The Difference between the Democrats and Republicans

Wrong? Joe Biden proved that we on the right were correct! You have LOST, period, end of story. Trump can get convicted of pulling a tab off of a mattress, and fewer than 30% of the population is going to believe it.


Because your side got caught totally! Live with it, and cya, wouldn't want to be ya.
I don't have a horse in this race. But you definitely sound like you are in a CULT. So, what happens if magaturds crash and burn? Another J6 perhaps?
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For christ sakes, Trump said that democrats support abortion after the child is born. Let me repeat: TRUMP SAID DEMOCRATS SUPPORT ABORTION AFTER THE CHILD IS BORN! C'mon, lets get real. The only gaslighting is coming from your side.

LOL, what did the Democratic governor say before he lost? Tell the people IM-) I am NOT making this up.
Wrong? Joe Biden proved that we on the right were correct! You have LOST, period, end of story. Trump can get convicted of pulling a tab off of a mattress, and fewer than 30% of the population is going to believe it.


Because your side got caught totally! Live with it, and cya, wouldn't want to be ya.
Nopbody has lost because the election is in November. Trump will be sentenced in July. He has to speak at the convention after conviction. He will talk crazy but that is fine with you. Biden will crush that speech, then they have another debate in September anddon't exect Biden to fall down at that one.
Trump is under more pressue. Its really time people started looking at what actually is gingon inisteadof whatthey want to go on. Biden is physically and mentally better off than trunmp. Kamala Harris is more than able. Maybe start listening to her entire speeches instead of edited tweets showing her laughing.

People have made Bidens age an issue from the start while downplaying Trumps. Trump has consistently rambled incoherently in all of his ralies but that gets played off as trump being trump. Every excuse has been made for him. He didn't answer one question duriing the debate while Biden answered al of them, even as he strugged to do so, but we aret aking about him instead of the delusional one to his left that was taking crazy.

For christ sakes, Trump said that democrats support abortion after the child is born and no one questioned that. C'mon, lets get real. But at least you're talking about both of them being old so you are being fair.
i have known about harris longer than most on this board......she aint that sharp....but i will tell you what,i would accept her taking over if joe cant do it,she will either sink or swim like the rest of good thing about that is she would get there before hillary....
Nopbody has lost because the election is in November. Trump will be sentenced in July. He has to speak at the convention after conviction. He will talk crazy but that is fine with you. Biden will crush that speech, then they have another debate in September anddon't exect Biden to fall down at that one.

Hehehehehehehe, guess what--------------->it is already OVER. Keep hoping your guys DOJ can take him out; which is exactly what we keep saying your side is trying to do, lol. Your words just prove our point.

By the way, is that all you got to lean back on the government to get your way? Of course it is! When shown for what you people actually are, NOBODY is going to vote for you, so you have to use other means, you phony-baloney!
LOL, what did the Democratic governor say before he lost? Tell the people IM-) I am NOT making this up.
The democrat governor? Sorry, but,


Show me where BIDEN has said that. I don't give a fuck what a former governor supposedly said years ago.
Hehehehehehehe, guess what--------------->it is already OVER. Keep hoping your guys DOJ can take him out; which is exactly what we keep saying your side is trying to do, lol. Your words just prove our point.

By the way, is that all you got to lean back on the government to get your way? Of course it is! When shown for what you people actually are, NOBODY is going to vote for you, so you have to use other means, you phony-baloney!
Nothing is over, but keep wishing.
The democrat governor? Sorry, but,


Show me where BIDEN has said that. I don't give a fuck what a former governor supposedly said years ago.
Why not, it is your party, along with the fact your people supported him for re-election.

If I support you...........which I do not...........then people can surmise that I believe all white people are racist-) After all, that is your shtick, isn't it-)

YOU sir/Ma/am, are a PHONY, and have absolutely zero clue about politics. You believe I suppose, you can get by playing the race card to make anything you say relevant.

Just like Joe and Jill, you are SCREWED! Enjoy the next few months, because you will not see this again politically for YEARS-)
We have not seen the right wing media or the MSM ask for Trump to step down after 91 indictments and 34 convictions. In fact when states tried to take Trump off the rolls for his part in inciting an insurrection, the right wing and their media raised hell about how he should not be removed. The MSM editorial boards said nothing.

But democrats, continuing to fall for a right wing generated meme, are calling for Biden to step down after a poor debate performance. We are now supposed to be more concerned about whether Joe Biden can serve 4 more years than we are for the possibiity that a motherfucking convicted criminal could possibly be given the responsiblity to enforce the laws of this nation. Just how stupid are we here in America?

Democrats: Stop Panicking​

June 29, 2024, 7:00 a.m. ET

As a former Republican who spent decades pointing out flaws in the Democratic Party, I watch the current Democratic panic over President Biden’s debate performance with a mix of bafflement and nostalgia.

It’s baffling that so many Democrats are failing to rally around a wildly successful president after one bad night. But it does remind me of why Republicans defeated Democrats in so many races Republicans should have lost.

A bad night for Mr. Biden doesn’t change the fact that Mr. Trump opposes any mandatory vaccines for public school students. Do Americans really want to live through more polio, measles and whooping cough epidemics?

It’s easy to be for your guy on good nights, but it doesn’t mean much. The test is on bad nights.

Gov. Gavin Newsom of California showed Democrats how to fight after the debate: “You don’t turn your back because of one performance. What kind of party does that?”

Unfortunately, for the moment, it’s much of the Democratic Party establishment. Many of the same people wrote off Mr. Biden in the 2020 Democratic primaries after he was crushed in Iowa and New Hampshire. Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina refused to panic, stuck by Mr. Biden and helped save the campaign. Let his courage and steadiness be a model. My one plea to my new friends abandoning Mr. Biden is simple: Suck it up and fight. It’s not supposed to be easy.

Yall didn’t think Mandela should be president either. We see a senile man propped up by your demafasict party, who’s only hope of maintaining power is to persecute his political rivals.

That’s the difference between the gop and your leftist cult
Brandon looked weak AF and I barely understood him for 90 minutes. The orange bag O' shit was loud AF and doubled down on his lies for 90 minutes.

There is little sense to continually battle these filthy Anti-American deep state posters. None ever wise up. You just feel sick and dirty to be around them even via electron travel seems too close. These boards here have a particularly disgusting breed like stumbler, creepy, manmonth, pornlady etc. I don’t ignore any but I see my posts dropping to almost zero. It’s not worth it. I actually had some hope a few could be salvaged but I was wrong.//
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There is little sense to continually battle these filthy Anti-American deep state posters. None ever wise up. You just feel sick and dirty to be around them even via electron travel seems too close. These boards here have a particularly disgusting breed like stumbler, creepy, manmonth, pornlady etc. I don’t ignore any but I see my posts dropping to almost zero. It’s not worth it. I actually had some hope a few could be salvaged but I was wrong.//
You got that right.

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