Zone1 Is the future of the civil rights movement in question?

no. the racism is the hiring and such based on race that you people propound.

you people are the racial discriminators.
White is a race. And whites have beeen hired only because of race. That's why DEI was created, to stop whites from only hiring whites.
The Future of the civil Rights movement
is very cloudy indeed. As this country
slowly but surely bleeds out its caucasian populous in favor of the new and more dominant Latino gene pool....who will see to it that everyone is taught to hate and to fear?

When Cinco de Mayo overshadows
Martin Luther King Day as a heritage holiday will the guardians of all that is politically correct and politically proper be there to protect the past?

When little Juan comes home from school to ask his Pepito why the teacher wants him to accept that he is a racist because he's not as dark as his friend Jaquan what will Pepito say? He's only been in the country for 5 years and never went to school in Mehikko! He has no idea who Martin Luther King is or what the hell the civil rights movement was. His only childhood hero is Pancho Villa.

Think I'm joking here?

Cinco de Mayo isn't celebrated in Mexico. It is an American drinking day like St. Patrick's Day.

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