The Biden inner circle is looking like MAGA

Fake news.

Quit your lyin', retard.

Trump paid Cohen out of his personal account.

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But why does it say RETAINER on the check? Was that a lie, false? Yes.

In pivotal Trump Tower meeting, Trump agreed to reimbursement scheme for hush money payment, Cohen says

Cohen testified that the plan to falsely record the reimbursement as legal bills was discussed in front of Trump.

Erica Orden

05/13/2024, 4:47PM ET

At the very end of today's proceedings, Michael Cohen offered perhaps the most critical testimony of the day — or even the entire trial.
Cohen said that during a meeting in Trump Tower in mid-January 2017, Trump participated in and approved a plan to reimburse Cohen for the hush money that Cohen had paid to Stormy Daniels on the eve of the 2016 election.

And, Cohen added, Trump was informed that the reimbursements would be recorded in his company's books as legal expenses.
The claim that Trump personally approved the reimbursement arrangement — and apparently agreed that it would be recorded as legal bills rather than as a reimbursement — is the strongest evidence that prosecutors have produced linking Trump to the allegedly falsified business documents that form the basis of the felony charges.

A few days before Trump left for the presidential inauguration, Cohen recalled, Cohen, Trump and Allen Weisselberg met in Trump’s office.

According to Cohen, Weisselberg described to Trump a plan to repay Cohen over 12 months, with payments that would cover the "grossed up" cost of the Daniels contract, a bonus for Cohen and a technology payment Cohen had made on behalf of Trump.

“Was this in Mr. Trump’s office with Mr. Trump?” prosecutor Susan Hoffinger asked.
“Yes,” Cohen replied.
Hoffinger asked if Weisselberg showed Trump a handwritten document laying out the repayment plan.
“Yes,” Cohen replied.
Hoffinger asked if Weisselberg said in front of Trump that the payments would be recorded as a retainer for legal services.
“Yes,” Cohen said.

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You cannot be this stupid. It is not having an affair. It is not paying for her silence. It is fraudulently burying the payment in his business so as voters would not become aware. It is declaring bankruptcy 6 times and not paying many small businesses. It is being found guilty of running a fraudulent businees, Trump University, and had to refund all funds. It is having the Trump Charity closed down because the majority of funds going to Donald Trump. It is disputing an election, like many other Presidential losers, through the court system. Like other losers the courts determined there was no fraud. Every other Presidential candidate accepted the court rulling and conceded the election, except Donald Trump who used criminal strategies to contonue to have the election turned over. It is having 5 kids with 3 wives and many affairs. It is bragging about being able to grab women by the pussy. The majority of his White House staff and cabinet members are not supporting him for President in 2024. I could go on.
You are a braindead cult member

There you go, right off with the ad hominem personal attacks--- always the sign of the intellectually disingenuous person! ISSUE ONE: Trump didn't bury anything. THE WHOLE POINT to settling out of court on ANY NDA is to save the cost of a court fight if the settlement can be made similar to the legal fees it would take to dispute it! IT DOES NOT MATTER THE REASON. And she accepted it, then violated the terms and went public anyway timed RIGHT BEFORE AN ELECTION for political motivations.

So his accountant recorded the payments back to the handling attorney as LEGAL FEES (which they were). You can dispute that however you want but it is legal semantics and no one ever gets prosecuted for so simple a thing, and it is a misdemeanor anyway, one whose statute of limitations had run out long ago and which numerous legal entities PASSED ON as being legally vacuous.

And these were in private business ledgers, the only reason why anyone even knows about it is because you went through Trump's business LOOKING FOR A CRIME TO CHARGE HIM WITH until you finally dug this bullshit up! Then manufactured a twisted legal theory never used before to elevate it to a FELONY (a harmless white collar one) so you could drag him through the courts hoping it would hurt his election. The very thing our democracy stands against.

So you developed the theory that he did it to "keep it from the voters." Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but Trump didn't choose the timing of her actions, SHE DID, MAKING it an election matter. But worse, Trump like most NDA cases such as Hollywood people assuredly also did it to keep the BS from hurting his marriage, and if there is any question that Trump did it for any other reason than helping his election, such as his marriage, then the charges are null and VOID. But the court kept that from the hearing.

Then the prosecutor took ONE ACTION and shredded it into 34 different tiny actions to again try to hurt Trump and maximize the optics to the public, then they rigged the hearing so that Trump could not even appear in his defense and testify in court without opening him up to attacks and questions about EVERY OTHER LEGAL MATTER DOGGING HIM AS WELL.

Never mind the fact that public awareness of her accusations against him likely WOULD NOT have much affected his election, PLUS the fact that the DOJ DID THE VERY THING protecting Joe Biden's campaign by hiding Hunter's laptop story as just russian disinformation when they KNEW BETTER and surveys since then show that it DID GREATLY influence many voters who WOULD NOT have voted for pedo Joe HAD THEY KNOWN.

The good ol' double standard.

As to the rest of your deranged, unrelated TDS bullcrap, it just goes to prove you are nothing but a hateful, partisan cultist obsessed with the guy on irrelevant matters, settled matters, and stuff which is of no concern to the nation. Frankly, I don't know (as neither do you) what Trump did 20-40 years ago with his zipper, his personal life, nor do I care. All that matters is what he does for the country while in office, and he set a pretty high bar in his first term save for 2020 when all bets were off between the 5-month long George Floyd national riot debacle and the global chinese pandemic. If it is a choice between Trump who may or may not have had an affair 20-40 years ago and the drooling snot-bubble shuffling around mumbling shitting his pants while his wife helps him off the stand as leader of the free world, only a partisan idiot like you would debate the matter calling ME stupid, braindead and a cult member.

You are hereby nullified here and forever as nothing but a useless troll and now also on IGNORE. Chew on that. Bye.
Now the state of the world is in peril all to appease a small cabal of low performers and career thieves.

Wake the F up America! We need you to succeed ffs.
Well, maybe THIS TIME when we win, the radical Democrats will keep their promises and move to Canada. Then, both countries will have the kind of country they want
The Biden inner circle is looking like the MAGA meatheads.
The Biden inner circle are making pathetic excuses for Biden's cognitive issues. They are acting like they are Biden cult members. They are putting Biden's desires above what is best for the country.
We have one Presidential candidate who is morally unfit to serve and one who cognitively unfit to serve.
Nobody knows what you're talking about you racist bigot
Joe biden...truth sharp as a tack

He just had a bad night ...and a cold

if the corrupt incestuous retard died suddenly and peacefully in his sleep......... In such perfect health....... Oh the mother fucking tragedy! Tsk tsk tsk .... and right before the Convention. Who could have foreseen it ? im betting they will off him . Alternatively they can let Trump win, pull the plug on the economy /dollar, start WW3, and let loose their Antifa/illegal/muzzie foot soldiers.

They will burn down America just to rule over the ashes.

But why does it say RETAINER on the check? Was that a lie, false? Yes.

In pivotal Trump Tower meeting, Trump agreed to reimbursement scheme for hush money payment, Cohen says

Cohen testified that the plan to falsely record the reimbursement as legal bills was discussed in front of Trump.

Erica Orden

05/13/2024, 4:47PM ET

At the very end of today's proceedings, Michael Cohen offered perhaps the most critical testimony of the day — or even the entire trial.
Cohen said that during a meeting in Trump Tower in mid-January 2017, Trump participated in and approved a plan to reimburse Cohen for the hush money that Cohen had paid to Stormy Daniels on the eve of the 2016 election.

And, Cohen added, Trump was informed that the reimbursements would be recorded in his company's books as legal expenses.
The claim that Trump personally approved the reimbursement arrangement — and apparently agreed that it would be recorded as legal bills rather than as a reimbursement — is the strongest evidence that prosecutors have produced linking Trump to the allegedly falsified business documents that form the basis of the felony charges.

A few days before Trump left for the presidential inauguration, Cohen recalled, Cohen, Trump and Allen Weisselberg met in Trump’s office.

According to Cohen, Weisselberg described to Trump a plan to repay Cohen over 12 months, with payments that would cover the "grossed up" cost of the Daniels contract, a bonus for Cohen and a technology payment Cohen had made on behalf of Trump.

“Was this in Mr. Trump’s office with Mr. Trump?” prosecutor Susan Hoffinger asked.
“Yes,” Cohen replied.
Hoffinger asked if Weisselberg showed Trump a handwritten document laying out the repayment plan.
“Yes,” Cohen replied.
Hoffinger asked if Weisselberg said in front of Trump that the payments would be recorded as a retainer for legal services.
“Yes,” Cohen said.

Sorry Care, but there's no there there.

A lawyer getting an NDA is a legal expense.

Cohen said he paid for the NDA with his own money and billed Trump for it.

Michael Cohen Says He Borrowed Against His Home Equity to Pay Stormy Daniels’ Hush Money, As One Does

Trump paid the legal fee from his personal bank account.

There is no crime here.

There you go, right off with the ad hominem personal attacks--- always the sign of the intellectually disingenuous person! ISSUE ONE: Trump didn't bury anything. THE WHOLE POINT to settling out of court on ANY NDA is to save the cost of a court fight if the settlement can be made similar to the legal fees it would take to dispute it! IT DOES NOT MATTER THE REASON. And she accepted it, then violated the terms and went public anyway timed RIGHT BEFORE AN ELECTION for political motivations.
False. She did not go public before the election.
So his accountant recorded the payments back to the handling attorney as LEGAL FEES (which they were). You can dispute that however you want but it is legal semantics and no one ever gets prosecuted for so simple a thing, and it is a misdemeanor anyway, one whose statute of limitations had run out long ago and which numerous legal entities PASSED ON as being legally vacuous.

And these were in private business ledgers, the only reason why anyone even knows about it is because you went through Trump's business LOOKING FOR A CRIME TO CHARGE HIM WITH until you finally dug this bullshit up! Then manufactured a twisted legal theory never used before to elevate it to a FELONY (a harmless white collar one) so you could drag him through the courts hoping it would hurt his election. The very thing our democracy stands against.
NDAs and what is not being disclosed may be legal, but falsifying business records about paying the NDA is not.

They were not private business records. In NY State they are required state records, that are available for other entities to request...and available to the State. They knew what to look for and where to precisely look, because Cohen told them, in testimony.

It was never a misdemeanor for Trump, because another crime was involved .....according to NY State law. It's only a misdemeanor if no other crime or cover-up was committed.

Not true at all on being elevated to a felony...there are at least 10 cases elevated to a felony previously, with convictions, and they involved perps who falsified business records to cover up campaign finance and/or election laws broken.
So you developed the theory that he did it to "keep it from the voters." Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but Trump didn't choose the timing of her actions, SHE DID, MAKING it an election matter. But worse, Trump like most NDA cases such as Hollywood people assuredly also did it to keep the BS from hurting his marriage, and if there is any question that Trump did it for any other reason than helping his election, such as his marriage, then the charges are null and VOID. But the court kept that from the hearing.
NOT TRUE, FALSE! The court did not keep that from the people. It was proved the reason was for his campaign, due to the hot water he was for the Access Hollywood tape that had just dropped. This revelation on top of the Access Hollywood tape revelation would have done him in....thus the panic to cover it up at the last minute...
Then the prosecutor took ONE ACTION and shredded it into 34 different tiny actions to again try to hurt Trump and maximize the optics to the public, then they rigged the hearing so that Trump could not even appear in his defense and testify in court without opening him up to attacks and questions about EVERY OTHER LEGAL MATTER DOGGING HIM AS WELL.
There was 12 illegal actions, done 3 times each...bringing it to 36, but two of those actions were done by someone else signing the checks for two months, thus it reduced Trump's liability to 34 total.

They DID NOT RIG the trial so Trump could not testify :cuckoo: Any person who testifies under oath, even on their own behalf, is subject under the law, to counter questioning ....cross examination, by the opposition lawyers/prosecutors.

This is why Trump has never testified in any criminal trials against him, and never will do so. Testifying would open him up to cross examination and anything can be brought up. That is the way it works for every defendant and every witness.

Never mind the fact that public awareness of her accusations against him likely WOULD NOT have much affected his election, PLUS the fact that the DOJ DID THE VERY THING protecting Joe Biden's campaign by hiding Hunter's laptop story as just russian disinformation when they KNEW BETTER and surveys since then show that it DID GREATLY influence many voters who WOULD NOT have voted for pedo Joe HAD THEY KNOWN.
His campaign believed it would be the death of his candidacy, if the Stormy porn star affair while Melania was taking care if his newly born son, after the Access Hollywood Scandal had just broken. That's a fact.

The FORMER intelligence agents writing the letter were not government agents working for the DOJ. They had all left their internal government positions they had previously been hired or appointed for...

(And the DOJ was Trump's DOJ)

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