Zone1 Why are whites, who are supporting a man with 91 felony counts to be the President of the country, trying to comment on black culture?

Racism is a complex issue influenced by both nature and nurture.

Nature refers to biological factors such as genetics, which may influence individuals' predispositions towards certain attitudes or beliefs.

Nurture, on the other hand, relates to environmental factors like upbringing and social influences that can shape a person's worldview.

Studies have shown that people may have an inherent tendency to categorize others based on physical characteristics, which could contribute to racial bias. However, these tendencies can be amplified or diminished based on the environment in which an individual is raised.

Children learn attitudes and beliefs about race from their caregivers, peers, and society at large. Research also indicates that exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences can help reduce prejudiced attitudes and promote empathy towards others.

This suggests that while there may be some biological basis for racism, the environment plays a significant role in shaping and perpetuating these beliefs.

Ultimately, the nature vs. nurture debate regarding racism is not a matter of one or the other, but rather a complex interplay between genetics, upbringing, and social influences.
I don't need the explanation, thank you.

Why are whites, who are supporting a man with 91 felony counts to be the President of the country, trying to comment on black culture?

I hate Trump because he cut taxes for the rich during a time of high budget deficits, and he says he will cut them again. I despise Trump because of his personatly and character. I want Trump to spend the rest of his life in prison, in debt, and in disgrace.
Why should the rich pay the extreme amounts they now pay?
Why should the rich pay the extreme amounts they now pay?
Why should you care if they do?

And they do not pay "extreme amounts." The over all tax system is only mildly progressive.

taxPercentage 2.png

Why are whites, who are supporting a man with 91 felony counts to be the President of the country, trying to comment on black culture?

When you stop blaming whites for the problems in the black underclass, we will stop commenting on the culture.

Examole: if my neighbor blames ME because he has bugs in his kitchen, I have every right to tell him to clean up the dirty dishes on his counters. if he does not blame me, I’ll have nothing to say.

IOW, you don’t get to blame your problems on SOMEONE ELSE, and then insist they don’t tell you the cause of your problems that don’t involve them.

Why are whites, who are supporting a man with 91 felony counts to be the President of the country, trying to comment on black culture?

My hatred for Trump is visceral.

I also think black culture is depraved. A black person is respectable to the extent that he or she has adopted white culture.

Back in the day I liked soul music. Soul music could be abour romantic love, and even unrequited love. Rap music is ugly, and morally deranged. It is about violence, and raw, animal lust. It is what blacks create when they no longer feel the need to emulate whites.
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Well, I wouldn’t know. All I know is that is used to be the best country in Africa, and now it has all sorts of problems. Might be a good topic to start on a different forum.
South Africa was surely the best country south of the Saharan Desert. The Arab countries north of the Desert may have been marginally better.
South Africa was surely the best country south of the Saharan Desert. The Arab countries north of the Desert may have been marginally better.
True…..countries like Egypt and Tunisia.

Tunisia had a lot of European influence, as many rich Europeans had vacation homes there. I visited, and at least in the part I saw, it looked a little like Greece (from the architecture).

Why are whites, who are supporting a man with 91 felony counts to be the President of the country, trying to comment on black culture?​

Can you really not see that the internal logic between the two clauses is missing ? 100% missing .

The one does not predicate the other .
Or vice versa .

So often you discuss like a cheap skate--- cheating by omission and /or a low understanding of logic .

Baffling chat site posters is cheating because like a shady salesman you conceal basics and the correct links between them .
If yu wantto stay stupid, that's your problem. Why do most white eastern european countries struggle?
/-----/ "If yu wantto stay stupid, that's your problem."
Before calling others stupid, learn how to spell. › news › features › 2023-06-16 › south-africa-s-crime-chaos-and-corruption-make-it-look-like-a-failed-state

Crime, Chaos and Corruption: Life in South Africa's Richest City ...

Jun 16, 2023 Africa's Richest City Is Crumbling Under Chaos and Corruption. Johannesburg was built on gold. It's now such a mess that homeless people direct the traffic. By S'thembile Cele. June 15, 2023 ...

Why do most white eastern european countries struggle?
Socialism and the influx of Middle Easterners. › strategy-and-policy › priorities-2019-2024 › promoting-our-european-way-life › statistics-migration-europe_en

Statistics on migration to Europe - European Commission

Apr 11, 2024 See statistics on migration to Europe including figures on immigrants, refugees and asylum-seekers as well as migration figures to and from the EU. ... In 2023 there was an increase in crossings on the Central › news › world-europe-67245358

Migrants to Europe dying in gun battles and car crashes - BBC

Nov 2, 2023Migrants to Europe dying in gun battles and car crashes. 1 November 2023. By Nick Thorpe, BBC News, Hungary. Hungarian government. The Hungarian government has shared footage of guns being ...
White identity in America is ideology, not biology. The history of 'whiteness' proves it.
I am surprised to see this coming from you

One of my most consistent themes is that white nationalism does not depend on white skin color - which is immutable, and if you dont have it you are shit out of luck

But rather on white values that made America great - and those values are accessible to everyone

Thanks for conceding my point
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Just how blind are some people in the white community? We see that millions are hoping for a man to be the President of this country who has been indicted on 91 felony counts, making comments about the problems in back culture. WTF?

White identity in America is ideology, not biology. The history of 'whiteness' proves it.​

The idea of one big white race did not just spring to life full-blown and unchanging, which is what most people assume — and white supremacists rely on.

How the Myth of a Liberal North Erases a Long History of White Violence​

Anti-black racism has terrorized African Americans throughout the nation’s history, regardless of where in the country they lived

The Truth about Anti-White Discrimination​

Many white Americans feel that discrimination against whites is on the rise. Experiments suggests otherwise

White Power, White Violence​

A manifesto is not something to be ignored; it’s a playbook for the next attack.

How deep-rooted White fear throughout America’s history allows massacres like Buffalo to happen​

In 2020 blacks led in arrests in 2 categories in the Uniform Crime Report, murder and robbery. I am not going to pretend this is a good thing, but let’s look at the arrest categories whites led in:

Rape, Aggravated assault, Burglary, Larceny-theft, Motor vehicle theft, Arson, Violent crime, Property crime, Other assaults, Forgery and counterfeiting, Fraud, Embezzlement, buying, receiving, and possessing stolen property, Vandalism, carrying, possessing, Weapons, Prostitution and commercialized vice, Sex offenses besides rape and prostitution, Drug abuse violations, Gambling, Offenses against the family and children, Driving under the influence, Liquor laws, Drunkenness, Disorderly conduct, Vagrancy, All other offenses (except traffic), Suspicion, Curfew and loitering law violations.

But we get comments abut black culture as if white culture is the blueprint of perfection.
Why does BLM support thugs?
I am surprised to see this coming from you

One my most consistent themes is that white nationalism does not depend on white skin color - which is immutable, and if you dont have it you are shit out of luck

But rather on white values that made America great - and those values are accessible to everyone

Thanks for conceding my point
White values, per the Smithsonian: being polite, keeping to a schedule, speaking English well, respecting authority, working hard, valuing the nuclear family, and so forth.

All traits that lead to success.

The flip side, of course, are those that lead to failure: being rude, no disregard for being on time, speaking like a hoodlum, mouthing off to cops, refusing to take a job and living off welfare, having babies out-of-wedlock, etc.
White values, per the Smithsonian: being polite, keeping to a schedule, speaking English well, respecting authority, working hard, valuing the nuclear family, and so forth.

All traits that lead to success.

The flip side, of course, are those that lead to failure: being rude, no disregard for being on time, speaking like a hoodlum, mouthing off to cops, refusing to take a job and living off welfare, having babies out-of-wedlock, etc.
Conservatives are far from perfect

But collectively they share more white values than liberal democrats do
Conservatives are far from perfect

But collectively they share more white values than liberal democrats do
That’s probably why I have more in common with Christian Republicans than Jewish Democrats (and as you know, I identify strongly with my Judaism).
White values, per the Smithsonian: being polite, keeping to a schedule, speaking English well, respecting authority, working hard, valuing the nuclear family, and so forth.

All traits that lead to success.

The flip side, of course, are those that lead to failure: being rude, no disregard for being on time, speaking like a hoodlum, mouthing off to cops, refusing to take a job and living off welfare, having babies out-of-wedlock, etc.
/----/ How to avoid poverty.
1. Graduate high school.
2. Get a job.
3. Wait until marriage to have a baby.
4. Live within your means.

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