which is most troubling aspect of the assassination attempt? poll

which of he following is most troubling aspect of the assassination attempt?

  • the fact that Crooks got on the roof unseen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • the fact there were no Secret Service on the roof

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • a water tower nearby, but no SS there--could easily have picked off Crooks early

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Crooks allegedly had foreign contacts/accounts (still don't know details on that one?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • there is no excuse for what happened & more people in SS than Cheatle should be fired

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • people were shouting about a man w/ gun on roof but were at first ignored

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm not troubled because I have TDS & don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
It is yes.

If the attempt had succeeded, and Trup had died, there would have been chaos in the nation. ..

Why would the federal government, including Alejandro Mayorkas, Cheatle's boss, want that? What better excuse for them to enact Martial Law in all but name?
thanks. I never thought of this scenario, although it's pretty obvious it could happen.

But it didn't happen so maybe God just doesn't like all the violence.. and/or he .. well, who knows what He is doing but I am thankful He saved Trump
The Trump deranged killer showed far more interest in understanding the vulnerable areas of that rally site than the Secret Service did.
yeh, and "they" wonder why we are so distrustful of gummit

or maybe they don't wonder..

Actually, they probably wonder why the dims are not suspicious.. probably just figure

too dumb

The Trump deranged killer showed far more interest in understanding the vulnerable areas of that rally site than the Secret Service did.

The SS left the best long shot spot practically wide open. They did not co-ordinate with PA Police on the ground.

Complicit? Or a bone-headed mistake?
The SS left the best long shot spot practically wide open. They did not co-ordinate with PA Police on the ground.

Complicit? Or a bone-headed mistake?
I bet I know which one you choose

probably the same one I do (and anyone w/ a functioning brain)
I'm surprised this person is not on my Ignore list. Maybe because her comments don't phase me anymore.

Far too many people troll these threads making absolutely no contribution to the thread, as if they just haunt their keyboard out of a contempt for themselves with no better use of their time other than to try to make other people suffer misery as well for their own shortcomings.

Folks used to tell me that it was a sign of strength and courage to suffer the fools--- like it was bragging rights to admit you constantly waste your time arguing with people either too dim or too evil to ever have any worthwhile conversation with, even if you don't always agree on everything! Like it was a sign of toughness!

But the truth is that they WANT you to argue with them, it gives them credibility, lends them VALIDITY to be RESPONDED to; that isn't courage, that is STUPIDITY. The thing to do with the idiots of the Left is to just ignore them and give them NO AUDIENCE AT ALL--- it defeats their whole purpose for being here. Courage is knowing when to invest your time in a productive outcome with people you might actually communicate with.
which is most troubling aspect of the assassination attempt?

Oh wait. I forgot something:

The fact we aren't getting any further information. I guess I'm used to that..
Of course we aren't. Probably never will...

I wouldn't trust the media (of all kinds) to give the news - they used to give without bias. These days, no matter how we get our news, there is always either something left out - on purpose. Or it isn't being reported - due to repercussions.

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