It's Time Republicans Stopped Trying to Lie To Blacks

It's just like the one they use about Biden. But the thing is, that blacks didn't give a damn what Johnson said just as long as he signed the civil rights and voting rights act.

Slowly more blacks are waking to see that the dems look down upon them and use them and have been doing so for over a century. They know they can count on shallow superficial people like you to spread their message.
Slowly more blacks are waking to see that the dems look down upon them and use them and have been doing so for over a century. They know they can count on shallow superficial people like you to spread their message.
In 1924, a century ago, we were Republicans. So stop being white and lying about the Republican party and blacks.
Oh he used it all time. Probably because the word was more acceptable then but he was racist.

So was Lincoln and every Republican president after Lincoln up to 1960, then every one (with the maybe the exception being GW Bush) after Johnson left office.
Oh he used it all time. Probably because the word was more acceptable then but he was racist.

I am not questioning that LBJ used the dreaded N Word
Having grown up in West Texas and dealing with racist southern politicians it was part of his vernacular.
Using the N Word in 1965 was no big deal. I heard it regularly on TV

What I think is stupid is LBJ claiming he now had the negro vote forever
LBJ claimed that Civil Rights would cost Dems the South for good and it did.
As for the black vote, Blacks were voting Dem since FDR

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