Zone1 Is the future of the civil rights movement in question?

no. the racism is the hiring and such based on race that you people propound.

you people are the racial discriminators.
White is a race. And whites have beeen hired only because of race. That's why DEI was created, to stop whites from only hiring whites.
The Future of the civil Rights movement
is very cloudy indeed. As this country
slowly but surely bleeds out its caucasian populous in favor of the new and more dominant Latino gene pool....who will see to it that everyone is taught to hate and to fear?

When Cinco de Mayo overshadows
Martin Luther King Day as a heritage holiday will the guardians of all that is politically correct and politically proper be there to protect the past?

When little Juan comes home from school to ask his Pepito why the teacher wants him to accept that he is a racist because he's not as dark as his friend Jaquan what will Pepito say? He's only been in the country for 5 years and never went to school in Mehikko! He has no idea who Martin Luther King is or what the hell the civil rights movement was. His only childhood hero is Pancho Villa.

Think I'm joking here?

Cinco de Mayo isn't celebrated in Mexico. It is an American drinking day like St. Patrick's Day.
The Future of the civil Rights movement
is very cloudy indeed. As this country
slowly but surely bleeds out its caucasian populous in favor of the new and more dominant Latino gene pool....who will see to it that everyone is taught to hate and to fear?

When Cinco de Mayo overshadows
Martin Luther King Day as a heritage holiday will the guardians of all that is politically correct and politically proper be there to protect the past?

When little Juan comes home from school to ask his Pepito why the teacher wants him to accept that he is a racist because he's not as dark as his friend Jaquan what will Pepito say? He's only been in the country for 5 years and never went to school in Mehikko! He has no idea who Martin Luther King is or what the hell the civil rights movement was. His only childhood hero is Pancho Villa.

Think I'm joking here?

First off, Dr. King didn't ascend to power in a vacuum. He did so in a nation of abject racial oppression by the majority. So if you think he was sincere you're kidding yourself. He would not have been ALLOWED to wield such influence unless some powerful white supremacists secretly supported him.

Indeed all black Southern churches were originally founded by former slaveholders. This no matter what line of bull Dr. King spewed to con everybody, he represented the interests of slavery proponents. His quest for jobs doesn't necessarily detract from this overarching mission. Slavery is a job. Sharecropping was a job. The only distinguishing factor between slavery and freedom is the degree of financial mileage one may acquire THROUGH employment. For this reason, civil rights policies actually ripped black people off in terms of our overall financial profile. Long story short it depleted out major asset values, which offset and exceeded our gains in employment income. Consequently the wealth gap between blacks and whites hasn't narrowed since 1964. It has instead widened exponentially.

Most blacks are easy to take advantage of in this regard, because they inherited the shortcomings of their sharecropping ancestors. They believed the US propaganda insisting they were free and equal. Their math skills weren't sophisticated enough to deduce that they were actually being robbed at gunpoint. I had a few Chinese friends in college, and without hesitation they called the state of race relations "slavery". Period. Some people are more perceptive than others.
First off, Dr. King didn't ascend to power in a vacuum. He did so in a nation of abject racial oppression by the majority. So if you think he was sincere you're kidding yourself. He would not have been ALLOWED to wield such influence unless some powerful white supremacists secretly supported him.

Indeed all black Southern churches were originally founded by former slaveholders. This no matter what line of bull Dr. King spewed to con everybody, he represented the interests of slavery proponents. His quest for jobs doesn't necessarily detract from this overarching mission. Slavery is a job. Sharecropping was a job. The only distinguishing factor between slavery and freedom is the degree of financial mileage one may acquire THROUGH employment. For this reason, civil rights policies actually ripped black people off in terms of our overall financial profile. Long story short it depleted out major asset values, which offset and exceeded our gains in employment income. Consequently the wealth gap between blacks and whites hasn't narrowed since 1964. It has instead widened exponentially.

Most blacks are easy to take advantage of in this regard, because they inherited the shortcomings of their sharecropping ancestors. They believed the US propaganda insisting they were free and equal. Their math skills weren't sophisticated enough to deduce that they were actually being robbed at gunpoint. I had a few Chinese friends in college, and without hesitation they called the state of race relations "slavery". Period. Some people are more perceptive than others.
I meant footage and I blame autofill.
Additionally, Dr. King decreed that blacks' love for our oppressors should be primarily impersonal and "spiritual" in nature, as opposed to emotional or erotic. I'm mainly attracted to guys like my dad who is white, but I'm too phenotypically black to evade this little "civil rights" clause. Nor have I power to actively overcome adversity in this regard. This policy is inherently, egregiously violent. However it adversely affects such a miniscule percentage of the black population that America automatically assumed they could get away with it.

My great-great granduncle was Germany's preeminent national security expert. It only takes one of me to ensure that you won't get away with it.
First off, Dr. King didn't ascend to power in a vacuum. He did so in a nation of abject racial oppression by the majority. So if you think he was sincere you're kidding yourself. He would not have been ALLOWED to wield such influence unless some powerful white supremacists secretly supported him.

Indeed all black Southern churches were originally founded by former slaveholders. This no matter what line of bull Dr. King spewed to con everybody, he represented the interests of slavery proponents. His quest for jobs doesn't necessarily detract from this overarching mission. Slavery is a job. Sharecropping was a job. The only distinguishing factor between slavery and freedom is the degree of financial mileage one may acquire THROUGH employment. For this reason, civil rights policies actually ripped black people off in terms of our overall financial profile. Long story short it depleted out major asset values, which offset and exceeded our gains in employment income. Consequently the wealth gap between blacks and whites hasn't narrowed since 1964. It has instead widened exponentially.

Most blacks are easy to take advantage of in this regard, because they inherited the shortcomings of their sharecropping ancestors. They believed the US propaganda insisting they were free and equal. Their math skills weren't sophisticated enough to deduce that they were actually being robbed at gunpoint. I had a few Chinese friends in college, and without hesitation they called the state of race relations "slavery". Period. Some people are more perceptive than others.
This is bullshit.
Additionally, Dr. King decreed that blacks' love for our oppressors should be primarily impersonal and "spiritual" in nature, as opposed to emotional or erotic. I'm mainly attracted to guys like my dad who is white, but I'm too phenotypically black to evade this little "civil rights" clause. Nor have I power to actively overcome adversity in this regard. This policy is inherently, egregiously violent. However it adversely affects such a miniscule percentage of the black population that America automatically assumed they could get away with it.

My great-great granduncle was Germany's preeminent national security expert. It only takes one of me to ensure that you won't get away with it.
"Usually the black racist has been produced by the white racist. In most cases where you see it, it is the reaction to white racism, and if you analyze it closely, it's not really black racism... If we react to white racism with a violent reaction, to me that's not black racism. If you come to put a rope around my neck and I hang you for it, to me that's not racism. Yours is racism, but my reaction has nothing to do with racism..."
-- Malcolm X
Malcom X was an extremist posing as civil rights ambassador
Consequently the wealth gap between blacks and whites hasn't narrowed since 1964. It has instead widened exponentially.
THe whole society is bifurcating between haves and have nots, and it's from the globalist race to the bottom for working people, not racism.
El Movimiento

The Question should be,,,,Arent we worried about the ECONOMY ???? Fxck Civil Rixhts. When the economy goes tits up,,,,,the shooting starts. Stop worrying about stupid shyt like race, sex, gender bla bla bla and focus on the illegal wars, trade deficits, farming problems. The Feds keep the masses chasing these stupid things THAT HAVE NO SOLUTION in order to DISTRACT US FROM WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

Dont fall for more FBI brainwashing and hate mongering, remember, the Deep State needs people to be divided which is why they constantly STAGE HATE EVENTS like the fake Charlottesville and J6 sham.

where is ANTIFA, BLM , Idiots blocking highways ,,, Safe spaces, triggered ? Did they solve Police Brutality and solve Racism ???? NO but its a great way to tarnish political opponents of the Deep State and keep the masses distracted.

BTW,,,,Many Hispanics are Caucasian especially the ones with Spanish blood.
yes it was.

you're breaking it again so you can divide and conquer.
Oerhaps it was in the fantasy of the white racist, but racism has never stopped being a problem for non whites. This nation has never been united.
The Question should be,,,,Arent we worried about the ECONOMY ???? Fxck Civil Rixhts. When the economy goes tits up,,,,,the shooting starts. Stop worrying about stupid shyt like race, sex, gender bla bla bla and focus on the illegal wars, trade deficits, farming problems. The Feds keep the masses chasing these stupid things THAT HAVE NO SOLUTION in order to DISTRACT US FROM WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

Dont fall for more FBI brainwashing and hate mongering, remember, the Deep State needs people to be divided which is why they constantly STAGE HATE EVENTS like the fake Charlottesville and J6 sham.

where is ANTIFA, BLM , Idiots blocking highways ,,, Safe spaces, triggered ? Did they solve Police Brutality and solve Racism ???? NO but its a great way to tarnish political opponents of the Deep State and keep the masses distracted.

BTW,,,,Many Hispanics are Caucasian especially the ones with Spanish blood.
Why do you think of this only in big event terms? The shit goes on every day. Police brutality has not stopped. None of the stuff you pointout was fake.

There is no deep state.

Many hispanics are also black.

The second key maneuver, which flowed naturally from the first, was to redefine racism itself. Confronted with civil rights headlines depicting unflattering portrayals of KKK rallies and jackbooted sheriffs, white authority transformed those damning images of white supremacy into the sole definition of racism. This simple but wickedly brilliant conceptual and linguistic shift served multiple purposes. First and foremost, it was conscience soothing. The whittling down of racism to sheet-wearing goons allowed a cloud of racial innocence to cover many whites who, although 'resentful of black progress' and determined to ensure that racial inequality remained untouched, could see and project themselves as the 'kind of upstanding white citizen(s)' who were 'positively outraged at the tactics of the Ku Klux Klan". The focus on the Klan also helped to designate racism as an individual aberration rather than something systemic, institutional and pervasive.”
Carol Anderson, White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide

When we talk about racism today,not about a Klan rally. It happens in the courts, the legislatures, city councils, and school boards. It’s about the passing of laws and policies.
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THe whole society is bifurcating between haves and have nots, and it's from the globalist race to the bottom for working people, not racism.
Wrong. Racism is part of all that. But you're white and racist, so racism doesn't exist for you.

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