I Still Haven't Figured Out Why The Left Was So Surprised

You turn to break out the kneepads for Putin. Your skills are needed.
And Biden is much sharper than Trump. Or you. Or any Trump cultists here. Sweet Jeebus, are you some hopeless cult imbeciles.
See you in November, losers.
Biden is a senile moron. That was proven in the "debate" dumbass. Good luck at the next debate...

You turn to break out the kneepads for Putin. Your skills are needed.

And Biden is much sharper than Trump. Or you. Or any Trump cultists here. Sweet Jeebus, are you some hopeless cult imbeciles.

See you in November, losers.

You crack me up!! 😂
I think it was on the five on fox weekdays that was explained by Greg Gutfield. For three years the White House and the Lame Stream Media has been pushing that Hoe Bribem, had been a strong leader, behind closed doors and what we have seen of Hoe, had been Fakery. Then when Hoe was standing there on CNN(communists news network) the Lame Stream Media could no longer hide the fact that Hoe was a mentally defective old guy who was too incompetent to stand trial. Hoe proved it for 90 minutes....

Saw someone quote Paul Krugman from six months ago saying that Biden was alert and right on point. He'd seen it in person.

The morning after the massacre, he calls for Biden to step down.

Krugman just outed himself as a huge liar.
Says a very senile person.
I've never seen a Biden critic who wasn't very addled mentally. It goes with the territory.
It's often lead-brain. They ate too much wall candy as children, huffed to much lead gasoline exhaust.
Watch the debate again dumbass.
I'm glad there are still Biden supporters, we want him on your ticket in November, and in the next debate.
Because when Trump surrenders, there's no need to invade.

Your boi is a cheese-eating surrender monkey. Not just to Russia, but to China, NK, and every tyrant nation.

And your boi is a lying asswipe who could care less about America. Everyone calls him an "honorable" man.

Garbage. This guy has been wasting out time for 30 years trying to justify his life by being president.

Now, he's going down as the worst ever.
Yeah...that felony conviction worked out real well for you.

You idiots made Trump a martyr. We tried to tell you, but noooooooooooooooo.

It's not even a factor anymore as Biden's dirty diaper is now front and center.
That debate was so bad that all Americans, even with their blinders on, were finally forced to actually see the TRUTH. Many smart voters sought out the footage and facts that proved Joe's "problems" years ago. Many did not... and believed the MSM lies (sharp as a tack).....Those Biden supporters must now admit that they were lied to (about Joes senility) and must come to grips with their vote for Biden, that has America without a leader. And reflect on all the bad things that have happened after they cast a vote for Biden. Heck Trump would have been better than Biden AND been out of the picture in five months.....?????
We know why you hate him.

You hate everything good and decent.

Biden has been a good and honorable man his whole life, so you hate him with a white-hot fire.

And we know you are stupid. You can't find your way out of your mother's basement.

Biden was porking Jill before his wife was killed and Hunter has taken on his same "honorable" tactics.
Yeah...that felony conviction worked out real well for you.
Biden is winning,. dumbass.

You idiots made Trump a martyr. We tried to tell you, but noooooooooooooooo.
You spent over a year getting every single thing wrong about that, and you're still doing it. Your record of humiliating failure is still perfect and unblemished.

It's not even a factor anymore as Biden's dirty diaper is now front and center.
I can see how triggered you are over voters not caring about how butthurt you are.


See you in November, loser. We'll savor your sore-loser liar tears.
With Joe Biden's incompetence during the debate on Thursday night. They're all acting like it's something that they've never seen before and finally hit the panic button. Have they finally just had a MAJOR wake up call? Or is something else entirely different going on here? 🤔

I think a lot of people thought Biden might be able to get through the debates. Just because that's what they want.

On the other hand are the right surprised that Trump lied so much? No, they don't care.

This is not about reality, this is about winning, both sides only care about that, and the US is suffering from this lack of reality in politics.

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