Debate Now A Hard Look at the MAGA Movement


Farmers will have to pay higher wages to their farm workers

You think that will radically raise prices and I think it will raise the standard of living for farm workers
Pickers are making $17 to $20/hr. 73% are immigrants (legal and illegal) When contracted suppliers do not delivery enough labor, farmers advertise for pickers. Most respondents are Latin American
Walls are useless.

Walls can be claimed over, dug under, gone around, or you can just bribe someone watching it to let you through.

What you need to do is eliminate any reason for them to come here to start with, and you do that by 1) Cleaning up the employment situation (workplace enforcement, biometric ID, guest worker permits to deal with legitimate labor needs) and 2) Cleaning up the immigration case system so cases are resolved expeditiously. Mrs. B131 shouldn't have waited 7 years for an asylum hearing or one year for a marriage sponsorship.

The stupidity that you can build a wall and solve the problem underestimates human ingenuity.
I agree, eliminating the reason to come here is the best approach. Enforcing id checks. File applications for asylum at any US embassy or consulate and perform the first screening test there. In the Central American countries publicize what migrants will face at the US boarder. Lastly, help reduce gang activity in these countries.

A wall today is ineffective. Migrants cross the border and wait by the wall or other barrier to be picked up so they can claim asylum.
sorry, man, it's pretty much inevitable.

We have something like 15 million migrants, and we can only deport half a million a year.

Biden, convalescing from a case of Covid at his beach house in Delaware, didn’t offer counterprograming. And Kamala Harris, now the likely Democratic nominee, has conspicuously not talked about immigration since taking over the top of the ticket. That might be because Harris and Biden’s strongest defense would sound ugly to their liberal supporters. Back in 2020, Biden campaigned on a promise to place a moratorium on deportations; he went as far as to apologize for the Obama-Biden’s administration record number of deportations. That means that, campaigning in 2024, it’s tricky for Biden or Harris to state a simple fact: that their administration has kicked out millions more migrants than Trump ever managed to.

If deportations are a gas pedal, Trump has portrayed Biden as a lethargic octogenarian, too impaired to drive over 10 mph. In reality, Biden has that gas pedal pushed almost all the way to the floor. Under Biden, migrants have been removed from the U.S. at a blistering pace, pushing the country’s deportation infrastructure to its limit. And it’s not clear how Trump could top him if he takes back the White House next year.

But there’s another reason: ICE — along with all the country’s deportation infrastructure — had been surged to the border. To handle the huge number of new arrivals, the administration sent ICE agents to assist Border Patrol, and that took government workers away from arresting people in the interior. Meanwhile, ICE Air flights were filled to the brim with recent border crossers; they literally didn’t have room for other deportees.

As soon as Title 42 ended in May 2023, deportations immediately skyrocketed to historic numbers. According to data analysis from the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank, Biden “removed or returned” 775,000 unauthorized immigrants from May 2023 to May 2024. That’s more than any previous year since 2010. (For comparison, Trump’s record for removals in one year maxed out at under 612,000 — and that was with Title 42 in place.)
The democrats are not hitting immigration that much right now because June had the lowest monthly total for illegal crossings since January 2021 and the numbers are expected to continue falling between now the election. The democrat response to illegal immigration is now and will continue to be, pass immigration reform.

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