Progressive Propaganda: The Voter Fraud Edition

The Democratic Party will never willingly give up the only leverage they have for winning elections. They won't loosen that death grip on voter fraud, it'll have to be pried from their cold dead hands (so to speak).
Voter fraud is almost non-existent
yep, we already have immigration laws and no one is enforcing them and they attempted to pass another? Why does it bother you so much?
Well the laws and processes do exist, voter registration is in place and people must meet the various conditions in order to be able to vote. That's enforcement, try bypassing it and see for yourself.

If these laws were not enforced then MAGA would take full advantage of that and install lots of illegal voters, they don't because the laws are enforced.

Do you believe in flying saucers too?
Voter fraud is almost non-existent
At .006% no federal election has ever been changed by one of these illegal actions. If it was close , it would be scrutinized down to every dot and dash. Illegal voting has never changed the outcome of one federal election in the history of the country.
Well the laws and processes do exist, voter registration is in place and people must meet the various conditions in order to be able to vote. That's enforcement, try bypassing it and see for yourself.

If these laws were not enforced then MAGA would take full advantage of that and install lots of illegal voters, they don't because the laws are enforced.

Do you believe in flying saucers too?
you didn't answer my question and I know why.
At .006% no federal election has ever been changed by one of these illegal actions. If it was close , it would be scrutinized down to every dot and dash. Illegal voting has never changed the outcome of one federal election in the history of the country.
yeah six counties all demofk shut down and stopped counting and miraculously found 100% creepy ballots. yeah no, find another gig.
so why are you talking about it?
Because it represents MAGA cult lies, all these morons do is lie, lie about the 2020 election, lie about conspiracies, lie about lying.

I have never witnessed a more uneducated and unprincipled collective of people than the MAGA cult, the US is the laughing stock of the world because there's a real prospect the rapist, the insurrectionist, the fraudster, the biggest klutz in US political history might just get elected.

So that's why I am talking about it, its just another deranged lie made up to keep the loyal MAGA sycophants excited, who are basically the greatest threat the US has ever faced, far greater than Russia or China or any other place.
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"It looked very much like the one on the far left" - Stormy Daniels, October 2018.

I suspect most MAGA "men" have micropenis too and so they feel a sort of camaraderie toward Trump, they too are angry at the whole world.

Micropenis And Grabbers Association
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