has created for us.. Then you have had the nerve to tell me how we are being tricked as if we do not have the ability to think for ourselves and you cannot see the racism in your thought processes.
You’re unintentionally the funniest person on the board.
What policies do we have that are written to be discriminatory or exclude blacks? Are you talking back in the 50s and 60s? Or today?
You have been shown a history of polices that have created what we have today. Policies created in 1787 affect us rightnow. Sothen tryinto avoid things bydimissing polices implemented in the 50's and 60's as if the racism of that time isn't happening now is irritating. I'm tired of whites on the right pulling this crap. Its a dishonest tactic..

Stop pretending that whites are not discriminating against blacks rght now. How many times do I have to post this before it registers?

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

And then this guy was here saying the same stuff you do, and asking people to show him where blacks are discriminated against today. This bullshit is tired, you know exactly what's going on and it is time those like you understood that we are not fooled. So get up and work to clean up the mess whites have made in this country. And don't call me a racist for saying that because the policies that have created the prroblems WERE indeed implemented by whites.
Venezuela never had a chance you moron. It’s exactly what socialism is. The fact you think outside pressure did them in all the while talking about self sufficient socialism proves you’re a moron. Socialism is failure from the start. It’s never built anything, it can never build anything, it’s failure from start to finish. If it was ever going to work it should have done so in Venezuela by now. They shouldn’t need any outside countries money. The sanctions should have no effect. This should be a socialist paradise today proving how they don’t need capitalism.
You're wrong. There are several very sucessful socialist nations in this world.
Just out of curiosity, are you employed in the field of perpetual victimhood? I mean seriously, do you actually work and contribute, or is your living made by the racial identity industry? Kind of a junior Al Sharleton, or Jesse Jackass?
Whites are the only ones who make livings by the racial identity industry.

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