Biden Proposing 5% Cap on Housing Rents

Otherwise, you would literally have real estate people buying up all the homes and then charging 50 times what the actual price should be.
There is a solution--buy your own home and don't pay rent. The landlords have no control over renters that trash their properties and create unnecessary expenses that have to be spread out among all renters. I had a good friend who rented out a modest home to one such lowlife. After an extended eviction process for non-payment of rent, the home was left in an atrocious state. Fifty thousand dollars in repairs later and six months with no rent, my friend was able to rent it out again. You and protectionist should avail yourself to the old movie, Pacific Heights with Michael Keaton, Melanie Griffith and Matthew Modine. It is very insightful to this problem and a major reason why rents are so high.
Slippery slope, dude. That's how you end up with a totalitarian state. First it's housing and real estate, then it's energy, then it's education, then it's everything else. The more power you cede to the gov't, the less freedom and liberty you have. And you should understand that the good ole days of the 1950s are gone for good. And they ain't coming back, what worked then won't work now.
I’m all for common sense. And we have to have authority. For example, you have to have police officers. We need to have jails for hard-core criminals. And we can bring back the spirit of the 1950s. We just have to have better leaders. But we have a bunch of feminized, white men in positions of who already have a lot of money and they don’t care about ruining the lives of working class young white men in this country. And making things difficult for elderly senior citizens.

It’s all about common sense. Don’t let the government intruding into our private lives, obviously. We should be allowed to carry a gun. But there has to be a check by an authority figure on real estate criminals. For example, in this country and in this world, there are enough people who if they could, they would buy up all the homes and charge 50 times what the price should be.
There is a solution--buy your own home and don't pay rent. The landlords have no control over renters that trash their properties and create unnecessary expenses that have to be spread out among all renters. I had a good friend who rented out a modest home to one such lowlife. After an extended eviction process for non-payment of rent, the home was left in an atrocious state. Fifty thousand dollars in repairs later and six months with no rent, my friend was able to rent it out again. You and protectionist should avail yourself to the old movie, Pacific Heights with Michael Keaton, Melanie Griffith and Matthew Modine. It is very insightful to this problem and a major reason why rents are so high.
That’s what worked for many decades in America. The problem now more than ever even more so compared to 10 years ago is the astronomical price of a home coupled with the interest rates on loans tripling under Joe Biden.

If it’s not a cap, we need to bring back the American middle-class and get better jobs in this country like we used to have throughout much of the 20th century
That’s what worked for many decades in America. The problem now more than ever even more so compared to 10 years ago is the astronomical price of a home coupled with the interest rates on loans tripling under Joe Biden.

If it’s not a cap, we need to bring back the American middle-class and get better jobs in this country like we used to have throughout much of the 20th century
The answer is simple if you take it logically. Don't vote democrat.
Yeah ?... and what about those prices ?You think that's what makes a 1 bedrm apartment go from $600/month to $1600 in 2 years ?

If so, somebody wants to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.
Seriously, you haven't noticed that the price of EVERYTHING has shot up in a hurry? Take a look around that apartment and calculate the costs the landlord has to pay. Look up the rates for utilities, the costs of insurance policies, the costs not only of the appliances he has to buy but the costs of transporting them, the taxes he has to pay on real estate. Look up what he has to pay to get that plumber out to your apartment at 3:00 in the morning so he doesn't end up with extensive water damage everywhere and the electrician to fix the outlet before it burns the place down. See, I don't believe you're honest enough to take the hard look at all that. All you see is the end bill you have to pay, and you don't like it. If you think you could own and rent out a comparable place for $600/month, why don't you try?

Edit to add: While you're doing your homework, also check into the relative availability of housing vs the number of housing seekers. Check the population numbers as we've had to absorb millions of illegal aliens also vying for cheap apartments.
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The answer is simple if you take it logically. Don't vote democrat.
Too late.We've already had 3.5 years of train wreck Joe Biden, and the worst inflation (especially housing) that anyone has ever seen. Even if every person in America voted for Trump, and the whole congress became 100% Republican, are the already astronomical housing rents going to be reduced ?

Name me one landlord or apartment building that is going to do that. The damage Biden has dumped on us, can't be left alone. It will need to be reversed, before any more renters are evicted, or any more businesses close down.
I’m all for common sense. And we have to have authority. For example, you have to have police officers. We need to have jails for hard-core criminals. And we can bring back the spirit of the 1950s. We just have to have better leaders. But we have a bunch of feminized, white men in positions of who already have a lot of money and they don’t care about ruining the lives of working class young white men in this country. And making things difficult for elderly senior citizens.

It’s all about common sense. Don’t let the government intruding into our private lives, obviously. We should be allowed to carry a gun. But there has to be a check by an authority figure on real estate criminals. For example, in this country and in this world, there are enough people who if they could, they would buy up all the homes and charge 50 times what the price should be.

OK. Are you talking about a federal law? Do you want the Feds to determine who the new rent controls law applies to and who it doesn't? Or is that best left to the state and local people to decide for themselves? Common sense to me would be to let the applicable cities and states to come up with solutions to their housing/rent problems, and for them to monitor and adjust as needed. If they want to cap rent increases to match an inflation index, with violators getting punished and/or sued, so be it. But I will also say this: in a free market society, the answer to high rent is more available housing and if you apply rent controls you generally get less new housing. Maybe it can be tailored to a particular locale, but anytime the gov't steps in at any level you will have consequences. Usually not good ones over the long-term IMHO, you might be helping the situation in the short term but creating a bigger problem in the long run.
Ah, dumb ass Democrats letting deadbeat renters and squatters seize properties while it takes 2 years to get them evicted. Who do you think pays for that? Yep the other renters.
There have been 3 evictions in my building since I moved in here Jan 2022. All took less than 3 months.

As for the Democrats, how they manage to ge elected, I'll never understand.
astronomical housing rents going to be reduced ?
Answer your own question--have the astronomical rents of the 1970s gone down? Have the astronomical costs of fuel and energy gone down? Has the astronomical minimum wage gone down? Have the astronomical prices of bldg materials gone down? Have renters become more responsible in the care of the landlord's properties? You're in a situation that you have total control over without attacking someone that is running a business exactly like you claim your advocating for.
Seriously, you haven't noticed that the price of EVERYTHING has shot up in a hurry? Take a look around that apartment and calculate the costs the landlord has to pay. Look up the rates for utilities, the costs of insurance policies, the costs not only of the appliances he has to buy but the costs of transporting them, the taxes he has to pay on real estate. Look up what he has to pay to get that plumber out to your apartment at 3:00 in the morning so he doesn't end up with extensive water damage everywhere and the electrician to fix the outlet before it burns the place down. See, I don't believe you're honest enough to take the hard look at all that. All you see is the end bill you have to pay, and you don't like it. If you think you could own and rent out a comparable place for $600/month, why don't you try?
I don't care what you look at, and if you rant about the poor little landlord's expenses, all day long. There is no way in hell that (inflation or no inflation) there is a need for rents to be raised 100-200%, in many cases, over $1000/month in a single rent increase.

You're insulting the intelligences of the forum community.
I don't care what you look at, and if you rant about the poor little landlord's expenses, all day long. There is no way in hell that (inflation or no inflation) there is a need for rents to be raised 100-200%, in many cases, over $1000/month in a single rent increase.

You're insulting the intelligences of the forum community.
Economics is not your strong suit clearly. Go look into the housing shortage, the massive cost increase on new housing due to government taxes, fees and insane regulations. Then you will understand why the cost of housing has skyrocketed. Or choose to remain ignorant and spew retarded nonsense over and over again.
God are you still whining and crying about landlords jacking up rent for no reason whatsoever? Join us here in the real world where cause and effects are science.
I'm in the real world. So are millions of renters who have had to move (a tiring & expensive task) multiple times, including me.

So are the owners of Sam Ash Music, who lost their business, after being profitable for 100 years, and they are far from the only ones.

There's your REAL WORLD. :doubt:

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