It's Time Republicans Stopped Trying to Lie To Blacks

We have reached the time where white republicans do the every 4 year ritual to try fooling enough blacks into voting for white supremacy. The plantation is Republican. There is not one white democrat here telling me how I should vote. Only Republicans are doing that.
“The reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because some Black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf.”

"Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids"

“Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
It's just like the one they use about Biden. But the thing is, that blacks didn't give a damn what Johnson said just as long as he signed the civil rights and voting rights act.

LOL, so you all good with racists as long as they throw you a few scraps from time to time...
You were clear enough. I said Republicans and that means all of you
Except that I’m NOT a Republican. Even their Conservative members are far too Liberal for my tastes. I’m a Traditionalist Authoritarian Conservative… the real worst nightmare for black culture.
The article is about a black man who saw what the Republican party was doing. If he was aLive today, most ertainly he woud not support Trump. And the lies you guys tell each other about what Democrats are doing is just shameful.
Shameful is trying to tell others what a dead man thinks
LOL, so you all good with racists as long as they throw you a few scraps from time to time...
A few scraps? Civil rights, voting rights, equal opportunity?
You know it's an election year and the Dem candidate is shit when race threads are 10x normal.
Yep, you know its an election year when Republicans try teling blacks how the majority of blackas are going to vote for the republican candidate for president or are joining the republican party.
Except that I’m NOT a Republican. Even their Conservative members are far too Liberal for my tastes. I’m a Traditionalist Authoritarian Conservative… the real worst nightmare for black culture.
And like I said, you are the type that preaches personal responsibility but takes none yourself. You are the problem in the white culture.
Cool, so you can stop complaining about all these things now.
No, because whites like you still don't respect the laws that were made. Get off your ass and work to end white racism.
It's time to shut this mess down. Far too many white right wingers want to tell us blacks about how we are somehow stupid or being used by whites because we are Democrats. Well, here is an articLe from a black Republican that existed during the Civil Rights Movement, Edward Brooke of Massachusetts

"You can't say the Negro left the Republican Party; the Negro feels he was evicted from the Republican Party."-Edward Brooke

Edward Brooke and the Republican Party That Might Have Been

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The late senator, who was once considered a vice presidential prospect, tried to prevent the GOP’s lurch to the right.

The passing of former Massachusetts Senator Edward Brooke III, at age 95, gave obituary writers and political commentators a rare opportunity—perhaps one of the last—to put together the words “liberal Republican.” Brooke, who served as attorney general of Massachusetts before becoming the first African-American elected to the US Senate by a popular vote, was an epic figure in the politics of the 1960s and 1970s. With his ardent support for civil rights, faith in the ability of an active and engaged government to address economic and social challenges, and deep skepticism about the Vietnam War, he took the lead in a liberal Republican vanguard that included New York Mayor John Lindsay, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, New York Senator Jacob Javits, Michigan Governor George Romney, Maryland Senator Charles “Mac” Mathias, Michigan Congressman Don Riegle Jr., Oregon Senator Mark Hatfield, New Jersey Senator Clifford Case, New Jersey Congresswoman Millicent Fenwick, California Congressman Pete McCloskey and a young Ripon Society activist, Wisconsin legislator and future congressman named Tom Petri.

The list of liberal—or at least liberal-leaning “moderates”—in the Republican Party was once long and diverse. But as the party has veered further and further to the right, even politically engaged Americans have begun to forgot how influential those liberals were, and how close some of them came to changing their direction of their party and the course of history.

The late Republican Senator Brooke had a sence of personal honor and personal integrity, which the current ReNaziKlans never had and do not want.

He put his country ahead of his party. Again something the ReNaziKlan never do.

He worked with Democrats for the good of country, the current ReNaziKlans refuse to do. They are do nothing party.
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These Republicans just can't understand that blacks know the deal about them.
No, because Repuublicans [sic] don't GAD about blacks. It's about policy. When Republicans start proposing policies that deal with things blacks face, then perhaps more blacks would consider the move.

Anyone worthy of public office should be concerned with policies that favor AMERICANS. You seem fixated on the idea of policies based on race. What's the word for that?
And like I said, you are the type that preaches personal responsibility but takes none yourself. You are the problem in the white culture
And what, pray tell am I not taking responsibility for? I work. I pay my own bills. I don’t ask for help from anyone.
When will Democrats?
How about you stop with this narrative? Republicans oppose almost everything thats included in the Civil Rights Act. The majority of Asians are democrats, 60-70 percent of Hispanics are, the majority of Native Americans are, yet all I see in here us how blacks are the ones on a plantation and it is you republicans making these kinds of racist statements.

So don't ask me stupid questions because Democrats haven't lied to blacks. I've seen how things happen in city halls. I've seen how Republican majorities in statehouses stifle democratic initiatives. And when Republicans have done in congress to stop things that were vital to blacks has been consistent. The problem is whites who remain racist and refuse to follow the laws. There are still millions who do that while they come into places like this talking abut how blacks don't want to work. Blacks don't practice Gaman, and maybe Asians need to stop doing it too relative to racism. That's why white racists love you, because you shut up and take it.

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